Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mission Accomplished

I have been a part of the Global Guerilla (K)nit Up that Grrl from grrl + dog is sponsoring. Basically, guerilla knitters are artists who attach handmade, knitted wraps around trees, poles, benches, etc. This has definitely become a worldwide phenomenon and I just could let this one pass me by. With no knitting skills, I improvised. Artistic license if you will.

Jill from Jazworks and I decided to collaborate on this and we each created different pieces to wrap around the same tree. Said tree, as can be seen in the photos, is definitely a typical New York City tree.

While no passerbyers even blinked an eye - typical in New York City - we did attract the attention of the workers of the church whose tree we were decorating (aka, defacing). I think we won them over, however, after we explained what we were doing and why we had chosen to honor their tree.

I wanted to make this interactive and part of the community. So my "tag" was a bag filled with paper and pen, along with a request asking people to leave a note. Looking forward to seeing what people have to say.

Thanks grrl!! Click all images to enlarge.


Jill Zaheer said...

Mission accomplished is right! What a great post and what a super collaborator you've been. I honestly had a hard time understanding and wrapping my arms around this project, and have to say you've been inspirational for my involvement. Now, our Guerilla Tree is very special to me, and just loved going to visit- hoping that it would still be up. After our winter weather yesterday, wasn't sure what would happen, but it looks even better than when we first put it up. So thank you, and another caper completed where I've been able to go "definitely outside my comfort zone". Love your wrappings and crazy about your double collaborative "disintegration" sign in bag for people to leave messages. Hope people are bold enough to write something since you were bold enough to Guerilla up the tree!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could type how I talk....but I don't know how to spell this noise..woo hooo...this is BAD ASS! I really love it. You guys are awesome..


Kelly Jeanette Swift said...

What a cool idea. When I have the time I'll like to check into this more. What day was the results being reveled and is there a website to see it on?

Sharon said...

Sorta like letter boxing. Too cool, I may have to jump on this idea and try it here and then others will jump on and then people will be out in cities searching for Guerilla Trees. Yea!! Sharon

lynne h said...

wow, seth and jill. i'm impressed... this is awesome from start to finish. and a ziploc baggie so people can leave comments? brilliant!!

femminismo said...

Very decorative and interactive is best! I would love to leave a note to thank you for making winter a little brighter. Good work there. Jeanne

rscoach said...

Seth - you've done it again! Love you and Jill's tree - and the story behind it - great idea to make it interactive - look forward to seeing what people on the street write in their notes - think this added dimension makes the whole "guerilla" art thing even more interesting - as I said in a note to Jill - Keith Herring would be proud of y'all! Reva (Los Angeles)

Anonymous said...

woo HOO Seth!

What a lovely add on to allow others to contibute..thsat wsa my most fervent wish! I wonder if they will also add art.

An excellent example of non knitted knit-up
Thank you so much for playing along, I cant wait to see the outcomes.

RosieK said...

Great job! I am going to adopt your comments idea when I attach mine in the next couple of days - thanks!

Nettie Edwards said...

Another inspiring project! This has helped mesolve the problem of what to do with all my partners old odd-socks (apart from sock-dolls, of course)

Gillian McMurray said...

How fantastic. Love that you added a pen and paper and hope you will post some of the comments you might receive.

Shayla said...
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Shayla said...

The interactive part is a real good touch.

Diane McGregor said...

Very cool, Seth. There's no place like NY, where one can leave poems to a tree. Hope you post the results.

Karin Bartimole said...

love it!! Next we'll see skeins of yarn and knitting needles in baggies tied to needy trees... so glad the church was open to your creative expressions, and I look forward to seeing the notes left behind. Maybe this Sunday's visitors :)

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

i love the thought of having a participatory event with people i will never know...count me inspired...blessings and hugs

Leslie Avon Miller said...

The tree must be feeling rather dashing! I am looking forward to finding out what people might comment. Good to bring the church workers in on the artistic endeavor!

notmassproduced said...

loving the black white and red thing going on over here :o)

3rdEyeMuse said...

fantastic example of artistic license! I can't wait to see what kind of offerings are made to the tree ... am hoping there will be tons!

Chris said...

This is inventive and pretty and revolutionary! What great ideas, people!!

Go, Guerrillas!

Lisa H said...

Love the interactive element here. Hand me that pen.....

Debrina said...

Hello, how are you? I've been meaning to tell you for a while now that my blog name has changed! No longer ArtInspiration4Today! My friend and I have just been making tiny matchbox lockets so I thought I'd put a post up and let you have a looksie! Your site is just going from strength to strength, Seth! Loving every bit of it.

rivergardenstudio said...

Oh Seth, how fun!!! I love the project and your tree with all it's wrappings! Great job to you both! Roxanne

Kerin said...

Love this! I have to laugh about the Guerilla Knitters too. They must be my soul sisters.

I always wrote that I was a member of the Turbo Knitters Guild of (insert local city) on job apps under Clubs and Affiliations along with some other interesting sounding non-existent societies. No one *ever* asked about these groups but it was so fun watching them read that section during interviews. : )

This is awesome Seth!!! I'd love to see the comments too. What fun.

Anonymous said...

Seth - you always know how to do it - bravo sweet friend - now in spite of the cold - and my confusion around casting on...
I just might

xox - eb.

Debrina said...

Blimey Seth, look at all these wonderful comments! Hey thanks for dropping by. Yes, all better, and feeling more creative than ever. I had a blast making my poor person's locket - it was a lot of fun. What with the recession and all, I can't afford a real locket!

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

This is great, such a fantastic idea and I love the whole global thing. I came here from Andrea's blog (the artful eye) and I'm instantly addicted. You speak in my art language! lol

ooglebloops said...

The tree looks so much the better with its adornment!! Love the 'leave a note'idea! I will have to go check on my little bottle tree along the dirt road and see how its wrappings have survived the winter so far. Keep up the good work and inspiring others to step out of their comfort zones!!

ArtPropelled said...

I wonder if anyone will be brave enough to write a note. Waiting with anticipation.

Rita Vindedzis said...

This is so cool. And how great that you and Jill get to work together on this project also. I hope you share with us some of the notes people left.

Leslie said...

Nice work, Seth. I absolutely loved this mission. Just got mine up today. I hope your collaboration with Jill stays up and that you get lots of comments.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Wow.. I love the idea of improvising ... and leaving a note.. hope you get some...
You have been involved in so many exciting projects... did any influence any other?.. or did they each go off in their own directions? .. beautiful!!..

Anonymous said...

man, just LOVING this guerilla art stuff! Anxious to know if anyone leaves you notes and what they say.

awesome job you guerilla warriors!!

martha brown said...

I loved that idea of having a comment bag so much! I saw yours and then added comment tags all around the bottom of my knitup -- and people have filled them up. Even on these cold days of little pedestrian traffic. Thanks again for the idea, Seth! (come by and visit)

TBM said...

You both were so brave to "Guerilla" in broad daylight! And exra-extra points for making your offering interactive. I love that!