Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Viewer's Choice - Blogs I

Welcome to the fourth edition of The Pulse -- The State of the Art -- a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community. Nearly 150 artists have answered a list of questions which make up The Pulse. Their responses will be presented as a series of online and print projects. Links to the first three projects (Secret Sunday, The Book Guild, and StudioScapes) can be found on the sidebar of my blog.

Viewer's Choice is the fourth installment. All artists participating in The Pulse were asked to name their favorite from a number of categories. Today's top favorite: blogs. Drum roll please...

 Part I (in random order). 

Two Dresses Studio - 'I stalk this site daily...sometimes several times a day and get a little tingle every time Trudi Sissons posts something new. I want to be her when I grow up.'

Misty Mawn - 'I love her artwork and she seems very genuine.'

Magpie's Nest - 'My favorite artist...Her collages and photographs are superb and a great inspiration for me.'

Be...Dream...Play... - The magic of Elizabeth Bunsen.

Contemplating the Moon - 'Bridgette Guerzon-Mills is my favorite artist.'

mystory - The art and more from Jo Horswill in Australia.

Cathy Cullis - 'A fabulous combination of beautiful poetry, fibre art, watercolour and mixed media which explores dreams, nature, fairytales, and history.'

Mango Studio - The style of Stephanie Rodrigvitz.

Heather Bullard - Home & lifestyle.

Queen of Arts - 'Kim Mailhot's art is honest and real.'

Book by its Cover - Brooklynite Julia Rothman shares her favorite books.


Tomorrow: top blogs II


Anonymous said... very cool to be included in this list of amazing blogs/artists!


Kim Palmer said...

Wonderful to see so many familiar names and the fun of viewing a few I had yet to discover. Thanks Seth.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Seth for some familiar blog and a few new special ones!

~*~Patty S said...

very cool to be amongst so many inspiring artists...some already familiar...thank you for the chance to "meet" new artists too

you certainly have a gift for bringing the mixed media blog world together Seth

many thanks for all you do

Marit said...

Some familiar adresses here, marvelous inspiration indeed! AND... some new adresses to check out! YAY!

GalleryJuana said...

Inspiring list! I always enjoy blog hopping.

cookievf said...


First going to make a hot cuppa, and return to do a bit of browsing! I just KNOW I'll be inspired and enlightened by all of the blogs listed here!

Thanks, seth! xo

Kim Mailhot said...

Wowza ! This is some group to be in ! I am a little speechless...and very honored and grateful to be recognized by such a great group of Pulse participating

Unknown said...

Jo Horswill has captured my heart in her "My Story" blog....always unique, always genuine. So glad she is mentioned here.

eb said...

thank you so much Seth
lots of magical sites here
happy to BE one...

xox - eb.

jo horswill said...

Thank you Seth and all...this was such a nice suprise for me... :)
And "thank you" Marie who has so nicely commented here too...:)

deb did it said...

be still my PULSING heart...great list of some of my most favorite blog friends!