Over 50 artists are now participating in the
Disintegration Collaboration. Bundles of every imaginable material, shape, and color are hung, tied, buried, and submerged all around the world. Nature is working her magic with snow, rain, hail, sun, wind, earth, fire, and water all interacting with and disintegrating bundles of bundles. On May 1, each artist will reveal the results on their own blog. Between now and then, I will be tracking and spotlighting the process on this blog.
There is still time to participate. Email me with your link if you decide to join. There were 15 new participants over this past weekend. Links to their posts are presented below and some artists who put their own twist on the project are highlighted. Links to all 50+ participants can be found on the sidebar of this blog as well.
Roxanne from
River Garden Studio not only made her own unique bundle, that she refers to as a "woven gift for nature," but she introduced the concept to her class in her role as a teacher. All the students created their own bundles, each of which included a written wish or dream that hangs from their creation. Thank you Roxanne for sharing this with your students!

Roxanne's bundle of nature, in nature, and for nature.

A selection of bundles made by Roxanne's creative students.
Susan from
Melissa from
Each Dazzling Moment
Gail from
Expression Studio
Dawn from
Windows to Me
Elizabeth from
The Last Door Down the Hall
Darlene from
Melissa from
Cynjon from
Varietist Muse made an event of it and invited a crew over to make bundles together. All will end up disintegrating together until May 1.
Andrea from
The Artful Eye
Diane from
Rosa & Josie's
Lumi from
Terry from
Nikki from
Sun Soul Art Thoughts
Jacqueline from
My Ever-Changing Now
Em joined the project but does not have a blog. I offered to post her before and after shots. She says "They evolved from the need to disintegrate a whole pile of troubles that I have at the moment."

"So the ones in the twisted hazel tree, I put onto paper in different forms, some with secret code, and wrapped them in tea bag paper and the home spun thread that a friend made for me with the feeling that the elements will deal with my troubles by disintegrating them & maybe making something beautiful from them."

"The 'saved from the bin mobile' was a mixed media painting that I decided was ruined and in my moody was going to put in the rubbish bin, then suddenly decided the use in a more creative way - we shall see! All very therapeutic I think."
Please email me if you are participating and you do not see your name on the sidebar and stay tuned for more spotlights!