Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Playing Favorites: journal entry

Julie Prichard

Most of my art journal consists of my inner ramblings; it is seldom that I draw anything in the journal, which is why I selected this piece as one of my favorites. I like this page because it tells a story rather than my personal feelings.

Having had most of my art supplies packed up in storage for almost one year now as we transition from one house to another, it was a burst of fresh air to rediscover my Golden mediums. I selected this page featuring an image transfer because the lines in the model’s dress made an interesting set of lines to journal on. In the 70’s, my mother used a large peace symbol in one of her paintings. I was happy to remember that painting and add my own peace symbol as a tattoo on the model’s arm. I like to add small hidden treats on each journal page.


Sarah Fishburn

Drunk with Sunset pages
These were a couple of my pages done for Marylinn Kelly's Sunset journal in the original True Colors project. They weren't shown in the book, which I always thought was kinda sad, as they were among my very favorites. I washed the pages with the prettiest golden color seen in my mind's eye. The section of the page on the left is a little booklet I printed and stitched together of poems from various places, mentioning sunset but about humanity, layered over some very very old handprinted
Japanese paper, symbolic of the many remarkable and lovely things shared between very different cultures and traditions. On the right, I stamped a bit of one of my own 'poems' and layered papers, paint, images, transparencies to represent the sanctity of life and my gratitude for being a marveling and awestruck participant.

Marie Otero

I don't keep a traditional "art journal" as such, but tend to rip half sheets of watercolour paper and collage over them in the 'wee small' hours of the night. They then get signed and dated and added to an ever growing collection of pages which I keep in handmade covers. It makes for an interesting hour or three when I pull them off the shelf and peruse!


Marion Bockelmann

For a journal spread, I´d chose "Blue and Green". I´ve made it in a personal journal of a close friend of mine so I could do a very personal page. When I began I had no idea about the result, and it just happened, but when I was ready it was my own story - a child that is feeling b/w in a colourful world, just hoping that things will get better later and that he/she will be a part of that coloured world one day. This is how I felt when I was young of course - powerless. Most people tend to think of children as happy and carefree, so I´ve been glad to see that others DID understand what I wanted to tell with this page.


Circles - I love circles - mandalas - inclusion - rolling wheels - sun and moon - round - spherical - pies - turning...circles... and what makes these two journal pages special to me are their spareness - spare simplicity often eludes me. These pages were made in the winter - while the earth here was buried under a thick blanket of white.

I discovered that I could make ink from the wild grapes still hanging silently from the vines that I had discovered on my walks and I loved gathering and utilizing that rich royal purple. Esculent was my daily calendar word that Sunday - esculent edible ink - silent singing serendipitous simplicity and circles. Alliteration and my art journal...


Anonymous said...

Seth - what a gorgeous, generous and amazingly rich offering of love here - so honored to be a part of it - there is so much here I will have to make numerous visits to absorb all the bounty...

thank you so much

xox - eb.

Karen said...

Seth - this is an amazing collection of artists and work. Thank you for doing this.
Warm regards

Anonymous said...

Seth, SO much beautiful talent! Awesome job bringing artists and their stories together... thanks SO much! I've really enjoyed reading and viewing... xoxo, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Inspiring group here....thank you for bringing them together for us.

Ro Bruhn said...

It's great to see other people's journal entries, they are all very different and inspiring

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful collection of artwork! Thank you for showcasing these artists and their artwork, Seth.

Terry said...

Seth, more thanks for bringing us this cornucopia of delights. And "ESCULENT" is my new word, can't wait to try it out, Thanks eb!