Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'll Tumble for Ya

I'm hooked. The more time I spend on the Tumblr blogs, the harder it is to pull myself away. I like their speed, ease, and visual nature.

Today I decided to start a Tumblr blog as an image portfolio to showcase my photographs and artwork. Although Tumblr allows you to post links, text, quotes, audio, and video, my site there is all about pictures. And no matter how many images I load, if you click on the 'see more' tab and press 'archive', every single blog image will appear on one scrolling page. How amazing is that?

You can visit my Tumblr blog at Here is a little preview of what you will find:

And if you want to see my 'Museum of All Thing I Covet and Admire', a Tumblr blog I use to keep track of art that inspires me, you can find that at

Try it. You will get hooked too!


Maureen said...

You have some marvelous pieces on the Tumblr pages. Your "museum" is wonderful.

angryparsnip said...

ACK ! too brilliant for words !

The photos on this page are fabulous the colors are amazing.

cheers, parsnip

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I am hooked!

Here is my tumblr:

my favorite view of everyone's tumblr is to add archive after the / as in:

Like looking at a little bullitin board of favorites!

jill zaheer said...

Seth, every photo on your new tumblr site is spectacular- and equally superb are their titles. Love them all!! Congratulations on this new
art-venue. Just have to follow your tumble now! :)

Julie Prichard said...

I'm thick.

I don't understand it....but I will follow it because it looks cool. :)

Rebeca Trevino said...

YIKES! a Tumblr . . . really?
it's wonderful, the photos the color, the amazing talent, the work is terrific . . . i may have to stop going to the studio, and spend my days on line . . . just kidding. i loved it.
thanks Seth

GalleryJuana said...

Tumblr is sure addicting for all the beautiful imagery available. You've got a great collection already on there.

Sarah said...

I LOVE the wording “Museum of All Thing I Covet and Admire” :) I use Wists for much the same thing – I have an Add To Wists button at the top of all my browsers at home and at work, so the second I see something I like, I can capture it, tag it, and file it away to drool over later :)

Oh – and talking of museums, after seeing the Museum of Everything in London mentioned on your blog, I took myself and my kids down there to check it out a couple of weekends ago. I hadn’t even heard of it and I live just 90 minutes from London! Thank you so much for the heads up – it was great to see so many of the Potter tableaux again (I saw them in Cornwall about 15 years ago but since then the collection has all been sold off to private collectors :( )

Kathryn Dyche said...

I've never checked Tumblr out, will have to go and take a peek.

Luthien Thye said...

... i will follow you ...

LOL :) took up your offer to try out tumblr and registered. we'll see if i can handle it... in time :)

lyle baxter said...

both tumbler sites are wonderful! the museum could be at my house too! thanks

ooglebloops said...

Love the photos I see in your post alone!! I will have to check out Tumblr. Thank you for the exhibition tour in your previous post - amazing.

Caterina Giglio said...

love the visual imagery of tublr, but often have trouble with the links as I cannot get to your site on tumblr with the link that you put up. also it is not interactive as as blogger....

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm not sure which I like more, the lovely photos you have taken, or the humorous titles you have given them. STUNNING photography.

Bill said...

Whoa. That title had me nervous for a minute.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

I had checked your Tumblr page the other day and now with the other comments you've made about ease of use.....hmmmmmm.....
Let's just say I spent the usual aggravating time trying to load pics into Blogger this morning. ;)
I love the first photo here of the typewriter. Of all the items I have disposed of, my old typewriter, like the one pictured is the one thing that still tugs my heartstrings.
Nice post!


Svetlana said...

The beauty of your photographs made me speechless. Of course I will also follow TUMBLR.

Anonymous said...

I need to do some research to see what this is all about...I am behind the times!!


lynne h said...

i'm followin' ya... : )

Anonymous said...


I am soooo trying NOT to do tumblr.

However your typewriter and candles did it...

kicking and screaming off I go

Lynn Cohen said...

It's scary to think of getting hooked on one more thing ... I will look later when I have more time... after today I will have two weeks of MORE TIME!!!
A break from work work.
Your photos I see here are all so beautiful and exciting to see.
More? Wow...good...looking forward to more...

deb said...

I LOVE tumblr... grr, when will I find time to work!!

deb said...

I LOVE tumblr... grr, when will I find time to work!!

Bill said...

Your Tumblr page is pushing me over the edge. All the texture pieces, just like the ones on your blog here, are too thrilling!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Tumbler archive pages are fabulous!

Diana Trout {} said...

Oh my! Those photos on Tumblr are all just stunning, Seth. Great format. "that kind of day" - well - you have a great sense of humor as well.

Cathy said...

Wow! Just discovered your blog, and will be spending days discovering all your links and photos. Thank you or maybe not...I may not get my Christmas shopping finished.

mansuetude said...


Evangeline said...

Cool! Can't wait to check it out.

Kathleen Harrington said...

Just wanted I wanted for the holidays, more Seth! Thanks for the info and the link to your gorgeous photography. Can't wait to see what you come up with in 2011.

Anonymous said...

Okay...I'm convinced. I took a little more time to look at your Tumblr postings..which are great...and now I'll have to set a Tumblr up for myself...but not until after the holidays!

MB Shaw said...

This is very cool. In my home (under a rock) I didn't even know this existed. I like it a lot tho.