Thursday, July 16, 2009

What Goes Around Comes Around

Digging for gold! This post is my contribution to the Buried Treasure collaboration. Links to each and every participating artist can be found in the previous post on my blog.

My post for the Buried Treasure collaboration is a modification of a blog post from early 2008. There are several reasons why I chose this particular artwork to highlight again. The text from my original blog post reads as follows:

"Revolution -- The act of revolving or turning round on an axis...a far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behavior...a cycle of events in time...the motion of an object round a fixed point or line. This revolution is complete. I have enjoyed the challenge of working on such small canvases (3 1/2" x 2 1/2") and in a way that is new for me -- quickly and with limited evaluation along the way. Art imitates life. Some of the pieces focused on very specific ideas, emotions, or issues. Some were not preplanned but rather were driven by the materials used and evolved in the making. All represent a personal revolution in my thinking about art in general and my own personal process of creating in particular. Each is a piece of me."

Now that some time has passed since I created Revolution, I do see this artwork as the start of a significant change in my approach to art and in my own view of myself as an artist. More layered. More textured. More intuitive. More personal. And this project was about experimentation. And play. And stretching myself. And exploring. And expressing. And isn't that what art is all about!

"You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be all right
all right, all right"


Anonymous said...

Great to see how you're grown in your art...your approach....revolving and how all the spokes from so many places are radiating.

Nettie Edwards said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nettie Edwards said...

Ok, I'll try again!
Glorious retrospective Seth! Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

A refreshing idea to be sure. I enjoyed visiting, among others, Mr. Catchet.

Pick a Peck of Pixels

Jill said...

Love your selection of your Revolution Re-Post! It's wonderful to see so vividly each of the spokes of your artistic magic displayed. Each one is its own gem. Very reflective and love your line that "'Art imitates life". Couldn't agree more. What's so amazing is to see the changes in ourselves- through our artistic styles and work. Thanks so much for another brilliant collaborative idea for the artistic blogland world to share in, learn from, create in and explore!

Patti Edmon Artist said...

what a fabulous post! your art is amazing and, being at a threshold in my art journey, appreciate your sharing your own evolution.
thanks again for the buried treasure project, i'll look forward to collaborating again!

Anonymous said...

Great re-post! So glad I joined in this collaborative. I couldn't believe the changes I have made as I went through my old posts. Very enlighting! Thanks for another great project!

Bea said...

Isn't it interesting to see how we have developed or grown in our creating? I had a hard time deciding on an mixed media post, fiber post, photography post and ended up finding a little memory story that made me smile. I hope it makes others smile too.
I love those pages you shared and I love the new direction, too. :)Bea

Anonova said...

Fantastic piece, Seth! And I love your explanation of why you chose it.

Unknown said...

Wow! Loved the re-post. I remember it from the first time around & was so fascinated with your beautiful creation. Really enjoyed how you posted the pages: like visiting a gallery. (My favorite is "there was no difficulty.) It stays with me.

lyle said...

seth love your revolution. you can surely see the changes, but they all are fascinating! lots going on in that nimble brain! thanks, lyle

Mary S. Hunt said...

i like how you mention the growth in the scope of your artwork approaches...worth mentioning and everyone grows...
each one of the pieces are lovely and i for one have really grown intriqued with this art style!
and i like the round thingie...gotta look for one of those!
since it rained! i getto go cruising through the list...see ya
and thanks for a great exercise!

Lynn Cohen said...

Wow. Each piece unique and special.
How invited we are to see these parts of you...I feel humbled and honored to be invited in. Love the stand you found to allow the revolution of art to spin around on it's axis. Terrific.

Kim Mailhot said...

That is aboslutely what it is all about ! I loved visiting your treasure, Seth ! I was sing the song as soon as I read the title - you have changed your world beautifully, Artist Man.
Cheers and thanks so much for the challenge !

ELK said...

i think the way you displayed and featured your pieces is really inspiring...happy digging today!

will that song be in my head all day...yes!

MrCachet said...

I like the two Oriental pieces, Seth. They speak to me in your language. How big are these again?

Lawendula said...

What can I say?! It's of a real heartbreaking beauty! So well thought of (is this the right expression- it's difficult to find the right words in a foreign language), so touching! There are so many stories in it!
Thanks for sharing!

My favorite two: the nail on the leaf with the red yarn and the Madonna.
Best, LaWendula

*jean* said...

love love love your choice for re-post...all those cards are wonderful! it is interesting to study their evolution into what your current style is...wonderful and intriguing....

thank you for the journey back...


Susan M said...

WOW! Each small piece is terrific alone, but grouped together ... Stunning,

Kerin said...

I guess I didn't dig far enough back in your posts to see these. Awesome!!!

Thanks for sharing and for doing the Buried Treasure thing. I'm already having such fun!!

marianne said...

i love this. i have just gotten started with atcs and see a similar movement at work. something about the small size makes playing less intimidating and leads to some interesting results. i look forward to translating my small works to bigger pieces too. and i LOVE the presentation!

Curio said...

Loved your repost, which I would not have found otherwise. I am hoping the 10 minute daily collages I've been doing open me up as the exercise in which you produced this beautiful pieces did you!

Once again, thanks for the great initiative.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I think the essence of a good artist is that they are constantly changing and growing into the attainment of their best art. I love that Revolution

jaihn said...


deb said...

as always a beautiful thing, wish I could see and touch it....

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am blown away by your artistic style and abilities. I wish I had your gift (and maybe some of your tools and supplies). You have no idea how I struggle to make my art look similar to yours. You see, I have my own style in my head which is similar to yours, but I can't seem to get it on paper, while you make it look so easy. I applaud your art, your talent, and this overwhelmingly inspiring post.

On another front, I want to applaud you for getting a bunch of us fellow lovers of paper, collage, and mixed media, who also have similar styles, and exposing us (OK, our talents) to each other.

Thank you beyond belief for all you contribute to blogging and art.

Marilyn Fenn said...

What a fantastic piece! I love the complexity of it, and how you displayed all your wonderful little works of art.

And thank you for the Buried Treasure collaborative project. My post is up now; not so much about my own art as some old art school tips for improving your paintings (in note form ;) ): to Improve Paintings

stregata said...

Such a great collaboration and a wonderful buried treasure! Your art makes me catch my breath!

notmassproduced said...

wow - u unearthed a whopper!

sue pieper said...

Thanks for the re-post, it turns out that it was one I'd missed. Love how the ATC holder goes round & round, representing (for me anyway)how we, as artists do the same sometimes. Go along, get off the ride for a bit, change things up, get back on for another spin-well, you get the picture. We artists, as a group, have the unique job of not only challenging ourselves along the way, but watching our art grow & change-and I wouldn't change that for the world! Making me look back at older posts has been fun, just might go repost something else:)
Thanks again for another wonderful way to bring bloggers together!

lynne h said...

ahhhh, seth... beautiful post...

i think i started reading your blog when you were posting the 'revolution' pieces... i loved them then and i love them now. seeing them takes me back to that time... seeing the layers that you were doing then got me thinking about more layers myself... and so it goes, each of us inspiring others... revolution.

thanks for this post seth, and for everything between now and then.

Lani Gerity said...

Oh my, Seth, you ARE the revolution! I'm so happy to be a part of this! Thanks so much!

ArtPropelled said...

Many treasures here Seth. Such a great idea of yours! Thank You!!!

WrightStuff said...

I find myself drawn over and over again to that blue heart - truly mesmerising. I feel very much a beginner next to all this talent but hope you don't mind me joining in with my more humble offerings! For me, it's a process of rebirth and I'm starting over rediscovering my old creativity but - more particularly - unleashing a whole new wave! I'm having a lot of fun, which is after all what life should be about. Can't wait to explore all this new art!

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

This is wonderful! What a great piece of treasure. We are all so glad that you did stretch, explore and play...your work is very inspiring to me. I love "soar' and the card with the words "be the bridge" wow, they really jump out at me. So strong. Thanks for sharing this piece and for encouraging us to do the same:)

Toni said...

Seth----you are a man of many talents but one which you may overlook, is your ability to draw people to the table. Whether its "disintegration" or "Treasure" you have done well in your gathering!

Debrina said...

Ahhh...bless you Seth.

~*~Magpie's Nest said...

WOW Seth, fabulous post!!!

mansuetude said...

such a rich group! My favorite is the second, "ENTER" with that sense of a figure impaled on a tree, though it might be a flag or a breath.

love the poetry lines too, transition on the edge of a breeze is wonderful!

thanks for sharing your creative communication, it builds community.

Chris said...

You know, this is one of the ones that has come to mind several times before! It really make an impression on me.

Thanks, Seth!

Brian K said...

As many have expressed an awe inspiring journey and an interesting use with the ATC wheel.

The Buried Treasure post was difficult for me on two folds... first, I am relatively new to blogging and have just a few post relatively... second as Lumiyon has stated in her post this time I was more introspective after doing several different items... I guess that is another aspect I admire about your site and work it challenges us to think and feel...

Caterina Giglio said...

wonderful work and interesting imagery. thanks for the buried treasure and I hope to play next time! caterina

Diane said...

What a wonderful piece of buried treasure Seth! You are such an inspiration to glad we met. Mine is posted!

Julie Prichard said...

Wow.....powerful feelings..and an awesome collection of art here, it. You even got Abe Lincoln to comment... cool.

Roben-Marie said...

Loved seeing all these pieces! Very nice!!

3rdEyeMuse said...

this is MOST DEFINITELY a treasure of a post, Seth ... thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

What a blog event this has been - buried treasure everywhere. Thanks for this event, for your art, and your efforts Seth.

BT said...

I can see why you chose this piece Seth. It's marvellous to see each individual page and how your work has evolved since. I would be forever picking up a page and looking at it anew. I could view them over and over again.

Wildflower Studio (Michelle Dransart) said...

This is my first visit, and I love your work! Love the post and the wonderful revolution!

Poetic Artist said...

Thank you for making this such a great thing..I am glad I joined in. To find all these blogs I have never seen.
Thank you again,

femminismo said...

Very good to see all this wonderful art. I love the "page/picture" that says "Transition will follow the edge of a breeze." A little breeze begins and cools a sweaty brow and then a stronger wind ruffles the trees and clears the mind and we get a second wind, literally, and pick everything up and start all over again. And it all begins with the edge of a breeze. - Jeanne p.s. thanks for this idea!!! (the reposting)

jo horswill said...

Hi Seth, this is just the most amazing post...thanks for re-posting it :)
every page tells a storry, quite moving really. Beautiful work. :)

Kim Palmer said...

I am almost speechless Seth..., naaa kidding! I am bowled over though by how you have attained such depth in these little atc sized bites of art! They are so you in style and have lost nothing in the translation to this sized format. I bet you were really pleased with these babies. Really enjoyed spending some time to look at them slowly and take them in too. I am sooooo bowled over by the fact that your a Beatles fan!!! Viva the revlolution!

John M. Mora said...

great --- impressive

Gillian McMurray said...

For me this is one of the most memorable pieces from your blog. I'm so glad you chose it.

Shirley Ende-Saxe said...

Oh shoot, I knew this was in the works and missed it! Great idea and lots of blogs to visit. You make it very easy to find the best!

Nikki Lee Anne Ghilain said...

Seth I LOve your Treasures! So sorry I was late with mine....

ART*ticulation said...

All the work is awesome, I even saved some of the photos for inspiration, I hope you don't mind. So much eye candy!!! But what I really enjoyed was reading about your process and having it change your process. I love growing and changing in my art and I believe that is exactly what you have done!

Marie-Aimée said...

I love, just I love

Ginny Gaskill said...

I spent some time with your repost this morning. Your work just calls to me. It is as if I can feel it and I really want to touch each piece. I am amazed at what you can create in such small scale. If you did not mention the size (which I am glad you do) I would think it was a large canvas. I started to go quickly through all the posts from other artists and realized I am going to have to do a few at a time to really see them. Thanks for the challenge, I am glad I played.

Anonymous said...

I love those cards and thank you for the gentle!

Terry said...

Seth, this has always been my favorite piece, I'm so glad you picked it for the Treasures post! I'm traveling again, so my check-ins are sporadic, but will enjoy looking at everyone else's posts...

rivergardenstudio said...

oh Seth, I love seeing these again and I love your art. Thank you for bringing so many together in creativity. roxanne

daya saraswati dasi said...

hi seth, i missed this all together, but am psyched that i got to see more of your work. i almost bought one of those metal address holders from pottery barn that is similar to the one in this post to make a book out of!!! i knew our work was similar (my past work to your past work)... i was doing collaborative journals (and still am) and i can't tell you how much this post reminds me of my books... if it weren't so much work, i would scan some of my pages to show you... wishing we could have a studio visit sometime in the future... anyway... this is really cool and i am always looking for inspiring blogs, so when i get the chance soon, i will go through your list below and check out the art! thank you for being such an amazing artist and a puller together of people - you are a collaborative community oriented soul - a rare species:):):):) peace, jennifer

girlgonethreadwild said...

Seth, I quite literally just dissolved into each piece!

Thank you for reposting, as I missed this the first go round.. and I just wouldn't have been able to LIVE with myself if I had!

You invented such a curious world, I'm glad to have a small but SUBSTANTIAL peek inside!

xo, me :)

Anonymous said...

Heh Seth,
Wow - there is SO much eye candy here I don't know where to begin. Love what you're doing and this 'revolution' was an excellent choice to revisit.

Priti Lisa said...

One word, SWOON. I am in love.

Anonymous said...

Simply stated - beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Seth, you always do the coolest things. Great display, too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are gorgeous. Hopefully someday i'll be up to your standards. I'm inspired to go work on some pages now :)

Karin Bartimole said...

I LOVE every image of your artwork in this post Seth! and I have enjoyed visiting many of your participating excavators. congratulations on another wonderful community project!!

rivergardenstudio said...

Seth, I love seeing all of this work together and how your art just speaks out creativity and LIFE... thank you for this project and for everything that you share with the art world... I have been having internet problems or I would have written sooner! Roxanne

A tired retired recluse @ said...

I remember this one!
You have caused me to spend way more time on blogs and the computer than I ever have. A mixed blessing!

Unknown said...

I was away last week when you posted this feast. So pleased I scrolled down! Stunning in every shot and I love your play with the word revolution and the Beatles lyrics.

Karen Salva said...

Seth, this is a wonderful post and the art....I am speechless. Truly perfect glimpse of your creativity on such small canvases put together so elegantly. Another great idea with the "re-post"

Umā said...

This is a fantastic way to display some very beautiful pieces of artwork! Glad you reposted this.

laurel said...

Definitely can see the progression but I'm enjoying all of them. Your work is always so full of texture and interest. Great pics too of the carousel.

Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

Comepletely baffled as to how I have not seen this before! Really cool-I love the one with the ladder on it. I have this carousel too, but it's still sitting in a box. I will get around to a project with it at some point.