Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Winds of Change

The wonderful Roxanne Evans Stout from River Garden Studio and I have collaborated together on a number of projects. In 2008 Evidence of Autumn was born. We each created handmade books which we traded back and forth, completing the pages based on the theme of Autumn. My book is pictured below.

The experience was an absolute pleasure and I treasure this book everyday. Our styles blended together so well and the theme resonated with both of us. So much so, in fact, that we decided to do it again, still focusing on Autumn as the theme. And in 2010 The Winds of Change was born. We again each created a handmade book we passed cross country, working on pages in both books. It has been fascinating to see how both of our styles have evolved and yet still seamlessly blend. You can see my newest book below.

With both of us being so excited about our collaborations, we wanted to share them with you. And today we are both thrilled to announce that our joint project has led to a self-published book...The Winds of Change.

This book showcases our artwork from both collaborations as well as other, related pieces. Also included are words that we each have written that were inspired by each other's artwork.

You can see a preview of the book and purchase it here. Soon it will also be available in my Etsy shop.

Thanks Roxanne for everything. I am so happy that our collaboration continues!


azirca said...

What a collaboration! Congratulations to you both on your self-published book, it looks fabulous!
Two creative minds merging together in this way is not an easy thing to do but both yours and Roxanne's work compliment each other perfectly.

tgarrett said...

This looks incredible-
I love collaborations.

Lisa said...

Congratulations Seth! Another book to add to my wish list...creative synergy at its best!

Steph said...

dibemCongratulations Seth!! Have always admired your work...Looking forward to it.

Maureen said...

A wonderful artistic collaboration. Hand-made books are so special.

lyle said...

congratulations to both of you. your work certainly compliments roxanne's How did you find each other in the first place! I enjoyed the preview .thank you

~Babs said...

Like I told Roxanne,,,I think I need one of these, badly.
Congratulations to the Dynamic Duo!

Svetlana said...

Incredible art work, Seth. The colours and composition of each page apply to me very much. Congratulations on publishing.

Anonymous said...

Oh these are LOVELY!!! I can NOT wait to order my copy!

lynne h said...

seth, as i just wrote over at roxanne's place, you two sing a beautiful song together... the book is just fabulous!

Pat said...

Congrats Seth! This looks like a beautiful collaboration.

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Joy Joy Joy!!! Your books are reliquaries for those who are able to hold their prayers and affirmations. Beauty captured between covers. Imagine and Live in Peace, mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

sf said...

Better go back to the couch and see if I missed any more quarters!!!

Julie Prichard said...


Limarea said...

What a beautiful, beautiful book!! Loved the preview. And now, the old ballad by Scorpions is stuck in my head! :D

Gaby Bee said...

Congratulations, Seth! I'm looking forward to it.

ArtPropelled said...

I have just browsed through the first few pages and am so impressed. Well done!

Kathryn Dyche said...

Wow, what a neat collaboration and a fun project. Way to go.

Gwen Buchanan said...

I can feel your friendship though the images and I enjoyed every page in the preview... You two are lovely!!

Bill said...

Wow! The pages in the preview are beautiful!

LensVerse said...

Nicely done! I'll go right ahead and venture to judge a book by its cover and say that, considering your other work, this book must be a treat. Congratulations, Seth.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! This will definitely be on my Christmas list!!

Pam Tucker said...

Congratulations to you both on such a beautiful collaboration! This is on my list of must-haves.

Patti Edmon Artist said...

OK, I voted - thanks for making me think:)
Your collaborative work is absolutely amazing. I bought the issue of Pasticio Quartz, of course, and loved the piece about you. I used one of the elongated Xs that I got from you and put a link on my blog to yours... hope that's OK.
take care,

Lynn Cohen said...

This book looks wonderful I enjoyed the "preview" at the web site...those books are half as much as the blog book I had published. Maybe because you did all the layout work yourself? Anyway, it looks terrific and am sure you will sell many. Actually sounds like you already have.

PS I loved your comment about my book being "a lot of blogg"! LOL

Parabolic Muse said...

I love seeing people grow and change, and even though my mind is analytically inclined, I like it when something is just beautiful beyond words.

deb said...

looks fab! another thing to add to my book wish list :)

Kim Palmer said...

I can't wait to see this book Seth. You and Roxanne would make a fantastic collaborative team with some very complimentary style I think.This will definitley be on my must have list.How funny, word verification is imagine, go figure!

Judy said...

Its truly marvellous to work together with like minded individuals and when they merge spirits wonderful things emerge - such is the case here obviously.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was amazed that the two of you share much the same style. In fact, one of Roxanne's pages I felt sure was yours until I enlarged it. Beautiful art and memories.

Gillian McMurray said...

Congratulations on a beautful publication. I just looked through the preview and it looks stunning.

Paula said...

This looks so intriguing; I know what I'll be buying myself! Collaborations are such powerful things...that giving, taking, and sharing of ideas! I love them.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous, gorgeous books!! and congrats on the self published book too -- that looks stunning indeed! i will most definitely add it to my list of "must buy" books!

nancy neva gagliano said...

well, how nice!! two of my favorite blogger friends united again!! beeeeeuuuuuuteeeee full

Jessica said...

Congrats on the book and a wonderful collaboration! Guess my must-have book list just got longer!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you and Roxanne for creating this rich and lovely book...a source of inspiration

Karin Bartimole said...

Hi Seth, I just came from Roxanne's blog and read about this wonderful collaboration! Congratulations!! I love that you guys are sharing your beautiful works with us in a published book! Your artwork really works well together, beautifully celebrating this most favorite of seasons. bravo!

Leslie said...

Well, I'll be in line for this one for sure. You are two of my favorite artists and people!

xxx said...

Brilliant !!!

and very beautiful too

Supria Karmakar said...

WOW..this book is absolutely gorgeous..both your works in it are breath taking as always..congratulations to both of you...can't wait to get my hands on a copy... will do as it becomes available...let me know..blessings to both you and Roxanne