Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Destination Creativity

When artist, author, and all-around-amazing-person Rice Freeman-Zachery asked me to be part of the blog hop for her newest book, Destination Creativity: The Life-Altering Journey of the Art Retreat, I jumped at the chance.

I know that when the subject of creativity comes up, Rice is a pro. And her two most recent books, Living the Creative Life: Ideas and Inspiration from Working Artists and Creative Time and Space: Making Room for Making Art, are among my most favorites. 

Rice and her husband the Ever Gorgeous Earl took a year out of their lives to travel across the United States to attend a series of art retreats. Their experiences are shared in this book as a way to bring the creative energy from these retreats to your home. But this book is so much more than just a personal travelogue. Five step-by-step workshops from well known artists are shared. Stories from retreat attendees are highlighted. Photos from each retreat are included to better present the experience. And Rice shares tips to help anybody start a small workshop retreat in their hometown.
I asked Rice to share a personal anecdote about the book with the readers of The Altered Page:

"I've written about this before, but it's such a huge deal, and so key to the reason I urge people to attend art retreats, that I have to mention it. At Art and Soul in Hampton, we stayed at the Embassy Suites, and in the evenings they have the Manager's Reception, where you get free drinks and bad-for-you snacks for a couple of hours each evening. It was great because it gave people a place to meet after their workshops -- you didn't have to go to your room all by yourself because you knew where to find everyone.

One night there were a couple of us sitting around talking, and someone pulled out her journal, and we asked to see it. She passed it around -- I think it was melanie Testa. Then someone else pulled out their journal -- Jill Berry, I think -- and then we all started showing what we were working on. More people pulled up chairs. I was stitching; others started drawing. Then someone started talking about magazines and editors and then books and publishing and possibilities, and we shared information and contacts and wrote stuff down to remember. It was like suddenly there was this community of people who were interested in the same things you were interested in -- stuff nobody in your hometown would care about at all.

Things like this happened at other retreats, and opportunities and ideas arose -- just like the very best communities, where you introduce each other to your friends and share recipes and power tools. For someone like me who lives in a really isolated-from-other-people-like-me place, this was just the best, bar none. It changed my life, believe it or not; now, when I'm at home and far, far away from all these fabulous people, I know they're still out there, still interested in the same things, still doing amazing stuff. It makes the world seem so much warmer, you know?

To celebrate the release of this wonderful book, all of the participants on the blog hop are hosting a giveaway. To win a copy of Destination Creativity, please leave a comment on this post by Tuesday 10/11. It's that easy. Sorry to say that people with addresses outside the United States are not eligible. Make sure I have your email and look for my announcement of the lucky winner on 10/12.

Please visit all the stops on this blog hop to learn more about the book and to sign up for more giveaways!

Monday, 10/3 - Melanie Testa
Tuesday, 10/4 - Seth Apter
Wednesday, 10/5 - Mary Beth Shaw
Thursday, 10/6 - Carla Sonheim
Friday, 10/7 - Lisa Myers Bulmash
Saturday, 10/8 - Melissa Manley
Sunday, 10/9 - Deryn Mentock
Monday, 10/10 - Jen Cushman  


MrCachet said...

WOW! Count.Me.In. Did I mention I LIKE Blog Hopping? As usual, Seth. You've outdone yourself once again. I get to meet more artists!

Maureen said...

Great anecdote about the evening at the Embassy Suites. Everyone I know who has been on an art retreat of any kind raves about the experience. Creativity feeds on community and community can thrive on creativity.

Misti said...
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Selina said...

What an amazing giveaway! I would love to read more! Thanks for hosting this.

Misti Goguen-Everett said...

Oooh, I would love to receive this book.
It's on my list, but it would be even a better gift. After all, Christmas is coming.

You are always helping fellow artists. I've not been arting long, but long enough to watch who helps, who doesn't, who whines and who wants others to do their research.

JGG said...

Thanks so much for this opportunity. I love all of Rice's books! She is "Creative Contagion", and I could use a big dose of that!

Marcia Beckett said...

I would love a chance to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

Karen Isaacson said...

saving my pennies for my first retreat, but this book would be a great resource while I'm waiting!

deb said...

Hi Seth!!!

I've never been to an art retreat but they sound wonderful. I'd love to win Rice's book! Count me in!
adbt16 at suddenlink dot net

Beanie Mouse said...

Well I know I'm not eligible being from England but can I nominate my friend Lesa in Florida? She'd love this book!!!

Kim Hambric said...

ONE of these days, I'm going to pack up and head off to an art retreat. Until then, I'll just have to read about them. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Looks like a great line-up of artists touting this book. I can't wait to read more, since you have truly piqued my interest.

jgr said...

Oh Yes! I would be thrilled to win this book. Thank you for the chance, now I'm off to 'hop' around to the other blogs.

bohemiannie! art said...

Rice's book is on my list when I visit the States in November...so it'd be even better if I didn't have to buy it! I can give you an address to mail it to. No problem! :)

lyle baxter said...

seth, I'd love to be the winner! I enjoy Rice's blog .she can be very funny at times and certainly insightful all the time. please put my name in the hat!

Sonya Johnson said...

The book sounds like a delightful and fascinating read based on your blog post alone. Love the anecdotal story at the Embassy Suites.

Please count me in for this opportunity!

Jill Zaheer said...

Of course you jumped at the chance to be part of this wonderful book's entrance into the world- after all, it's a Blog HOP! LOL On a serious note, I have Rice's two other books and they are winners! Glad you are part of her journey here. Please count me in for your giveaway!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh yes Seth, count me in! Rice is a hoot and I love reading her books!
And lucky YOU, being part of the book!


barbara L. said...

Great fun to read Rice's blog. She is so multi-talented. I'd love to win her book.

Rebeca Trevino said...

I have only attended one art retreat, and the description in this post reminded me of what an amazing experience it was.

I would love to read more.
thanks Seth.

Charade said...

You share your art and your space with such an open heart, and I can't wait to order this book. If I win one from you, I'll pass it on as a gift.

..... J ..... said...

I cannot wait to read her book. I love her blog and other creative venues.

Monkey Mind said...

Ooooh! Pick me! I never seem to be able to attend all these wonderful art retreats so this book is the next best thing.

Erin in Morro Bay said...

Like you, I love Rice's first two books and her artist interviews.

Chris said...

Hi Seth, Please toss my name in the hat. Have a great day!

Suzanne said...

Art retreat??? WOW! This sounds right up my alley. Forget the book, let's figure out how to do a giveaway to one of those!!! ;) (jk jk i want the book, too!) I have an address outside the U.S. but can provide an address inside it, too. Blog hopping is one of the best ways to spend a rainy day online. Or anyday, really.

Kristin Wilkinson said...
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Kristin Wilkinson said...

LOVE the blog hop!!!! Rice is one of my favorite artists. So inspiring and full of great, motivational ideas. I'm not surprised the two of you are in cahoots. You both motivate and inspire so many! Hmmm, art retreats... I need one of those right about now but will just enjoy reading about others adventures instead. Or do what I always do and retreat into my back room and talk to the cats while I create. They're not great conversationalists, but they are great listeners. Not quite the same as being at a retreat with real live people... I seriously need to get out more!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Seth - as per usual. Rice's posts are amusing and often thought provoking. Glad that she's connecting with you!

Jeannie said...

I am new to your blog due to this blog hop and I am so glad it brought me here. I have seen your art in publications and loved it, but wasn't aware you had a blog. I will be lurking here regularly! Rice & EGE, there are no words to say what a fantastic job they have done to bring the art world to those of us in the sticks. They are the best! Okay, it is raining and I have a big cuppa to drink while I read your blog. Thanks!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a copy of this book! Please add my name to the hat!!

SooZeQue said...

If it's art I'm all over. Love all the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I love the story that was shared about people sharing their passions and inspiring others through connecting.

Barbara S said...

Thanks so sharing this Seth!

Laume said...

I'm in for a chance at it. I've read her two other books and got much out of each of them during times when I was too restless to sit down and read any other art/creativity books. I've just recently found time to start attending retreats and find they're great at filling the wellspring and actually making the time to CREATE!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea...somehow I hadn't heard about this book.

thanks for being my go to guy.

donna joy said...

So true what Rice said-such a sense of belonging when you hang out with others who "get it"~

Jenni Hoddinott said...

wow i love books on any subject but art and travel it don't get any better than that.....

maeve315@msn.com said...

I would love to win this book and read about art retreats, to get a vicarious thrill! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I would soooo love to win Rice's book. It probably will be the closest I ever get to an art retreat due to physical disabilities.
Thanks Seth for participating in blog hopping and promoting the book.

Mouseybrat said...

I love Rice! and I love your blog!

chandlerguera said...

The book sounds intriguing.


Thanks Seth! Be sure to visit the giveaway at my blog too. See you soon in CT.

Debrina said...

Oooo yes please, count me in. I love her previous book Living Life Creatively!!

Michele Casey said...

Hi Seth! So glad this hop took me to your site. What a great resource and inspiration your blog is!Thanks for being part of this and sharing.

Carol C said...

A Rice book giveaway! I'd love to win it! Please count me in. Thanks for bringing her latest work to my attention.

Katalina Jewelry said...

I've never been to an art retreat but the Portland Art & Soul has been on my wish list for a couple of years. Maybe Rice's new book will inspire me to finally get to it! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

huntla1 said...

This book interests me so much! I would love to win a copy so I can plan my next art retreat!

Art Expression said...

Wow...amazing giveaway. Would ove to own the book = ) Thank you for a chance to win = )

Anonymous said...

Love Rice and have her other two books. I got to meet her and her husband at Art Unraveled this year and it was a thrill for me. Thank you so much for an opportunity to win her latest book!

queenb2u said...

I'd love a chance to win. Thanks, Seth. I have never been to an art retreat, but would love to host one.

Marcie said...

This is so inspiring. Loved reading about the evening 'connections'!

Jeannie said...
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Jeannie said...

Thank you for this opportunity! I really enjoy seeing what will be next when I check my inbox. I have been studying Mixed Media for about a year now and before that I almost gave up on being creative. I couldn't find my niche till I heard about Art Journaling and that brought me back. Happy to be a part of this blog.:)

Bill said...

I've always wanted to go to a retreat to meet fellow artists, but so far, it hasn't been possible. I guess reading a book about it would be the next best thing. :O)

Cris Peacock said...

ooh another chance to win Rice's book! Sounds wonderful--Mahalo!!

trish said...

What a great opportunity and a wonderful book as a result! I've enjoyed running into Rice and Earl over the past year and can't wait to read what they've pulled together from their experience~

Denise said...

Oh, I would love to receive this new book. I am financially not able to attend art retreats so this would be a real treat. Thank you for the opportunity. :D

patty a. said...

The books like something that would get my creative juices flowing! Thanks so much!

Robin said...

Thanks Seth! Count me in on this wonderful chance! Thank you so much! I dream of the day when I can go on an art retreat...for now, I will continue blog hopping and following amazing and inspiring artists like yourself. Have a terrific week!

Linda said...

I'm really looking forward to reading this book!

Dana said...

Woo Hoo! Thanks for this opportunity :)

Jan said...

This looks like a great book! Count me in on the blog hop too!

Unknown said...

Great blog hop. Count me in. Oh, and did I mention, I would love to have a copy of Rice's new book.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win Destination Creativity. What fun.

Lori said...

Crossing my fingers! Hopping off to read the next blog post.

jan b. said...

I recently had the fotunate opportunity to meet Rice at the Art Is ... retreat in Petaluma and to preview her book which I'd love to read in full. Thank you for this generous giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hi Seth! What a treat to be included in Rice's "Blog Hop"! Terrific concept and I'm sure you were thrilled! I think we should put our heads together and put together a retreat in your neck of the woods! (Not too much happens here in my area, but you are in the Mecca of art!!!).
Hope all is well, congratulations on all your continued hard won successes.

Melisa said...

I'd like to win! Contact link is on my blog, top right.

Cheryl Goyer said...

Blog hopping is the best, especially if a giveaway is thrown in. Looked at Rice's book at Barnes and Noble and it is on my list.

Dotti said...

It's refreshing to see a book by an artist I follow with a completely different approach.

Brenda said...

Thanks so much for this opportunity. I love all of Rice's books! There's nothing like looking at the creativity of others to get my creative mojo going!

Joni M said...

I arrived here through the Destination Creativity blog hop. I've enjoyed reading your blog and am adding it to my favorites. Thanks for a chance to win!

Unknown said...

Excited by the possibility of owning a copy of Ricë's newest book! I finally got to meet her last week at Art & Soul in Portland.:) Thanks for including me. e-mail: durovchic(at) comcast(dot)net.

Nikki Lee Anne Ghilain said...

I love love love her writing style.

Dion Dior said...

What a beautiful opportunity to win such a wonderful book. xx

stargardener said...

:: raises hand :: I love @ricefz's proverbial glitter and sassy writer style! ♥

Mary Ellen said...

I am such a fan! I'm already enthralled by her work. I hope I win.

stacie said...

Sounds like a wonderful book! Happy to have found your blog.

~*~Patty S said...

ooo thanks so much for the chance to be the lucky winner of Destination Creativity Seth...very exciting and so true about the special energy at art retreats...there is nothing to compare to it

Wildflowerhouse said...

I am so taken by what Rice said. I wish I had been there, if only a small mouse in the corner.LOL Count me in! Sharon

Linda Sadler said...

I would love to win-thank you for the opportunity-

Andria said...

I really enjoyed reading this post about Rice's work. I am considering attending a retreat sometime next year, and I can really feel the energy of the experience coming through in Rice's description here. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity, Seth!

ANKA said...

Having attended ArtFest I know it is a wonderful experience, but would love a chance to taste the flavor of other events

Dorit Elisha said...

I love retreats - both teaching and taking classes. I always debate which of the two I should do more..

Anonymous said...

Great! Would love to win...thank you for the opportunity Seth.

susan in seattle said...

Oh, I would love to win Rice:s book! I'm hoping to get inspired to sign up for a retreat.

JB said...

Your book sounds like a real inspiration to those who aspire to new creative heights. I am one of those.

enchanted said...

Please count me in! Thanks for the chance and the great anecdote about the book...sounds like such a wonderful time.

Sheila said...

Wow! What a cool post! Everyone joining in, pulling out their journals, one by one! Magical!

(formerly of Halo Hill)

Gaby Bee said...

What an amazing giveaway! Please count me in. I would love to have a copy of this book! Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Someday I'll get to go on a blog retreat, sigh. Meanwhile, let me read about them

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to win the book.

Linda said...

Thanks, Seth. I'd love to win this book. I'll be attending my first ever art retreat, Artfest, in the spring :-)

Anonymous said...

Well it seems like this book is a bestseller already...everyone wants it! Me too...looks very interesting and useful. People who go on journeys such as this one are BIG in my eyes. Best of luck to them!

Anonymous said...

Until the opportunity for an art retreat comes my way, I'd love a shot at winning this book!

Polly Barker said...

I love blog hopping....

Fallingladies said...

Please count me in, I'd LOVE this book!
lelloavengers@yahoo dot com

huntla1 said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of this great book. I so want to own this book. I like the idea that she did the leg work for us to give us an idea of what some of the bigger retreats are like!

Susan Goodell said...

Looks like a great book and I would love to add it to my collection. I've never met Rice but she seems like such a wonderful lady.

ginigin said...

It's always great to find new blogs, though of course I end up ever longer online. Would love to check out this book, there's a destination I've been aiming for for some time.

kareninkenai said...

How super cool. Thanks for the opportunity and I am enjoying the Blog Hop very much. The sites are fabulous. Hugs from Alaska. kareninkenai

Lorna said...

This looks like a great book. Hoping this is the lucky entry!

HeARTworks said...

Sounds like a book to savor! Although i live in the Philippines< I have a US mailing address! patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com

Traci Johnson said...

Love this blog hop! Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.

Kathleen said...

Just found your blog today, thanks to another artist, and I'm very excited to start exploring all the fascinating posts and links. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity too!

cathy @ ma vie trouvee said...

What a great blog hop with so many talented artists! I love Ricë's books - would like to add this one to my collection! thanks for the change to win. And always enjoy your articles on create mixed media!

tami said...

oh! I would so LOVE to go to a retreat - on my bucket list!
This would be awesome.

Jeanne said...

this would be the best one to win!!

ShirleyJo said...

I'm new to this blogging community.
I'm not sure I qualify as an artist, but enjoy creating things I like. It's great learning there are others out there like me. My small town is rather close-minded about anything 'different.' If I don't win this book, I will definately check for it at the library, (probably have to inter-library loan.)

Lynn Cohen said...

111 has to be the lucky number! LOL
Lynn at getting my feet wet Lynn

Mega said...

This book looks so cool. ...I am gonna have to check it out (whether I win it or not) :) thanks for sharing!

glimmering prize said...

Nice giveaway! thanks for hosting it!
(hope you pick me!)

deb said...

never been on an art retreat, sounds like heaven tho. Maybe after the wedding and college tuition is behind me I'll be able to afford one! So please sign me up for the giveaway until then!!

jean pawlowski said...

what a wonderful opportunity for those of us that are unable to attend art retreats to experience them!! i am sure the book is fantastic! would love to win one!!

sherrie said...

chanting silently in my head "oh please please please...."