Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In Context

Way back in January 2009, I started a collaborative project with Bridgette Guerzon Mills and Jen Worden. We each created our own handmade structures, in any style we wanted, and began exchanging pieces so that we would all would work in all the structures multiple times. Jen created a set of loose metal pages. Bridgette made a plaster book. And I created a handmade book from vintage dictionary pages. Here is the cover of Contexture...

We have now all worked in each others projects two or three times. This is the first spread I created in my own book (click to enlarge)...

And I have just completed my second spread...

My book is now on its way to Bridgette so she can work her magic next.


Leslie said...

I love the cover of Contexture! You might have guessed that I would though. ;-)
Nice work.

Maureen said...

What a marvelous collaborative project.

MrCachet said...

Could you give us an idea of the size of the piece, Seth? There's a lot of context packed into what appears to be a very small structure.

Lelainia N. Lloyd said...


Rebeca Trevino said...

what a fun project.

Steph said...

as always...these are gems, Seth!!

Kim Hambric said...

These are so beautiful. So complex. A joy to look at.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

I LOVE this! Normally I am drawn to brighter colors, but the neutrals have been handled so well, with so much interest for the eye, the nominal bright colors aren't even noticed.
Would love to see it in person....feel the texture.
Bravo to all!


wandamarie.blogspot.com said...

FANTASTICO...can't wait to see more!

Lisa said...

i love your use of layered stenciled numbers and words.. also the second piece has a very cool pieced art quilt look about it. i think it would be hard to let go and allow another to work over my art...I wonder if it was a challenge to assemble a group for such a project so that the results would be pleasing to all involved...

jgr said...

Awesome! I love the rich, subtle colors and - the texture!!

Jen said...

Holy geez! Has it really been TWO YEARS since we started this?!? Time flies. I'm gonna miss this collab when we're done. :(

Mostly Turquoise said...

This looks awesome!! Looking forward to the finished work...

lyle baxter said...

I love it! too bad we cant all pass it around so we could really see and feel! knowing the size would help! its just wonderful!

lynne h said...

i love it, seth...

Caterina Giglio said...

great work!!

Svetlana said...

As you know layers and texture are my fascination and you are one of the best in making complex look so simple. I wish i could touch it.

rivergardenstudio said...

Wow, the cover and pages of these look fantastic Seth! What a great project... roxanne

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff! Can't wait to see more as this project progresses.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

As always, I am impressed by this book and the latest addition to it.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Seth so much to see in this colaboration! So much texture and mystery. I can't wait to see more.

marianne said...

i've done collaborations with one pass- i love the idea of the round robin several times. can't wait to see how they all turn out-

Twigart said...

These have a great impact, I really like the idea of multiple interpretations on one piece.

ArtPropelled said...

Yum! Your work always invites me to look closer.

jill zaheer said...

Just phenomenal work Seth! How brave of the three of you to be in such a unique collaboration. There must be such amazing trust and confidence in one another to be able to make this work and have others create on what you have done. Creativity, talent and love of what you do are all in abundance here!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing collaborative projects grow...this one is splendid!

Gayle Price said...

Hey Seth, thanks for visiting me AND leaving a comment ! I must confess I was a little awe struck... I love what you do, always inspiring.

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

Hey seth! I made it all the way to today without looking! Although I was very tempted once when I saw a very small thumbnail on Roxanne's tumblr and saw your name. I clicked on it wondering if it was the next spread, but it was acting funny and the image never came up, saving me for the wonderful surprise in my mailbox. It's been so long since i've had your scrumptious book in my hands and it was a treat flipping each page to get to the latest spread.
Looks great, all the bits and pieces and layers and small detail....
I'm looking forward to doing the next spread. I got the idea while I was looking through the pages. :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing work. Stunning cover there.

Julie Prichard said...

Really great, Seth!!

Holly Dean Artist said...

Wow, Seth! I can "feel" that wonderful texture...

Liz Hampton-Derivan Studio said...

Great collabortive project, what fun!

layers said...

When I clicked to enlarge that image I was blown away with the details, the textures, the use of numbers - Seth you are so creative.

Chris said...

I can't even say.