Sunday, July 7, 2013

Aisle 999: pop-up shop

Welcome to Aisle 999 -- my pop-up shop on Etsy. My shop will open periodically throughout the year, for limited amounts of time. Look for curated themes, art objects, vintage finds, one-of-a-kind items, and some surprises.

Want traditional items? Head to Aisle 3. Want something different? Head to Aisle 999.


What:  4 x 4 x 44. Look for original art, 4 x 4 inches, at a cost of $44 each.

When: The pop-up is open 24/7 for one week. Doors shut end of day on Saturday, July 13th.

Where: Aisle 999

Sold. Thank You.

Sold. Thank You.

Sold. Thank You.


Jo Murray said...

Clever idea Seth...good luck.

Nan G said...

Very clever idea. All the best. Nan

Brian Kasstle said...

What a marvelous idea! Good luck Mr. Shopkeep!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the idea of Pop Up's popping UP all over the place!!!

trish quilty said...

What a GREAT idea Seth and my curiosity is now answered. Yay!

Parabolic Muse said...

Everything there is just gorgeous. Wouldn't it be cool to have a mosaic of it all over the wall?