Sunday, December 2, 2012

5x5: Chapter 5

I may be the author of The Pulse of Mixed Media but the true, creative force behind my book is the group of artists who generously shared their secrets and passions and, of course, their art. It was important to me that this book be representative of our entire artistic community, but the total number of contributors I could include was limited by the number of pages in the book. Not wanting to be contained by page numbers, I decided that the Internet was the perfect vehicle to extend the book and be able to include more of the community. With this in mind, the 5x5 Pulse Project was born.

The Pulse of Mixed Media presented the results of a survey in which contributing artists were asked questions that they had to answer with words or provided with prompts that they had to respond to by creating art. These ideas were combined in the 5x5 Pulse Project. I put out an open call for artists to submit artwork created in response to one or more of the following questions that were part of the original book:

1. If your artwork could talk, what would it say?

2. Who has had the most impact on your creative life?

3. What is one thing you have never shared with the creative community?

Submitting artists could chose 1, 2, or all 3 of the questions and respond to each by creating artwork in any medium in the form of a 5" x 5" square. They were asked to include words as a part of their artwork as well. There was a tremendous response to this call and I will be posting each submission every Sunday throughout the months of November and December. 

The 5x5 project is also being featured in a ten-page spread in the November/December 2012 issue of Somerset Studio, now available in stores and online here.

Who has had the most impact on your creative life?

"My creative life was initially started by my Gandmother: gardener, architect, seamstress, survivor. She nurtured me and made me who I am today."

"My mom had the most impact on my creative life. She could always pick me up when I was feeling discouraged or overwhelmed. She always knew what to say to help me stop worrying about what everyone else was doing so I could focus on following my unique path."

"One of my first art teachers, John Gould (not the bird one), was a great teacher and painter. He died some years ago, but still sits on my shoulder when I work. To this day, whenever I need motivation, I only need to look at the many photos I took of his paintings and I'm inspired. I am an open book. I wear my heart on my sleeve. All those cliches apply to me. No secrets here. If my artwork could speak I'd hope it said 'I come from the heart.' But I know it often says 'Stop!' which I ignore at my peril."
(this 5x5 also answers the other two questions)

"Serge Benhayon - esoteric healer, author and founder of Universal Medicine Healing Centre. He has not taught me how to make art, techniques in painting, and what art is. What Serge Benhayon has shown me through his own living quality is the reflection of pure love and facilitated my own self-love through his livingness. That self-love has paved my way in art to create with joy rather than embed my own personal issues of emotion and ideals into the world."


"Nick Bantock, author and artist extraordinaire, is my idol and inspiration.

Lisa Sarsfield
"Vincent Van Gogh. Passionate rebel, eyes wide open, dreamer of dreams, star gazer, believer. Leading the way."

Frances Peets
"Wordy Artist Tribute"
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." - Joseph Campbell

Holly Dean
"My parents gave me unconditional love and support. They taught me that anything is possible and to follow my dreams. They gave me their talent and the courage to explore. I am grateful every day for such a magical childhood and creative life."

Deborah Guthrie
"I've come to realize that I have had the most impact on my creative life. I've manage to reach this middle aged time and build an artful life slowly and steadily since a child. No easy route, no first hand mentor or money. Just all the steps of life. As I sit here now I'm amazed at the impact of my determination. Not egotistical but just pleased I've continued and have a hunger for more."

Darlene K. Campbell
"Gary Reef. He inspired me to create without fear. To paint beyond those boundaries I had set up."

Wanda Hickman
"My husband Bill. He has supported my creative pursuits both financially and physically, giving me the space and emotional support to be able to experiment and grow as an artist. He is a true Patron of the Arts!"

Barbara Kleinhans
"My dad. His passing brought a focus to my art that wasn't there before."
The next edition of 5x5 will be posted on Sunday, December 9th.


froebelsternchen said...

fantasic artwork and fantastic artists ! Thank you Seth for sharing all this!

you always write that the true force behind you are this creative people --o.k.

I think it is your extra merit as well to guide people to do these things and find their happiness by making such creative art!

xxx Susi

queenb2u said...

Thanks for including my work in this weeks 5 x 5. I really enjoy observing the artwork presented and then going to websites to find out more about the people and what makes them tick. I've also found some new blog buddies. You rock, Seth. Hugs.

Jo Murray said...

Thanks again Seth. It's interesting to see how people view themselves and their art. I'm honoured to be considered part of this community.

elle said...

I like spending some time on Sunday with you and this community, Seth. I did get the Somerset Studio issue and kinda thought 'yay for us'! ;^0 Deborah Guthrie's 5x5 is resonating with me.

Bill said...

Van Gogh and Nick Bantock have been a great inspiration to me, too. :)

Leslie said...

Hey Beth - love your collage!

teri said...

Nick bantock is also someone who I greatly admire, both for his visual art and his writing.

Gaby Bee said...

What a nice assortment this week. Very inspiring! Thank you, Seth!

Jill Zaheer said...

Wonder works from very talented artists! Another Sunday treat!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

My friend Cyd has been my friend for 28 years...and is the most supportive artist who has lifted me up to create. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Darlene K Campbell said...

Seth, I think we should have a parade and you'll be Grand Marshall, unless it's a Christmas parade then we'll let you be Santa Claus. Thanks for all of the work behind 5x5.
Deborah, you put that so well. I agree.
I'm trying to visit all the participants. Such energy and fun I find!

The Creative Beast said...

love the work of Janine Whitling shared here - so serene and beautiful!

Thanks for the heads up on the new Somerset Studios magazine - I may have to buy this issue to read your article and the one on DJ Pettitt!

Pam said...

all so beautiful and personal

layers said...

You always have such a variety of art work and artists here at your blog... a wonderful gallery of work.

Unknown said...

There is so much beauty here. I have to put on some music now...and feel the awesomeness of these art pieces. What a collection you have Seth. Wonderful art. Norma, x