Saturday, July 2, 2011

Style File: Chapter 1

Welcome to the 5th edition of The Pulse -- The State of the Art -- a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community. The Pulse is a collaborative project that aims to introduce you to new artists, help you get to know familiar faces even more, and allow you access into the creative hearts and minds of a very talented crew of individuals. More than 130 artists have answered a series of questions which make up The Pulse. Their responses will be presented in a series of online posts. 

To start things off with a bang, postings from The Pulse will begin today and continue on Sunday July 3rd and Monday July 4th. Regular weekly postings begin on Sunday July 10th and will continue every Sunday thereafter. 


To celebrate the start of the 5th edition, every person who leaves a comment on any of the three postings will be eligible to win a copy of 'The Pulse - The Zine' from 2008, which is now out of print and unavailable. Comments close on Saturday July 9th and the winner will be announced on Sunday July 10th.

Style File is the 1st of 6 projects from The Pulse. Participants were asked: How would you describe your artistic style?
Anne Bagby

I guess my style is experimental and layered. I chose this image because it started out as rather realistic and ordinary man's head and grew from there. First the pattern over the face and then more layers and more things. I like pattern and I like realism and I like to draw.
Stephanie Hilvitz

I use many different mediums and styles and most often enjoy using them together. I am not fond of 'mixed media' as so many use that phrase to describe so many different media. The Kitchen Goddess shows how I use many processes to create my 'style'.
Sally Turlington

My artistic style could be described as eclectic (is that a term for a fun, jumbled mess?) LOL.
Marie Otero

I think my style tends to vary from graphic grunge and at other times it's a little softer and more expressive and ethereal. I love to incorporate my own photographs in my artwork and like to find ways to give them new life in my digital paintings and collage.

Messy, organic, free!

My artistic style is eclectic vintage nature-inspired collage.

I'd describe my artistic style as vibrant, energetic, layered and connected to whatever I'm creating.

Mixed-media narrative in a post-modern world. I combine the detritus of my urban environment with photographic images past, present, and future...taped, stitched, and spray painted together to evoke a landscape of decadent mystery.

I guess I would describe my artistic style as 'earthy.' I tend to chose earthy colors and elements for my work. I love using elements that come from the earth as well.

Quirky realism - choosing odd objects to highlight in still life.


Julie Prichard said...

BOOM! Fireworks right out of the gate! Welcome back, The Pulse! Can't wait to read more.

MrCachet said...

Hey, THANKS, Seth!!! Now the fun begins. I know these projects take more than a bit of your time, and I hope you get to sit back and enjoy as well.

Rebeca Trevino said...

Bring it on! I have been waiting for this. . . . woo! hoo!

Jill Zaheer said...

This Style File Chapter 1 is gorgeous. The artwork is amazing - just over the top and I love the varied styles of all the talented artists. Thanks so much for including my piece- this is such a great beginning to a celebratory weekend. Can't wait for tomorrows post. You are such a marvel to the art world- the greatest of all art collaborators!

sf said...

Aside from everything else you do so well, you are a master of collation.
Thanks again, for everything...

sharon said...

Amazing works, looking forward to more....

Gina said...

Awesome site,, looking forward to wandering thru all the artwork and comments.

Lost Aussie said...

Awesome post Seth. I love he compilation of artists and their thoughts and statements. Well done.

Marit said...

Off with a BANG - indeed! I am among the most talented artists and happy to meet the 'new' (to me) ones! Such inspiration... I feel like diving deep in a pool of creativity! Thanks again Seth, for making this happen!

TJ said...

Ooohhh The Pulse is fun! I'm so happy to have discovered it. Best wishes from germany, tj

Unknown said...

Let the fireworks show commence! Great start with a wonderful selection of artists Seth. I DO love The Pulse!

Debrina said...

Oh my! This is deluxe eye candy, Seth! Hurry up and publish your book already, lol!
I have already discovered, in this post alone, enough new artists to keep me going for a while :-)

CERULEAN said...

Cheers, Seth. You've made a great start.That's a lot of work. (When do you sleep?)

Leslie said...

Seth, you really are the master community builder! Thanks so much for putting together your fifth collection of The Pulse, and thanks for including me!

Anne Marie - Toronto said...

Another great series dedicated to the quirky, creative!!! I love it!

Mackin-Art said...

Just incredible!!!
So much to aspire to - maybe someday!

Laura said...

How exciting to see the work and the short description.

Traditions said...

Absolutely stunning works of art. What a delight to see first thing in the morning.

Kathryn Dyche said...

. . . . and you're off with a bang. Lots of great Artists and it's only the first post.

theresa martin said...

WOW - really gorgeous art work here. I'm going to follow every link and look at more of the work. Well done!

Luthien Thye said...

wow Seth! you sure opened up with a bang! i will be posting about this over the weekend ... as soon as i solve some issues with the computer :) wonderful showcase!!

Mary K. McGraw said...

Looking forward to this weekend's The Pulse. Really enjoy meeting all the artists that are featured her.

p said...

looking forward to it all!

lyle baxter said...

Seth, as usual you've done great job with the intro! I like Anne Bagby's piece as it might be you silently watching the rest!!! I'll be watching too.

mzjohansen said...

Ohhh How Could I have not been reading this regularly? Most excellent!

I tried to leave a comment on one of the artit's site but the sit I wanted led me to a page with things like Portfolio, Bio etc. I must be doing something wrong.... I know ignorance is no excuse.

Jessica said...

What a great first post for this 5th edition! I see a few artists here I'm familiar with, including one of my favorite artists, Anne Bagby, and also some artists who are new to me. Thanks again for all the work you put into this, Seth. I look forward to tomorrow's post!

Parabolic Muse said...

Okay, how can a person out-do himself all the time?! Are you competing...with yourSELF?! Do you get jealous of you? Do you keep your process a secret from Seth? What happens if you don't hide your notes? Do you steal them?

Thank you thank you for all this goodness.

I mean, thanks to one of you...

Evie said...

Pulse is new to me and I can't wait for more artwork and artists to drool over!

rivergardenstudio said...

Wow! Style File, chapter one is wonderful beyond words. Love the art, and reading how people describe their own "style..." That is something so hard to do, and I love how the artists here shared their heartfelt thoughts!
I am looking forward to see what you have for tomorrow!

Kim Mailhot said...

Bravo once again, Seth, for this awesome gathering of art,artist and artistic process.
I do enjoy reading how artists describe their own "style" - not always an easy task !
I hope you have a great holiday weekend !

donna joy said...

Looking forward to all of these-always interesting to peek into the minds of others~and will last longer than the fireworks this wkend :)

Teddi said...

great artists! i so wanna win the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work and interesting answers.
I loved what Stephanie said about the term mixed-media. It may seem like it encompasses many techniques and materials to create art when in fact, for me that is, it's very limiting. It's an over-used term that is old and worn.

Anonymous said...

thank you, thank you, thank you for all the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

yes! happy to be part of the Pulse again! Looking forward to this weekly event.

Anonymous said...

A bang-up great job on the first post,Seth. Thanks for including me. Can't wait for the rest of them.

Canace said...

This is going to be so much fun learning about other people and their work, without your hard work we might otherwise not know.

Artsnark said...

Fantastic! Thanks for pulling everyone together & sharing all this inspiration. Wonderful work & words today

Sharmon Davidson said...

This is so exciting, I want to read all of it, now! I guess that wouldn't possible, though, and would leave us nothing to look forward to. And what an exciting and talented bunch of artists you've started off with! Thanks for all your hard work on this, Seth, and have a wonderful and well-deserved 4th of July break. Celebrate!

Penney said...

Good stuff, good stuff!

Karin Bartimole said...

Happy 5th anniversary of the Pulse - and as others have said, you've started out with a bang!! Love all the images in this group of talented artists, and enjoyed reading their statements. i can tell this is going to be an exciting series :)

Robert said...

What a great start to The Pulse #5! Very rich and varied work with absolutely delicious colors, textures, and patterns! As with The Pulse #4, it is so lovely to see all of the incredible creativity and imagination that is out there. Seeing "Style File: Chapter 1" this morning made me realize how much a part of my "art life" The Pulse has become, and how, for the last several weeks, it really feels like there's been a big "something" missing! Thank you, Seth! I know that organizing, and publishing all of the artwork and comments, with such creativity and inspiration, is no small task! Ahh. . .It is so nice to be able to look forward to being visually inspired every Sunday, once again!!!

KrisR said...

My time has come..

Teri said...

Wow...I love so many of these. I will check them out individually now. So much to look at. So much temptation to buy!!

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Awesome Seth, thanks for putting together such a great file!

Cat said...

Thank you for introducing me to some new artists and the chance to learn more about some I've been following for a while. What an awesome task (or is it labor of love?!) you have set for yourself!! Thank you, again!!

Kimber said...

Great variety of art. Really like it all. Thanks so much for putting this together and sharing with us!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a beginning. I'm thrilled to see some of my favorite artists and a few new to me. Thanks for devoting so very much time to this project.

Billie said...

Hi Seth

This project is amazing! Its so great to be involed and I look forward to discovering more about the artists and their work.

Every visit here is inspirting and makes me want to create.

Best wishes


Holly Dean Artist said...

Fantastic, Seth! I just love exploring all these talented artists' work and words. I always find new blogs to follow :)

ArtPropelled said...

I agree with Cerulean. When do you sleep Seth? This is going to be a great edition!

Julie Shackson said...

Fabulous first issue! Much to browse and note here. Well done that man!

Theresa Plas said...

Oh so enjoying your Style Files Seth! Thanks for taking the time to accumulate and post. Will post a heads up on my blog too.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the introduction to some artists I've never seen before -- and to the ones I know and love. I love reading about their styles and I am amazed by your endless bounty of ideas!

Anonymous said...

I love all of these images! And what a treat to hear a little about the artist with each one.

Anonymous said...

Found some amazing work here - new inspirations and blogs to follow!


rita timmons said...

This is great!

Anonymous said...

Owwww Ahhhhhh Owwww Ahhhhhh what incredible art and so many different and fantastic styles. So nice to find it in one place!!! Thanks Seth!

Lotus said...

Although I recognize most of these wonderful artists, there are a couple that are new to me! Thanks for doing these awesome series Seth!

Anonymous said...

I've just recently discovered this blog and love it! I've been catching up on all the past "Pulses" this weekend!

Suzanne Bouchard said...

Oh boy this is so mind bogling! i love the stimulation, the inspiration and the admiration these artists bring to us via this chronicle! Thanks for sharing!

Judy Shea said...

A great start already, Seth.

Anonymous said...

i have absolutely no idea how i missed this post. i think i got so wrapped up in yesterdays (looking at it over and over) that i just didn't scroll down enough. all of these, like the rest, are so gorgeous! i am loving reading everything so very much and want to thank you again (and hope i don't sound too repetitious) for doing this. it's such a HUGE inspiration! i now have over a dozen tabs open to check out new-to-me artists. so exciting!!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I so enjoy reading how artist declare their own style.

Anonymous said...

Okay...I've read the first three chapters..."backwards"...and all three have been incredible...can't wait to see more!!

Barbara I. said...

Thanks for sharing all the wonderful art pieces and the artists' explanation of their style. Quite intriguing and thought provoking. I really enjoyed this post! Cheers and best wishes!