Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Cube, The Tube, and The Sleeve

As many of you know, I have been working on a number of art collaborations over the past few years. Several of them have come to a close in 2010. One of these projects was with Vivian Bonder and Stephanie McAtee. Called Self Contained, this was an out-of-the-box collaboration that focused on feelings that we tend to hide from others and that we could no longer contain. I am happy to say that not only is our project in the January/February 2011 issue of Cloth Paper Scissors but it is featured on the cover.

We each created our own, individual pieces bound by absolutely no rules. The artwork traveled back and forth from the United States to Australia and we each worked on all the pieces at least twice. There was a lot of creative synergy and we often added to each other's work. In the end, we were rewarded with the Cube, the Tube, and the Sleeve.

My piece is the Sleeve: 6 wrapped, mixed media booklets, feelings contained within. Click each picture to enlarge for detail..

Here is Viv's incredible Tube and some of the insides that I completed...

And here is Steph's amazing Cube. You may have seen my 'Unfinished' side on the right before. Both Viv and I completed 'Self'' on the left.

A big thank you to Jenn Mason and Barbara Delaney at CPS for all your support! I love the new direction you are taking the magazine.


jgr said...

WOW! Seth this is so cool! I can't wait to get the mag and read all the details . . . did I mention WOW! and big Congrats!

Ro Bruhn said...

I've just received my online copy of CPS and was drooling over your work Seth. The collaboration looks like a fabulous event.

barbara said...

i got my copy of CPS in the mail today and immediately turned to the article of your collaboration. thanks for all the ideas and inspiration. one of my resolutions for 2011 is to get more involved in collaborations and this will definitely move me toward that. have a wonderful creative year!!

Dede Warren said...

What beautiful works you all created, no wonder they were such a bog part of the latest CPS! Congrats to you all!

wandamarie.blogspot.com said...

this is just the BEST ever...i can't wait to read the article in cps. AWESOME brain waves!!!

Lost Aussie said...

Congratulations and well deserved, the artwork is amazing and will look even moreso in print!

Rebeca Trevino said...

WOW! very kool!
Congrats! You are amazing!

Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

Seth, that is gorgeous work! I always enjoy collaborative work-there's something so great about riffing off another artist, especially one you admire and respect. Thanks for sharing this. It really is steller. Will keep an eye out for CPS to arrive in Canada. We're usually 2-3 weeks behind.

Funny that you should mention synergy-it came to me as my word for 2011 and I am going to be posting about it before new year. I guess we're in sync today. ;)

laurel said...

Yet another reason to impatiently wait for my next issue. Congratulations!! Beautiful work as usual. I just love the colors, the textures and the theme.

Marit said...

Oh my goodness Seth, what a gorgeous pieces of art! It deserves the cover of the magazine!!! LOVE IT!

Bill said...

Your artistry overwhelms me! In a good way! I wish I had your talent. You are such a special person.


Limarea said...

Amazing pieces, all of them! Wish I could get my hands on that mag :) Congratulations!

Jacky said...

What an amazing collaboration. I will keep a look out for the latest CPS in our local newsagent.


Jacky xox

Margaret said...

Awesome Seth! Love the colours and the texture, especially the wire effect. Congrats on CPS, well deserved! What an inspiration you are!
All the best for a great start to 2011!

Anonymous said...

Amazing Seth! 2011 I am betting is going to be the year of Seth Apther! Congratulations! You deserve it! I can't wait to get a copy!

Gillian McMurray said...

Wow! What an amazing collaboration. All the pieces are beautiful. Congratulations on getting it on the front cover of CPS too. Well deserved.

MrCachet said...

you've got an eye on yours, and now a lot more folks have as well!

Mostly Turquoise said...

Hi Seth,

Congratulations for you and your artcompanions with this new publication, I think I will order this issue from Sint Maarten! The work on your pictures looks just stunning and very stimulating/inspiring.
Wishing you a very good and healthy 2011 and thank you for everything you initiate for us art lovers

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Love the colors you used in the mixed media booklets; I am working in a sketchbook right now in similar shades and it is always fun/odd to see someone else has used similar colors!
Very nice pieces--will have to pop out of my warm girl-cave and pick up a copy! Big CONGRATS to you all!


Parabolic Muse said...

Seth, I clasped this issue of CPS to my bosom and took it to nite nite with me and read and looked and gasped in delight (waking everyone else in the house).

Incredibly Delicious, my brotha!

laura said...

Wonderful, wonderful work!! I'll go online to see more, and try to get a copy of that CPS issue. Very inspiring! Best wishes to all for a prosperous and happy new year.

~*~Patty S said...

I was SO excited to see you featured in CPS again Seth...got my copy yesterday...really brilliant!
Another fabulous collabration

Here's to more art and fun in 2011!

Lynn Cohen said...

Bravo to all three of you terrific artists! I love all that I can see here and like everyone else I look forward to my CPS to arrive in the mail so I can read more about it and see more as well.
Happy for you and all your successes!!!! Well deserved all!

Cynthia Monica said...

Wow, what an amazing collaboration! Amazing work and amazing artists! Bravo!

Unknown said...

These are wonderful...all three. You do seem to have a way with collaborations, Seth! Have a grand New Year, hope all your creative, artistic visions are realized.

Jo Reimer said...

The grunge look of these pages is what I like most about the Sleeve. LIke much of your work it has a sense of layers and layers of history and thought. What a wonderful work to have done and to own. Congratulations!

heather noye said...

congrats!!! i can't wait to receive my issue so i can see the whole article :)

rivergardenstudio said...

This is one of my favorite collaborations that I have ever seen! (not counting ours of course!!!)
I love what you three have done, so human, so scraped and raw, so intriguing. I want to hold each piece and examine it.
Congratulations Seth, this is a post I will visit again and again... roxanne

deborah from collagewhirl said...

Congratulations! These pieces are all so beautiful. I will look for this magazine now :-)

Jill Zaheer said...

What an exciting and amazing collaborative project for you Viv and Stephanie and I'm so happy that you guys are in CPS! Love how all of your different sections blend so well together! This collaboration is so unique and different- such true works of art individually and all together! Thanks for sharing this and letting us know it's in CPS. Super Congrats!!!!

Thelma-Art said...

Wow, so wonderful, I love the details. Happy New Year!!

Svetlana said...

This book is just my piece of cake: emotions wrapped within texture and paint.
Congratulations to both of you on such a great collaboration.

ArtPropelled said...

Oh yes, of course i recognize 'Unfinished'. One of my favourite pieces! Congrats on your article AND the cover spot!

Kim Palmer said...

I,ve enjoyed glimpses of this collab along the way. Congratultions to all of you on the cover and article. Great inspiring work from everyone. So now you have all this free time what will you do with it, LOL!

azirca said...

Congratulations on the article and cover feature, well deserved.

Your work continues to expand in both subject matter and uniqueness. All the very best to you for 2011, may it bring you much creativity and many wonderful moments.

Kathryn Dyche said...


Julie Prichard said...

Wow NICE I especially love the creative, non-traditional (whatever that means) format of these! Well done!

Anonymous said...

congratulations Seth! How wonderful not only to be part of a project like this but to have it recognized in such a way.


Anonymous said...

Glad you had more pics than were in the mag. They gave me an idea to use the file folder project in the same way - each folder for one subject and then collected in a book. I have difficulty with journaling so thanks for the direction.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Amazing Seth.. that this has traveled the world wide and never become lost.. it's so fabulous!

Unknown said...

Wow!!! I just got back online after moving house, so you can imagine, I am absolutely stunned to see these shots. Congratulations to all of you. I want to be looking at each piece in my hand.

Happy New Year!

Sharmon Davidson said...

Congrats, Seth! What an incredibly rich project, and how wonderful to have it published! I'm now calling you the "Collaboration King"- kind of has a nice ring to it, huh?

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

Congrats seth on the publication! Looks like a great collaboration. I just love your grungy-urban style. I've met a really amazing artist here in Chicago who I think you'd like too. Her name is Emily Rutledge and she works in encaustic. She is influenced by our urban surroundings here in Chicago. Check her out.
Congrats again!

Paula said...

Wow. Wow. Wow! The energy from these pieces simply leaps off the pages of your blog. I loe them all, and I'm realizing that I'm not doing enough lately with texture. You've got a few ideas simmering here. Thanks, Seth.

vivian said...

oh seth you've got no idea how i have loved being in this collab with the two of you! or maybe you do ;) hahah! yay for us! happy 2011 :)

Unknown said...

Your blog always leaves me so inspired! Wishing you the very best in 2011! Your work is so amazing!

lyle baxter said...

Seth,love the cover of cps which was on my table last nite when I returned from the land of warm to the island of cold! 2am I was in bed reading about your collaboration! love the cover pic and all the others too. hooray for you and your partners. very ,very nice!

Susan M said...

Great! What a treat to find YOU in mt CPS! Well-deserved honor.

Nelda Ream said...

Congratulations, Seth! What a fabulous project. The artwork is super.

Anonymous said...

While I loved the CPS article, I was disappointed that they didn't include more photos of everyone's work...thank you for posting these...this work is even better than I thought!!

Leslie Tucker Jenison said...

This was a wonderful project, very inspiring. Thanks for the blog post. It is nice to see even more photos of the work.

Jennifer Matott (Sigmagirl) said...

Okay, I just found you again and i have to say that your work soooo jives with mine. I see alot of elements that I use over and over again. THe colors are so appealing too. I am going to run out and pick up that issue! I'm also doing the Disco project with my 5th graders in a month and am so excited to find your blog to add to my resources. Thanks!!!

Ronda Palazzari said...

huge huge congrats seth! So going to pick up that issue!!!

lynne h said...

hey seth, i just saw the magazine yesterday... opened up CPS in barnes and noble, and there you were. i was smiling for sure. : )

i'm glad you showed more pics here, as i felt the article didn't show nearly enough. i really love each piece.

Kelly Jeanette Swift said...

Congrats, Seth! Theses are really cool. Just got the mag and can't wait for some uninterrupted time to devour it. Again, congrats!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I realize I am so late getting here. I have not been out and about for some time and for that I apologize. I just picked up this magazine on Friday and have not had a chance to read it, yet. I'm hoping if I get snowed in, like maybe you will, I will have a chance to read it soon. I look forward to the article and it was the reason I bought the magazine. As always, I am super impressed, even if I am late and it's already the new year.

Anonymous said...

wow, i am so in love with all of this! i keep looking and re-looking at each of the photographs here.

congrats not only on being in CPS but for making the cover. that is fantastic news! i will have to head out and get a copy tomorrow. you two have created amazing masterpieces!