Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Face It

From Sotheby's: African, Oceanic, and Pre-Columbian Art

From the studio: Forehead

Available for purchase in The Altered Page on Etsy

Sold. Thank you!


Parabolic Muse said...

OH Heaventy Sakes, Seth! This is inspired! A triumph!

I love the heck out of this.


Joanna Pierotti said...

Seth, amazing, makes my heart putter. I so want to do some things like this, in the name of paper Just wait 2011, here I come.

MrCachet said...

Ummm - it looks like Fourhead to me... ;o)

Anonymous said...

Ha! That's so cheeky and fun!

Maureen said...

Great collection.

Unknown said...

A wonderful post of primitivism!
Whomever got your piece is exceptionally privileged!

Bill said...

Ah. It looks like you've been doing self-portraits again.

Lynn Cohen said...

Wonderful sharing of art. But I love that last one of yours the best!!!! Of course it sold!!!

Kim Palmer said...

Fourhead, and self portraits hey, the comments are as fun as the piece. This has such character Seth, lots of fun!

lyle baxter said...

great collection! love the guy with the pot on his head. and your four head terrific!

Lisa said...

brilliant segue...
four heads are better than one..
love your piece and the African art.

ArtPropelled said...

Love your stacked heads!

Jacky said...

Just popping by to wish you a wonderful Christmas and Holiday season....have loved visiting your blog all year and look forward to all that it holds next year.

Wonderful post as always!

Jacky xox

Gaby Bee said...

Wishing you a warm and wonderful Christmas and an amazing new year to come.

Hugs, Gaby

Patti Edmon Artist said...

The third from the top... how did they get my photo??
Love your pieces! and hope your enjoying a wonderful holiday season!

Poetic Artist said...

Just a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..

~*~Patty S said...

Super as always Seth WOW!

Sending Lots of Love and Joy to you and our planet!

fa la la
ho ho ho

jgr said...

Amazing!! Inspiring!! Merry Christmas to you and all the best in 2011.

Sharmon Davidson said...

I really like this one- and it does fit right in with the African sculptures!

Cynthia Monica said...

Congrats on your sale! Wishing you continued success and creativity in the New Year! Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

your amazing! love the new work and how it gets snatched up so quickly!

hope you had a VERY MERRY!
