Saturday, February 28, 2009


Text Tiles series...continued.

Ingredients: watercolor paper, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, calligraphy ink, walnut ink, marker, dry transfer, rubon letters. approximately 4 1/4" x 3 1/2". click to enlarge.

Available for purchase in The Altered Page on Etsy.

Sold. Thank you!


Jen Crossley said...

Oh Seth this is just stunning It really is,how your work always inspires me

p said...

i like how cryptic the last photo is...feels very archeological.

notmassproduced said...

nice graphic grunginess going on here

Joy Logan said...

What a fun name you came up with Seth!

3rdEyeMuse said...

I soooooo wish I had my very own money tree!

I keep thinking that each series is going to be the last that I truly adore and EVERY time you prove me wrong. Too cool.

Supria Karmakar said...

I love this piece...thanks for sharing

Lynn Cohen said...

Continued admiration from me.

Jill Zaheer said...

Another great Text Tile to share with us. Colors, textures, design, letters and words- all definitely worth the Waiting!

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

OOOH, this is yummy! Thanks for sharing - I think I need to get out my watercolor paper and inks and play...Thanks for the inspiration. Cindy

Chris said...

these are so cool, Seth. These are amazing. How can we resist them?!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Once again Seth you have once again set the bar for exploration and discovery and for some odd reason I have been collecting all sorts of letters and words for the last six months. WoooHooo! Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Anonymous said...

I'm totally taken with this colorway.
What I REALLY want to know is the meaning behind the cryptic wording. You can tell me over coffee.

John M. Mora said...

I like this very much - you have a distinctive style and vision. Bst regards - btw we wexpect mucho snow for tomorrow...hoping for a snow day!

Anonymous said...

Text Tiles, very good.

lynne h said...

love LOVE these colors, seth. and everything else... : )

Anonymous said...

You know, these are a kind of poetry, but not the concrete variety.

Unknown said...

There's such a cool combination of " all grown up" and "childhood" here. Maybe it's the A B C ..... but there's more to it than just that .......

~Babs said...

Love your text tiles!
I discovered your blog through Katie Jane, and will be returning for more.

Karin Bartimole said...

This new series is interesting. I really love the colors you've used in this one. There's something pictographic about them for me, which is odd since the focus is on text! but that's what comes for me, so I thought I'd share :)

Jazz said...

Your text tiles are beautiful. As usual...

Leslie Avon Miller said...


Gwen Buchanan said...

Gee, I like these, Seth... I wish I did them...

mary said...

This is amazing-at first when I read "text ties" and glanced at the images I thought they were on actual rough clay tiles...the texture is incredible.

Unknown said...

These are really nice!