In astronomy, 100,000 metres is the altitude at which the Federation Aeronautique Internationale defines spaceflight to begin. Appropriate because I am flying high right now! The Altered Page will soon reach 100,000 visitors. That number boggles my mind (detail of artwork by Jean-Michel Basquiat)...
...but also warms my heart (found heart embedded in sidewalk in Santa Fe)!
I began this blog back in August 2007 with the hope that it would become...and I quote from my very first post..."one more element of my mixed media artwork. Much like the paper, gesso, acrylics, and other components of each piece, I believe the conversation that I am hopeful that this blog will generate will become an integral ingredient to the creative mix." Well today I can honestly say that my expectations have not only been met but far exceeded!
I want to extend a tremendous thank you to all my visitors, to those who have sent comments & emails, and thereby joined the conversation, to all the artists who have taken part in the collaborations I have initiated, and to the art blogging community in general. As a result of this experience, I have developed truly significant relationships and feel as though I have grown as an artist -- both technically and in terms of my identity.
As a way to say thank you, I am having a giveaway. All you need to do is leave a comment on this post and you will be entered.
Both winners will receive a package overflowing with...
*Of course these photos are just abstract expressions of what might be in the packages the winners receive. The actual contents will be even better!! So what are you waiting for? Leave a comment and throw your hat in the ring! And either check back late on May 24 to see if you have won or be sure your comment includes a way to reach you. Thanks again!
I guess i'm the first comment! i was checking out the "afters" that i hadn't seen yet and up popped the post~cool giveaway too~
Here's my comment to just say there are not enough words large enough or comment space big enough to describe the huge contributions you have made to the art and blogging community. From your own stunning artistic work, to showcasing others, to your safari trips through nyc, to your travels abroad, to your zine and interviews and collaborations and sharing so much- you always are a creative link and joy for all. Congratulations and I can't wait to see all that you will share with us during your next 100,000 visits to your blog and the greater art world. It will be a continued treat to see your creative and innovative expressions, and a personal gift for me for all that I learn from you! Very special thanks. Jill
Wow Seth - congratulations on this amazing milestone. Thank you for all you've contributed - you're an inspiration.
Your blog has been an inspiration and fun to be a part of. How amazing to have 100,000 visitors!!! I look forward to what comes next and your creativity.
Cool giveaways are fun too.
I feel like I already am a “winner” when I visit your blog, participate in the discussions and watch you in action! Your enthusiasm is truly contagious and much appreciated. You are one amazing blogger Seth! Heartfelt congratulations to you.
i must jump on this wagon of well wishers and admirers...
i am one!
congratulations on such a great number!
i predict by the end of the roll of days of blogging this will be like...10
happy days seth!!
I'm throwing my hat in the ring.
Thanks for the opportunity to read your blog and congratualtions on your milestone.
count me in seth, thanks for all the inspiration xx
It feels as though we should be thanking you, Seth, for everything you've done for art bloggers. So thank you. You've done so much to connect and inspire us. Here's to your next 100,000 visitors!
You are my gift Seth. I have enjoyed the journey and with disintegration I have seen the metaphor for my fragility; my mortality and my values for the time I have here on my Mother Earth. I love the way you give love so generously to others and inspire us to be "whole" in mind, body and spirit! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen
I dig your posts and greatful for seeing your art posted.
You've given us so much it feels like you should be getting the goodies! Thank you!
Congrats are in order! I love your blog and look forward to your posts, I have many a one starred in my google reader! Cool Give Away!
Congrats on your awesome 100,000 event Seth.
art cheer
*tosses confetti*
you send your vision out into the ether and wonder where it reaches, who it inspires....and with this milestone you can be sure that we are out here, watching & listening. bravo!
I thoroughly enjoy your blog and your creative spirit! Congratulations! (Hope I win some stuff--like I need more stuff--but other people's stuff is always better!).
Love your blog and want to be included.. but you HAVE to tell where you got that little "doodad" storage unit. What is that? Love the little compartments!
Thanks Seth - I have gone to all the sites to see what happened to everyones bundles. I visited so many sites and so many artists visited mine. This would not have happened without your project. So again Thank You.
100,000!!! Did anyone tell you you're one of the coolest dudes on the planet?! More power to your elbow Seth! :o)
an amazing milestone, congratulations and I'm throwing my hat in the ring! :)
Seth, you are such an inspiration... and way too kind. What an incredible giveaway!
Seth, he Altered Page is pure Global Alchemy. The energy that this project has generated is extraordinary as new friendships and collaborations are still growing from it. Congratulations on reaching this milestone x
Here's my hat in the ring. What a cool giveaway. Congrats on achieving a stellar amount of blogs.
I'm glad you DID start your blog! I love popping back to see what's going on, and gain much inspiration from what I see....
I just discovered your terrific blog via Love Letters last week. Congratulations on inspiring 100,000 visitors.
dear seth, thanks for being there and for all the inspiration! without your creative thinking many happy things would not have happened! you deserve the "goodies" not us! but I'll take them !thanks again lyle
As many have said! We thank you for continuing to inspire us and enthrall us with your blog! Please do so for a LONG, LONG, LONG time! Thank you for your support and encouragement!
Congratulations! I love your blog - so inspiring! Thank you for the amazing giveaway! xo
Kudos, congratulations, and continued success to you! You are one of a kind yet part of an amazing whole. -- Carol Leigh
As most creative folks know, if just one person looks at your work and comments on it, it can change your day. So many times I have opened up your page, usually at breakfast time, and have said "WOW" to the day. Seems like lots of other people have, too.
Congratulations! Ax
Congratulations Seth!! That's some milestone!! I cannot begin to tell you how much inspiration I've gotten from your blog. Here's to many many more milstones.
Congrats on 100,000 visitors! I just began my art quilt blog this year.......I have 4,000 visitors so far. My best to you on your journey in the world of art. It's the best way to live life!
LuAnn in Oregon
I love giveaways and from the looks of your "stuff," I would be thrilled to receive anything you have to give away!
Wow!! 100,000 visitors!!!It'll be a never ending path to your door from this point on!!I am so glad I discovered you- I have learned something each visit, altho not a true artist, I consider myself artsy - and always willing to try new things. The results of my efforts may not always be successful, but you (and other artist on your blogroll) got me to step out of my circle of comfort! I enjoy the learning experience!! Keep it up Seth!!!Throw my name in your giveaway hat!!!:>)
Long time reader of your blog, first time commenter ... thank you for sharing your art .. it is inspirational!
Wow - 100,000! That's quite a milestone, congratulations Seth. I think we all would agree that your blog has added immeasurably to the mixed-media art world. Here's to 100,000 more.
Woo Hoo!! I love your blog and have enjoyed getting to know you just a little bit through blog-land. Pick me!!! Okay, so that's a little over the top, but truly, I've enjoyed reading & the inspiration you give all of us. Thanks & thanks for the giveaway!
Congratulations on reaching 100 000! Your artwork and your blog are such an inspiration. I look forward to all your future art endeavours!
Thanks for the thanks, so to speak, Seth. I love your site and always get pleasure from looking at your work. My bundle has given me a lot of food for thought and I am planning an art work before August 1st - thanks to you. So yes, my hat is definitely thrown into the ring!
Oh my Seth, this sounds so exciting!!! I definitely throw my name in and would love to win one of these coveted prizes. It'll be interesting to see how many comments/entrants you get on this super great blog giveaway and celebration. Thanks so much for your generosity.
Big heartfelt congratulations for the numbers your excellent blog has drawn to it. It's one of the best blogs out there and I visit often. Kudos to you friend.
So glad you are back from your days off - a much deserved break, but I missed visiting! 100,000. Wow. But totally understandable, given all that you do for and with this community. You inspire us all.
Congrats!!! It'll take me years to hit that number, if I ever do. I can't imagine an art community without you in it; I assume that others like me have met people through your surveys and posts. Thanks!!!!
Congratulations on your entry into outer space. You know we love you ...
How amazing that you have almost got to 100,000 visitors. Congratulations! But it cannot be denied that your blog is more than worth a visit. There are few blogs out there that offer the inspiration and community spirit that yours does. Now, onwards to 200,000!
Seth, I can always COUNT ON YOU to make my day! Your blog rocks! Thanks for all you do every day to enlighten and inspire us. Leslie
100K is unreal! congrats on that milestone....
congratulations on your blog, seth. i am a bit late but today plan on taking some "after" shots of my bundle and will be posting them to my blog in the next couple days. i'll write you and let you know when they are up.
katie aka joyouslybecoming
Oh, Seth. You know I couldn't resist leaving a comment - contest or no. I did count on you in a way, because your art and blog have been an inspiration to me and an impetus to making more art myself. I am so happy to to participate in the Disintegration Collaboration, too. So, if truth be told, in a way I have already won the prize and I thank you. BUT... that doesn't mean I don't want to be in the running for your giveaway! lol, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.
It's always fun to come here see your art and let us join in in your projects and just find interesting info. Thanks for everything Seth.
Did I comment to see if I could win? Well a little...... I usually don't win these things, but I love you so much I just had to comment:>)
been so long since i visited the, 'blogs i go to for inspiration' and today was the day i remedied that. just in time to say a hundred thousand congrats.
Hi Seth,
I second Jill Zaheer's comments -
x 10!
100,000 Congrats to you!
Look at this Creative Machine. It has taken on a life of it's own thanks to you and your vision.
I'm going off to build the float for your ticker tape parade...
I'm so delighted to have discovered your blog...your art and projects are inspirational!
What a lovely idea! I'm very new to both art blogging and mixed media but I'm finding it both addictive and inspiring.
Love coming and checking out your very cool art :-)
congrats on reaching 100,000! Its no wonder at all-your blog is fabulous-one of the best ones on the net, thats for sure!! Keep it up!!! You are so inspiring !
That is quite a number Seth. Congratulations on reaching and flying high through the expanse of outer space! May your spaceflight journey continue to be full of many amazing things.
Oh, me...pick me!
You have some beautiful works here. I am so much enjoying my view of your blog.
Blessings, peace, and love to you,
100,000! Woohoo! Congrats, Seth. Here's to 200,000.
holy smokes this must be the mother load of extraordinary giveaways! thank you for the chance (fingers and toes crossed).
Big congratulations on exceeding your own expectations.
ps - love the Sante Fe embedded heart.
Hi Seth,
Congratulations, more than anyone you deserve it, by inspiring us all, encouraging to participate in your own, very nice way. Hope you will continue for a long time to come, thank you!!
Regina Dwarkasing
Sint Maarten DWI
I've been subscribing to your blog entries for some time now; shame on me for never leaving a comment before now!-- because your artwork and the other art you post is very inspiring and stimulating. Thank you for doing this!
Isn't it wonderful? You have made such a difference. You have such a web presence. You have changed things!!
You also have my mailing address...
I have a folder for your articles and they are a constant inspiration for this 61 year old grandmother. You have caused me to look at everything differently and I'm passing that on....
aww..sweetie.. I dont want anything... I just popped in to see how you were doing.. been very busy with wool down here, and you have been dis integrating wonderfully... tell ya what, if I win, save the carbons and donate it to someone who live closer...OK?
Congrats and thank you's for all the inspiration you provide!
I have been lurking around your site with occasional comments, but just wanted to take this oppertunity to celebrate how fabulous this blog is for the online art community. I LOVE all your collaborations!!! Time and time again, i am inspired by your unique view and fabulous ideas, both through the pictures and through the dialogue provided. I am so excited for you to hit the 100 000 mark!!!!
As for the giveaway, I want the gluestick!!! hahah jj.
i've been watching your disinigration project - this is fun!
Congratulations, Seth. Your blog always inspires and contributes so much to the art community. Your generosity is merely coming back to you.
Congrats! You and your blog really inspired me to start my blog and post my art.. I have been hiding and staying within on my art. I have finally stepped out and just enjoying the journey. Thanks for your inspiration.
Well better late to the party than not coming at all! Only 65,000 hits to go to catch up to you, LOL! I love coming to visit your blog, amazing work always. Congratulations!!!
That is awesome that your blog is so popular. I for one love to see what you are working on and am always inspired by it.
I only discovered you, via Lisa Sarsfield, a few months ago. If I'm fortunate enough to be chosen for your fabulous prize, send it to Lisa from both of us.
Congratulations... you are an idol in so many ways. Keeping my fingers crossed that our paths align and I might get to meet you in person one day, or know you better by sharing in your gift.
Hi Seth! Looks like I am so far down the list of comments that you will fall asleep before you get here.... but just in case you get this far, add me to the list please!
Hey darlin!
And to think I was just stoppin' by to say "hey" and see what's up? and here you are doing a give-a-way!!! What fun....
Hadn't talked with ya in awhile, so just wanted to send ya some yaya lovin' and hope you are doing well!
Have a great weekend...xo...deb
All I can say is WOW! You are such a talent, no wonder you have so many hits! I am just speechless here...your work is breathtaking. I am not an artist really, I just like to do stuff! dream is to wake up one day and be an artist! Maybe if I win those books it might help LOLOL...congrads to you for sure...just keep it coming for us wanna-beez! xox
thanks for the chance to win..tho you are really the gift to us.
Perhaps someone will write a book about you Seth. They should. When I read Jill's comment, I found myself nodding in agreement. It's all true, you see....
you're an inspiration, right back when I used to call my blog Art Inspiration for Today....
Hello---I stumbled on your blog when I goggled altered books and I'm thrilled that I did! What incredible work you have here---I will be back as I've just not had enough time to take it all in ; ). Thanks for such a generous give-away--wow~~and congratulations!
Thank you so much for what you have done to the blogging art world. I've met so many new bloggers thanks to your art assignments. Your own work is so inspiring.
Thanks for the chance to enter your competition too.
Seth! Congratulations! Such and amazing accomplishment! You inspire me on so many levels! Thank you for your comments and encouragement on my blog & art, I appreciate it so very much!
The generosity of your creative spirit know no bounds! Of course that can only translate into a blog that warms hearts and influences artists. Congratulations on reaching far and wide.
Thanks for all your inspiration. As a new collage artist, I find great insights and ideas in your art and information.
Thank YOU Seth for an overflowing river of inspiration to us all! I am so grateful =)
So's mind bloggling!!
Congrats , Seth.
100,000 blew me away too.
Congrats Seth what a mighty achievement.
I only discovered your blog last year, but it is one I return to frequently. I have found many other wonderful blogs through your blog. I really enjoy your work, and watching the various collaborations you participate in. Congratulations on creating such a great blog, and having so many visitors!
Well who could resist such a wonderful invitation! Count me in :) I find your blog and your art very inspiring. Keep on creating. :)
Wow! I like you blog. Just found it using a link from Julie Prichard's blog. So happy I clicked. And the bonus of a chance to win more cool artsy stuff makes it even better. I have bookmarked you site in my must return often file. Thanks for sharing your talent. ziajaymeeatyahoodotcom
100 000 visitors! Congratulations! Your giveaway is awesome and very generous, I hope I win!
Please please pick me!!!
I love the quote from your very first post. What a great focus to begin with, and it has been just that.
well Seth, it's been a pleasure for all of us to get to know your generous and creative soul!
happy 100,000...and please, put my name in your hat!
I think we should all thank you for such dedication to your blog and the great projects you have initiated - Congratulations on your success - you deserve it ALL and now a give away on top WoW!
Holy Crow, 94 comments and 10,000 visitors! Well, at least I'll round out the number at 95.
I've enjoyed your work and projects here and am in awe of your maintenance of comments! Thanks for your blog!
Your blog always inspires me to go create something. thanks so much for sharing.
i love your artwork and am going to share it with my students! they all made mixed media journals and were so hard on themselves about the finished outcome - hopefully your art will be one more example of how art making is about the process, not just the final product - you look like you really enjoy the path!
jennifer mazzucco
If I could "grow" even a smidgen as much, I'd have accomplished beyond my wildest imagination. You truly are an inspiration to the art community! Thank you.
Congrats, what a great achievement!! I found you while you were introducing DisCo and have been following ever since.
kjkoukla(at)hotmail (dot) com
Is there room for one more compliment? Your right up there in the stratosphere in my book.
Hi Seth,
First of all I want to say thank you for having such wonderful ideas for bringing artists together! I suppose we could be a rather formiddable group if we were united on some cause!
I loved looking out at my bundle from my studio window - it gave me focus and sometimes even a certain kind of strength when times were not so good. I am seriously thinking of making something permanent to hang in its place - I miss seeing those little dancing legs!
I follow your blog for some time now and I like it. So much inspiration. Congratulations!
wow, seth, 102 comments and counting... i think that says it all...
i'm late getting here, but know that my words are no less heartfelt... congratulations and thank you for all you are, for all you do...
inspirational blog... would love to enter your giveaway thanks for the chance.. regards..P
i love your blog. thanks for the opportunity to win such cool supplies and such!
Wowee, that is a whole lotta visitors for 2 years - Congratulations! I found out about your blog (if I remember correctly) through Lisa Hoffman's Gypsy Bonfire, and I immediately added it to my Blogger Follower upon checking it out the first time. It's always a real pleasure to visit here; always interesting and beautiful. My blessings and best wishes to you for continued success! Serena
WOW!! Thanx for great a great blog. I have been stalking here for awhile and love the work that you do. Thanx, Sharon
blimey, congratulations on your 100,000 visitors Seth - that's brilliant and gosh what a giveaway - u r a star
OH MY! I just found you and I'm now wondering how it is I didn't find you before this? Weird! But, I love your blog and giveaways are always a delight!!
OH MY! I just found you and I'm now wondering how it is I didn't find you before this? Weird! But, I love your blog and giveaways are always a delight!!
Seth, a big thank you for having started your blog - and for what you are doing here! You are a well of inspiration, and I am in awe at the energy and talent you continuously show with new ideas and great art!
(Oh, and should I happen to win, this is my holiday e-mail:
Love the blog, and the giveaway only makes it better! Thanks for all the great connections and inspirations!
Congratulations, Seth, to you and congratulations to those of us who read your blog and participate in one or more of your community-wide projects.
Convivium is magical and you have added to that magic in art on the internet.
Thank you so much for all your work. Very inspiring!
I am a new visitor to your site, but I am already so inspired to see your mixed-media work. Thank you!
Congratulations Seth! Please know you have been such an inspiration to me and my "new" blog adventure...always so kind with has been a true pleasure to share in your world. Good Luck on the next 100,000 visits.
CONGRATULATIONS!! 100,000! Wow! Not surprised, though.
you're sweet to thank "us" visitors, but i for one want to thank you. if you didn't have a blog worthy of reading, i wouldn't read it. (or if you didn't have interesting collaborations, i wouldn't participate.) so thank you. :) you already know that i have adored your stunning artwork since the moment i "found" you -- i find you an inspiration in so many ways.
congrats on the big numbers, sweets!
love your blog!
Congratulations on this spectacular milestone! I've been enjoying your blog for a while and I guess it's high time I stopped in to say howdy, thanks for the inspiration, and keep the art coming.
100,000!!! Actually it's no surprise considering the inspiration you provide so regularly. Thank YOU Seth! I'm throwing my hat in the ring with a flourish and a prayer!
Oh to share our wonderful are you! Please count me in as well...
Wow, 100,000 visitors! No surprise at all because your interesting blog keeps people coming back for a look. And the Disintegration project, which I regret not having participated in, was a beautiful initiative. Now, this give-away...I was lucky once when I won a Beyond Words Valentine contest...Could luck strike twice?
Oh swoon Seth!! what fab temptations you've posted today (as always) Congratulations on your 100,000 visitors, and I raise my glass to many many more, cheers!
Congrats on 100 000 and thanx for the amazing blog. You're an inspiration. I love seeing what you have been up to and checking out the other artists you mention. I've just come across a stash of papers that were hidden away so I'm gonna bundle them up, pop them in the garden and see what happens to them.
I am so ispired by first glance at your blog...there is much to take in
Sorry I'm so late in posting this BIG congrats Seth! My life has been all about my daughter's bridal shower. But now I'm back to art til the wedding!!
Zowie, 100,000: I bet you're well past that with all these comments!
But this is a great forum you have here. And a wonderful site to show off your grand art work.
Please keep sharing your passion that inspires so many of us.
Cheers on the milestone - Massive number!
But the inspirations you have with us are much more numerous and difficult to enumerate!
Carry On!! -POUI
Hi Seth.
Susan made me type this myself. Your blog is great.
We have your book too.
Every morning I look in the mirror and note my own personal disintegration.
count me in on the great give-away! and a big, fat CONGRATS on the huge number of visitors and your fine art content! keep it coming!!! xoxoxo wendy lee lynds
Wow, Seth, congratulations on so many visitors. It thrils me when you leave a comment on my blog. I'm sure it's the same for you.
Thrilled now, aren't you, now that I've commented here?
Please count me in the giveaway, ok? thank you!
Happy days,
you inspire mr. Seth. thank you so much!
mj calitz
Many, many congratulations on reaching such a fantastic milestone! I have learned a lot from your blog, and have been inspired by your work, your words and all of the art you have shared. Thank you for your always kind words on my blog, and best wishes for much continued success and happiness. Peggi
Thank YOU for all the inspiration, congrats on such a big number!! Looking forward to many more posts!!
Wow, congratulations Seth! It is very exciting. In the beginning I did not even realize there were "stats" and now when I do check I wish each and every visitor a "thank you vibe". I would be thrilled win and always am fascinated by "other people's stuff"! Take care and all the best!
Throwing my hat in ;)
Congrats on the huge milestone :)
You have accomplished your goal and so much more. You have brought an art community together without advertising, trumpets, or fancy gimmicks. You did it with awesome art, beautiful photographs, unique collaborations, and possibly more important, inspiration and support. You are not only a truly gifted artist, you are a genuine hero in the blogging art community.
Your milestone is stunning, but not surprising to me. You deserve every accolade and every good vibe that people can give you. You really are an inspiration to many of us. You are the one who deserves the prize, not us. We already profit from your wisdom and artistry. However, congrats are in order, so here they are:
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on 100,000 and counting!!
Seth---thanks for inspiring Lyle, who then nudges me away from work-work to do a little "altering" of my own. Your blog stats are due to including people in your conversations. Keep going. It's fun seeing what's next!
I'm glad you're here. And I'm glad I'm here too. : )
So much great stuff, so little time, and SO MANY VISITORS! Good work!
The gifts that you have given so many are ones that go deep into the soul of the artist: inspiration, communication, innovation, creativity, and a passion to take risks and dive right in to new projects. Thank you so much, Seth. And thank you for such a thoughtful comment on my blog, Roxanne
Oh my goodness... 100 grand!
Well, I would never have found you had it not been for Jeanne (one day at a time) and but for Judy Wise, I would not have found Jeanne... so, less than six degrees of separation.
It's a good thing as your own work and your very spirit inspire and hearten me on my own small journey in the place We call Art.
"Oh Pharoah, live forever..."
Your Correspondent in Athens,
Wow! And I just found you today...some of us are a bit slower than others, I guess. :)
Congrats on the number of visitors :D .. as always your posts are a visual feast! And please do enter me in your giveaway, who could resist such inspiring prizes?
Congratulations, what a milestone! Your blog is very inspiring. I was so happy to participate in the disintegration project (and I am still participating), thanks for making it happen.
Congratulations Seth! You are such an inspiration to so many. I have enjoyed every minute spent here reading and viewing your work and so happy I was able to participate in The Pulse! You know I have tried leaving a comment for days and blogger and typepad were not cooperating with me, but I never give up! Debbie
OMG! What a great giveaway! Talk about sharing yourself...your art is amazing and inspiring as always! Thank you for sharing so much with us!
oh.. oh.. am i on time still? is it sunday yet? no? great! count me in!
Lucky number 150 :)
What a response Seth. You are a true inspiration to so many.
100,000, heres to the next 100,000 :)
well, Seth, since its a giveaway how could I resist! LOL. Truthfully though congrats on a fabulous blog which is always so inspiring and on the achievements you feel you have gained from the experience. Thankyou for the effort it takes to maintain it all, the collaborations which are so interesting to watch, and for enabling us all to look at your work, which you know I enjoy :) And also, thanks for inspiring me to come out of the wilderness as well.
Love your latest collaboration pieces, Seth - when do you find the time to do all those projects? So many things to do, so little time ...
Wow, that's some give away! Count me in, please!
One of my favorite things to do is to come visit this blog to see what 'else' you are up to. Your work has such a tactile feel to it and makes me want to reach right into my monitor to touch and feel it.
I can't wait to get better acquainted with your new works!
Fabulous job!
Wowee Zowee Seth, congratulations and so well deserved! Thank you for a chance to be a lucky winner of some of your cool 'stuff'! Altho being connected even in the smallest way with someone like yourself is already a big win. You wrote so eloquently and expressed so much of what I feel about the special mixed media community here in the land of blog! I too am very grateful, thank you for being such an inspiration, a generous mover and shaker, it's no small thing! Hats off to you!
oooh...haven't been here for awhile. it's weird i'm actually having a giveaway too! good luck with everything. your site is inspiring as always :)
Hi Seth, I still consider myself a blog baby, with less than a year under my belt, and view your blog as a model for what blogging artists can achieve in this medium. By creating community, sharing of ideas, and of course creating really good art you continuously inspire. Congratulations on your 100,000 visitor mark - it is a well deserved mind boggle :) Here's to the next 100,000!!
always a great visit... a place to explore...your work is inspiring and the work you inspire in others is a treat.
thanks for everything you share.
HOLY COW!!! How awesome that you are nearing the 100,000 visitor mark, Seth! Your work and your words obviously touch others deeply, and inspire us to look inside ourselves. Bravo, my friend!
Seth - it is not surprising to me that you have such a following...100,000 visits that is so incredibly telling, how much an inspiration you are to so many,.....definitely to me...your artwork is extraordinary...and I am blessed to have met you via this online community and doubly blessed that you are part-taking in the Inner Works Collaborative Altered book project with us....The gratitude is deeply felt ....
Thank you!
I'm in,,,
and thanking you!
WOW,,,one of so many,,,that only goes to show how much you and your work are truly appreciated!
So exciting,,,not just the give-away,,,but everything about this thing called The Altered Page!
How can I resist signing up for a give-a-way especially as a beginning journalist. My first page was "kind of" completed yesterday. Need to set up a journaling blog and get a bit of guts to post.
Your pages are inspiring and while I don't want to copy, it will be hard to resist trying to do something similar to enjoy in real life.
Thanks immensely for sharing.
Hi Seth
I ventured upon your blog just over 4 months ago when i first took an interest in mixed media. You're such an inspiration and your blog inspires me to what I can ultimately achieve.
Im in the UK so suspect wont be elegible for the draw but sending you many congratulations on reaching such a milestone. Thanks for sharing your wonderful work and wishing you continued success
with your art and your blog
Wow, Seth! 100 000 visitors? You're a superstar. It's fascinating to see how your creative process has been influenced by blogging.
Seth, you and your blog are an inspiration. Congratulations and please count me in if I am not too late! Leanne (New Zealand)
Should I feel weird saying that I'm just commenting to say thanks, as opposed to entering for the drawing??
Well, I'm probably about the last here! Just happy to be part of your expanding community!
Here's my hat! Love your blog!
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