In one of my earlier posts I mentioned the fact that I have a stash of art supplies, papers, and ephemera that I never seem to use in my art because I like them too much. I use only originals in my pieces, so this pile of favorite art supplies may never see the light of day. I received several comments indicating that I was not the only one with this "problem." I loved each and every comment but one comment, from an anonymous reader, has really stuck with me. It reads:
"I also have tons of stuff(marvelous stuff) I CAN NOT bring myself to use-papers, OLD pictures and especially embellishments(things I've bought that I swore I'd use in my altered art-yea right!). My home burned down 12-20-07 so I'm in the midst of rebuilding my stashes-can you recommend places I can get old papers like you received in your "jackpot"? I am so envious of those of you that have such extensive collections of MUST KEEPS! I'm not truly envious-jealous would be the appropriate word, but God is good I'm rebuilding my MUST HAVES AND KEEPS!"
The idea of losing one's home and all their belongings (treasured art supplies included) is mind boggling. So, I was hoping that we could help. I have three ideas.