I’m the featured artist this week over at Creative Therapy, a great blog that gives weekly prompts, or catalysts, to get us creating art about the things in our lives that are important to us. I rarely make artwork based on a prompt but I find those that are offered on this site to be thought provoking and quite unique. Click here to see how I responded to the following prompt:
"create art about a time when something that then seemed small happened but then it ended up changing your life"
I often find that seemingly small experiences can have big impact, but life changing? Not usually. But in the case of the moment in time that is represented by this art piece, absolutely!
The EMPTY nest is this year for me. I'm redefining myself, it was my New Year's desire to determine who is left of me from before children, who is new in me since children and well what do I want to add for the third deminsion.It's a year long journey just to begin and as I have taken a look at all these things this year I am pleased with my progress. It started very sad, gloomy and depressing and is now in bloom. Form gloom to bloom in 6 months with the rare occassion of blue. I LOVE your empty nest piece. Will it find its way to your Etsy store? ms.cheryl
I loved reading your story over at Creative Therapy, Seth. Certainly a feel good story and the work you created, layered with meaning.
...and at the risk of embarrassing you, I have to say what a lovely open face you have.
I really like this 'empty nest" piece!! Checked out Creative Therapy also - it's nice to finally be able put a face to all this wonderful creativity now!!!!
this is a powerful piece and will have a lot of different meanings and reasons for everyone who enjoys studying it...
isn't is funny what gets our creative selves creating
a postcard...!
I love the story behind this artwork. It's inspiring to know that each of us has the potential to enhance another person's life just by being who we are and making a connection. And then that person inspires another...and another...and another.
Just come from Creative Therapy - great artwork Seth! Specially loved the story that went with it. Wonderful to think how creativity can be so contagious!! In turn you are a Muse for so many others as well!! Love your artwork.
wow - you get around! Well done, Seth! Great piece and I really like reading your stories... Gypsy Bonfire was also great.. I like your writing style.
I enjoyed reading this story of a seemingly chance but synchronistic meeting. It is always inspiring to read about a fellow artist’s path to creativity expressed. I have seen Patricia’s work and was also drawn to it. Lucky you to have such a great art friend!
Seth, what a wonderful story! - I love how your initial encounter with Patricia's art grew into something that was waiting for the right time to blossom and wham! boy did it ever blossom!
you are TOO MUCH...your "open" face and smile match your art-initiator blog persona!! FABULOUS story about life's seemingly little pieces that spark and fuse and connect! just breathe and let the oxygen help ignite the process!! and patricia larsen's work: 'be still my heart'...aw, the world.
postcard art: just saw
"how to draw a bunny", the story of ray johnson and his MAIL ART/collaging.
congrats! i will go read it now.
love the new piece!!
Seth - what a powerful story...I too believe each connection we have in life, however, fleeting or long are all potential life changers...I am so pleased that this experience unfolded for you ..as your art work is work to be cherished and recognized...as it too has impact on many people
Your "empty nest" piece really speaks to me -- my son is going to kindergarten in the fall, and although he is not yet leaving for college:), it feels like the beginning of letting go.
I really enjoyed your interview over at Creative Therapy -- I too believe in synchronicity.
An awesome piece of art, Seth, and a wonderful interview over at Creative Therapy. You always introduce me to new art or venues. Nice to see your face too.
I love this story.
Missed you this past weekend.
Your story is such a beautiful one. I would never have known you hadn't created art since your youth. I was sure you had been doing it your whole life. That was a lucky day for everyone.
Spectacular work!
That was a wonderful feature! I would never have guessed that you've only been creating your art for eight years! I guess I had assumed that you had always been doing what you are doing. wow.
Love the contribution that came from the prompt.
I love that final blue tone you achieved with the layers. It's very rich and inviting, rather like the event it describes for us.
How fabulous to be part of such a wonderful group. I followed your link over, and it really looks like they are doing something beautiful with their talents. Congrats on being the feature artist.
I really enjoyed reading the technique part of the description! Thank you.
Seth your story is very beautiful...thank you for the link to Creative Therepy and to Patricia's website. Her work is wonderful. Your "empty nest" is wonderful too. Have a great week. Roxanne
neat story seth~always the small moments that change our lives~ and nice to put a face to the "mystery seth" :)
I am an absolute believer in synchronicity, when ever I am failing the universe sends hope, an open door, a space to breath in! An you have repaid that creative moment do many times to all of us inspired by you! Thanks for sharing!
What an intriguing and quite beautiful story of how your chance meeting with the art world opened doors for you and started you on your artistic journey. I'm so pleased that you decided to walk into that gallery that day as I so enjoy seeing and being inspired by your artistic creations.
Oh my. I cannot even begin to tell you what this interview does to and for me.
Just when I think you have given it (meaning: me, a faithful reader/artist) all you've got, I am proven wrong. And that is a good thing as it continues to challenge and inspire me as well...
and now you introduce us to another artist. FUN...!!!
Take care!
Candace in Athens.
Oh my. I cannot even begin to tell you what this interview does to and for me.
Just when I think you have given it (meaning: me, a faithful reader/artist) all you've got, I am proven wrong. And that is a good thing as it continues to challenge and inspire me as well...
and now you introduce us to another artist. FUN...!!!
Take care!
Candace in Athens.
What a great story to go along with your amazing art piece Seth, for that very thought provoking prompt. No mistakes...it is all written. Such fun getting to 'see' you with your kind twinkly eyes and warm smile (no surprise there)
I always enjoy this site so I clicked away! Nice to learn how others reach out or are affected by something. Nice piece and the art was great too, LOL! Loved the lines leading the eye across the page, and of course the texture, always lovin the texture!
It is great to read the article and finally put a face to your creative art! As many have said you have a wonderful expressive handsome face. As always Empty Nest is amazing. It is funny my very good friend Pat started me on my own creative journey by starting me with stamping and making cards...
Great job Seth. Loved reading about the start of your art life, just an amazing story.
SO glad that I can now stop my "stalking Seth's picture" part-time detective job. I find it interesting that after I make a connection with someone virtually, there comes a point, where I NEED to see their picture!
Thanks for sharing your story. AND - I, too, can't believe that you haven't been creating ART your whole life - or at least the majority of it. Keeps the door of possibility open for all of us who live duplicate lives, one in and one outside of Art.
What a powerful piece and a moving story. I was particularly taken with the minute EIEIO, which I used to say was my zip code. Ironic the symbolisms we each take from a piece. I think that is a bit of synchronisity.
BTW, thanks for introducing me to Creative Therapy. Now another place to get hooked!
thanks for introducing us to this site Seth. This is a great piece with a great story behind it and couldn't come at a better time x
Good morning, Seth! I saw this piece on your inspiration board and loved it... so glad to see it's yours and learn what inspired you to make it! Very, very cool! And how cool to see photos of your board in succession... now I'm really inspired! But most of all, I love, love, love seeing your work table! I feel SO much better now, knowing I am not alone in my madness!!! xoxo
WoW congrats on the Creative Therapy story.....it is so true..one moment... in time.. can change everything.....and I am so glad you walked into Patricia's gallery....
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