Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tell All - Chapter 11

Welcome to the 5th edition of The Pulse -- The State of the Art -- a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community. The Pulse is a collaborative project that aims to introduce you to new artists, help you get to know familiar faces even more, and allow you access into the creative hearts and minds of a very talented crew of individuals. More than 130 artists have answered a series of questions which make up The Pulse. Their responses will be presented in a series of online posts which will run every Sunday.

Style File, Techniques & Tools, Master Class, It's Still Life, and Playing Favorites were the first five projects posted and links to all these posts can be found on the sidebar of my blog. The final project from The Pulse #5, Tell All, continues now...

Participants were asked: what is the one thing that you know now that you would have liked to have known when you first started to create art? 
To create my own art style and not to worry what everyone else thinks about it. That it's okay to be inspired by other artists and take that inspiration and apply it, in some way, to your own art. Judy Shea

That there are no rules. You make them as you go. Don't try to please anyone. Don't lie to yourself. Stephanie Brouwers

That painting gets easy. Well, maybe not easy peasy, but easier, the more you do it. So don't stop. Keep painting! Katherine Labbe AKA Miz Katie

That my best work comes when I don't care what other people think about it. It's more fun to work this way - no pressure, no problem. Cathie Parreco

I am an artist. donna louise rodgers

That it is important to be true to myself and not make art with the idea of having to please other people. Sharon Read

Nothing. I am still growing and always playing. Building upon what I discover. Stephanie Hilvitz

That people will actually pay money for my work! I might have started being serious much earlier if I knew that! Cyn Richardson

That the fundamental basics are so important. Cory Celaya

I wish I would have been more fearless when I first started to make art. Dayna J. Collins

You ARE allowed to question everything. Marsha Jorgensen

Next Tell All will be the last post on the series and will be posted on Sunday, March 24th


Anonymous said...

good morning Seth! Thanks once again for all the time and energy you put into this project.

So enjoyed seeing the photos of the last workshop...creative familiar faces!

Jo Murray said...

Your list always gets my day off to a good start. Now, off to the studio.

Jane Wetzel said...

Dear Seth, Cant thank you enough for doing this..I am learning so much! Not to mention the incredible inspiration!

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Always love stopping by for a visit Seth. Thank you for sharing what you do.

Darlene K Campbell said...

Love that Cyn! Also wish I would've started sooner...but then I also think how my life experiences have contributed to my art and writing. It's easier to create from my true self at this point in my life.