Third piece in my Star Series, this is entitled "Sirius." The brightest star in the sky, Sirius is 26 times more luminous than the sun. It comes from the Greek word meaning scorching or searing. Once again, a series of found metal objects are used on this piece. The background color of this piece is a subtle, soft, pale green.
Ingredients: watercolor paper, cardstock, acrylic paint, calligraphy ink, dry transfer, found metal objects, wire, eyelets. 6" x 4 1/2". click to enlarge.
Available for purchase in The Altered Page on Etsy.
Sold. Thank you!
Your work is very interesting. I'm especially fond of how you use found (and rusted) objects.
I've also done quite a few pieces with the title of 'Disintegration'. With these I was aiming for imagery that would evoke a sense of the tearing down beauty of time along with the hope for an equally beautiful rebirth.
Sirius business.
Look, when I go over there to etsy later someone better have snapped this up! This is so cool. And I happen to love Sirius, unless it gets too heavy and wants to 'talk about things'.
Take my word, people. When you get his work, you're going to be THRILLED! So, get over there, now.
Another WOW piece, Seth! You never cease to amaze me with the way you work such beautiful magic in your art. Sirius is an awesome piece!
Peace & Love,
I really enjoy your blog and appreciate your posting what material you use on individual pieces. It makes us beginners in the mixed media world more aware of what is around us.
Love this piece it reminds me of some of my fav art I actually did. I love the unusual in art for sure!
Okay, new favorite!
thanks for leaving a comment on my blog- which lead me to you! You have a fantastic blog- love the rusty stuff!
amazing how you can make rusty looks so bright. :)
Loving this series.
Love it! Sirius is my favourite star, probably because of my interest in the Dogons. They seem to know so much about Sirius and it's companion star and yet have little or no access to telescopes.
sirius is indeed a wondrous star, and this is a gorgeous piece, seth!
beautiful seth - another amazing piece :)
congrats on the sale!!
i laugh...that pun!
seriuosly... i mean ah Sirius... like that look on a face... before laughter.
Love your mind's works...
Love your use of found objects, too
Cool! I like how simple this piece is. Now I'm off to see what else you've been creatin'...
I'm way behind on reading blogs and am slowly catching up. Love your Sirius series and your use of various objects. Very inspiring.
Another awesome piece, Seth. Love this series. Really cool!
Gaby xo
ouuuu.. I like this.. a few years ago I did a Sirius series of jewelry.. it was for our provincial art council auction fund raiser.. forgot about till now.. Love all the things you have been doing!!!
I think this one is my favourite of all your stars - but they are all amazing - and they got sold tooo quickly! I would have killed for one of your solstice series but I think they lasted all of 2 seconds.
OMG Seth - I just realised with a jolt, in visiting your blog, that I haven't sent stuff for "anonymous" yet!!! I didn't send before christmas because I don't trust the international post in December, but I planned to send as soon as the mail baklog cleared in early January, and I have been so busy it just completely slipped my mind.
I am so sorry - is it too late???
Sirius - the dog star - is one of my favourite in the night sky. Canis Major, the constelation, was the faithful companion to Orion the Hunter. I always know when winter is on the way as both Orion and Sirius become visible in the evening sky. Useless piece of information for the day - the Ancient Greeks thought Sirius could adversly affect the behaviour of dogs. I really enjoyed seeing your new series of star works.
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