Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Go to the Gym

I am all about the collaboration. But for the first time since 2008, I am collaboration-free. Toward the end of last year I completed my last ongoing collaborative project and decided to take time off so that I could focus on my book. My hiatus will be far from permanent however, as I plan to begin several new collaborations later in 2012 - including one that I have been thinking about for many years.

In the mean time, my older collaborations continue to be the gifts that keep on giving. This past September my project with Bridgette Guerzon Mills and Jen Worden was exhibited at the Logan Square Art Center in Chicago. My collaboration with Sarah Whitmire is being featured in the current issue of Somerset Studio. A collaborative project that I completed with Jill Zaheer, and which has never been posted, will also soon be published. More details on that later this year.

And it thrills me to be able to announce that two of my collaborative projects will be featured in Collaborations, an exhibition at the Brooklyn Artists Gym opening on January 28. That show will feature:

Winds of Change, my project with Roxanne Evans Stout...

and Self Contained, my collaboration with Vivian Bonder and Stephanie McAtee.... 

An opening reception for the show will be held on Saturday, January 28 from 6-9pm. The exhibition runs through February 6. Brooklyn Artists Gym is located on 168 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor in Brooklyn NY. Call 718-858-9069 for more information. Hope to see you locals there!


donna joy said...

I hope you'll post photos for those of us who don't live near-by and won't get to see these exhibits. They sound wonderful~

Lost Aussie said...

Hey that looks very cool. Will have to try and catch it for sure.

eb said...

yay Seth!
and these images are so potent
I on the other hand
am starting to crave
a little collaboration

silk, rust, oddments
and stripeys of course...

xox - eb.

Anonymous said...

Like eb said...Yay Seth!! and with donnaj...I hope you post photos as well!!!

Congrats my friend....so very cool!!!

Margaret said...

Oh well done you, I'd be there if I could! totally fab to see your work together like that. Mx

bohemiannie! art said...

You GO Seth! Have fun with your book tour and workshop!

Jill Zaheer said...

Seth, you are definitely "The Man" for collaborations- and spectacular they all are. Guess that's why you have THE PUSLE of MIXED MEDIA soon to be released! It was pure joy working with you on our collab and can't wait for us to post about it later this year!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Congratulations Seth. You are one busy artist!

Laura Tringali Holmes said...

Out of town the 28th...yet again I miss an opportunity to meet and greet. But I understand you are teaching at Art Is You this year--very cool!

Unknown said...

Congrats on all of your collaborative
The art gym sounds great & the only kind I'd get excited about!

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

Congratulations Seth! Wish I could attend!

Anonymous said...

How exciting Seth!!

what a fabulous place the Brooklyn Artists Gym is...

so much wonderful stuff going on..gonna be a great year!

.Trudi Sissons said...

As always Seth your art work is a feast for my eyes. Hope you enjoy some solitary time chalked full of new inspiration.

vivian said...

ah yeayeah! wish i could be there seth :)

Kristy C said...

looks so good-wish I could go!