Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holy Hands, Batman


Goddess of the Soul

Available for purchase in The Altered Page on Etsy.

Sold. Thank you!


Kathryn Dyche said...

Love this piece, one of my favorites.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

The post title drew me in...hook, line and Bat-Sinker!
Love the piece.... ;)


Anonymous said...

I always wonder where you find these awesome rusty objects to become part of your beautiful raw creations...or whether you have a 'rusting' process of your own invention? I just went on a 'rust walk' with a friend by LAX airport...some amazing finds. Cannot wait to 'do something' with them.

Anonymous said...

boy, you have to be fast to grab a hand here...


Debrina said...

Goodness, that went fast...was it a hand out?
I drove past a scrapyard the other day that I didn't even know existed, it was called the rusty nail. I forgot about it again until now...loving the rustyness...makes me want to spend an afternoon at teh rusty nail now!

Lynn Cohen said...

Your art sells faster than you can post it! Happy for you.
And such wonderful stuff is why!

Lisa said...

Not a hand out Deb...but a hands-down choice!

jillz said...

Another wonderful hand piece to be owned, appreciated and treasured by someone. Love its title as well!

Meri said...

I love this! Someone certainly scored. (Found you because you honored several of my blog buddies.)

~*~Patty S said...

another fabulous piece!!!

juliaD said...

Great art!...Love seeing your work...Merry Christmas!.... xx..julia