31 artists...31 days. Spend every day of March with me at The Altered Page to meet the 31 spotlight artists in my book The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed
I'm running out of time.
I should have been an artist all my life.
Actually, I always have been an artist but it was just hidden under my corporate three-piece suits. Now I have ideas of pieces I want to make, of art I want to create, of techniques I want to try and, based on my age, I need to be working at a much faster pace.
Don't ask me to chat or to share my feelings or talk about my art -- I'm busy and don't have time for all that. And no hugging!
Don is one of only five "dudes" among the group of 31 spotlight artists. If you are already familiar with his artwork then you know that among his creations are those he calls the "dudes" - examples of which are shown in the images in this post. If you are already familiar with Don himself, then you know he, much like his art, has the perfect balance of humor and seriousness. And when you know Don, then you know Susan: his blog wrangler more formally known as his wife. They come as a matched set.
Don has fully immersed himself into the world of art, having arrived late to the party after a career in the Air Force and selling life insurance. He works hard to make up for lost time and spends his days creating unique sculpture, much of which is figurative, that is deeply etched with history and emotion.
I had the serious pleasure of spending a very laughter-filled afternoon with Don and Susan when they came to visit New York City a number of years ago. Don and I connected immediately, talking about what it is like to be among the few men in the mixed-media blogging world. Seeing art and people watching with Don and Susan was definitely an unforgettable experience. Let's do it again sometime dude!
I should have been an artist all my life.
Actually, I always have been an artist but it was just hidden under my corporate three-piece suits. Now I have ideas of pieces I want to make, of art I want to create, of techniques I want to try and, based on my age, I need to be working at a much faster pace.
Don't ask me to chat or to share my feelings or talk about my art -- I'm busy and don't have time for all that. And no hugging!
Don is one of only five "dudes" among the group of 31 spotlight artists. If you are already familiar with his artwork then you know that among his creations are those he calls the "dudes" - examples of which are shown in the images in this post. If you are already familiar with Don himself, then you know he, much like his art, has the perfect balance of humor and seriousness. And when you know Don, then you know Susan: his blog wrangler more formally known as his wife. They come as a matched set.
Don has fully immersed himself into the world of art, having arrived late to the party after a career in the Air Force and selling life insurance. He works hard to make up for lost time and spends his days creating unique sculpture, much of which is figurative, that is deeply etched with history and emotion.
I had the serious pleasure of spending a very laughter-filled afternoon with Don and Susan when they came to visit New York City a number of years ago. Don and I connected immediately, talking about what it is like to be among the few men in the mixed-media blogging world. Seeing art and people watching with Don and Susan was definitely an unforgettable experience. Let's do it again sometime dude!
Having been a follower of Don and 'dudes' for a while, I can totally see how spending an afternoon with Don would be fun.
I am very found of Don's work and the humour he uses when writing about it/them! Thanks for including him.
Humour definitely has its place in art.
Hey Don, here's a big hug, LOL. Esp like the seed pod person. all a quite unique and affecting.
Earlier this morning I left a comment on Don's blog because I am fascinated with his creations. Low and behold here's more. GET The Pulse of Mixed Media and check out Lost Childhood - amazing!
I was, until now, completely unfamiliar with Don's work, but wow! Love what he does.
ha ha... do cyber hugs count? Sending one to Susan for keeping us up to date with Don's wonderful creations. I believe he is sometimes far too busy to bother with the blog, which I might add, I do enjoy reading. Seth, it's great to hear your view on a quirky couple I've grown extremely fond of, since discovering Fully Flummoxed a few years ago.
How can i have never heard of these people you are introducing us to?? Thank you so much Seth. I'm off to visit Don's blog.
He's such an inspiration!
What a treat to learn about Don and his arwork. His Lost Childhood piece in your book is truly wonderful- providing so much for me to think about! So glad he is a spotlighted artist among your 31. Just checked out his post and see the huge mutual admiration society you "dudes" have with one another!
Been a fan for a few yrs-glad you included him too!
I love Don's work. I especially love the humor in his pieces.
I can see that I'm going to enjoy checking out his blog.
Like I mentioned before, each morning is like finding a wrapped present, opening it up and discovering you have received something wonderful.
Don is such a gift. I did not know about him before today, so thanks for the new "dude" and the enthusiasm for an artistic and humor filled life that comes with him.
"I should have been an artist all my life." How true Don's words ring for me and many others. I can't wait to explore his work.
I certainly understand Dons perspective - I wasted a lifetime doing insurance and being respectable......
I should have listened to my heart :0)
Thank you Seth for introducing me to Don's work. I love it and I love who he is. Going to jump over and visit his blog.
PS Having a good time with the 31/31 tour. You've done an amazing job.
Don sounds great and I like his art. I can identify with his story!
Don is one of my favorite artists in the blog world... he is so creative and full of life and I love his humor..and his wife of course only adds to his humor and art.
Don's dudes are sensational! Joy, laughter and lighting up the world is what art should be all about.
Love the Dudes !
Big bear huggie to you Don! ;)
I love Don Madden's "dudes," and find the ones that incorporate inset elements (grids, holes, antlers), particularly intriguing! His blog, too, is self-effacing, and delightful! His post on the organized nature of your inspiration board and studio, Seth ("Normally Messy, Mr. Tidy, Mr. Neat, Mr. Totally and Disgustingly Organized"), is a good-natured and hilarious jibe from a fellow artist, and friend. As one whose studio is much more like Don's than Seth's, I loved that! For an artist whose whimsical work is so obviously a wonderful extension of his incredibly inventive personality, trying to figure out if he is really an artist seems like a moot point, indeed!
Seth! You know so many awesomenesses!
I love love love these. I want an army of these. Or should I say, a community of them, a pod of them, a protuberance of them. I love his work. I'm off to check him out. And I'll also visit his site.
I'm serious.
Thanks for sharing so many amazing artists.
Oh, and the book will be nice, too.
Don is a new and unique artist to me. What a wonderful way to be introduced to these artists, and I know you are just scratching the surface of the amazing talent out there
I love Don and his "dudes." Thank you for introducing his art to me. He sounds like a wonderful man and artist! roxanne
Thanks for the introduction to Don! What an incredible artist....so nice to see a man in the mixed media world.
Hey Don, you SAY "No Hugs" but look at those amazing and highly loveable figures.
Come here, you.......
It's great when our true selves are finally allowed out into the open, lovely work.
I just got lost in Don's blog for a good half hour. not only is he a wonderful artist, he has an amazing voice. what a treat to discover his blog!
Wow the pleasure would be all mine to have a copy of this book .
love Don's dudes - think he must be a pretty cool dude hinself! and that dates me. I, too am working at breakneck pace to keep up with the time/aging factor.
Through you I am getting to visit so many wonderful blogs and seeing the things people make that I would never otherwise even know were out there. Thank You.
Don's work is so whimsical - it makes me smile. ~Denise
so very AWESOME! thank you seth!
Thank you for sharing Don's whimsical, wry & well wrought work!
I'm so thrilled to be introduced to this wonderful artist and being right up there in the age bracket I can identify. Thank you!
I just love Don's figures - another creative soul. Thanks for the introduction.
I like how Don's whimsical playful looking creations counter his serious commitment/philosophy toward them. He is serious about them but they themselves don't look serious. In other words they don't look 'worked.' And I love Don's work. Now I will go visit his blog and see more of what he is up to. *smiles* Norma
Thank you, Seth, for introducing Don Madden. He is someone I've never encountered before but I am falling in love with his work and his approach to life. He has a new follower!
Seth, first things first " The Book" Arrived yesterday . It is great. I actually sat down and read! very interesting! and what a terrific job of putting it together too! thanks. on to don madden I have admired his work and smiled often at the characters he makes. It was interesting to read what he said here and in "The Book" thank you! and him!
I had never heard of Don or his work before the book, but his art really spoke to me. Thanks for the "find"
Don Madden is a delight....love his work!! Thanks so much for introducing me to him....and do love the notion of a "blog wrangler"....wish I had one!!! Cheers! Patti
I guess I also need a blog wrangler. I might have more time to visit if I had one. Love the photos of you and Don on his blog and his great style of writing.
oooh, i love don and his dudes! apparently i've been living under a rock (well, i pretty much have been) as i was previously unaware of him. i am off to check him out now. i am loving this and thank you so much! you're opening so many eyes to so many wonderful "new" artists. this is the best month ever!
Well, I guess it takes a dude to make "dudes". Better late than never!
Aloha, Kate
I hear ya, Don, about that 'running out of time' thing! and if I ever meet you, you're going to get a very BIG HUG!
I love Don's dudes!
What a fascinating man.
these clay dudes are stunning... thankyou...
I have seen "Dudes" before. How nice to get some insight into the man behind them.
Great stuff! As a doll maker, I'm intrigued by the Dudes. Don, I'm glad your "real self" is now coming out after all those years!
No artists has enough time. Lets get to work!
Interesting work of this dude...
Like it.
My name in the hat, please.
Such quirky and whimsical pieces. I LOVE them.
I had never seen Don's work is looks awesome thank you for opening up these artists work to me Seth.
I feel the same way...I'm running out of time! Better get busy!
Yes! Everyone can be an artist, or is one... or should try to express things creatively. It's great that Don finally found this side of life!
I so agree with Don that there's not enough time. We should have started earlier but who knew? Virtual hug to Don and another to Seth.
what a cool dude...gotta check him out more....
Love the dudes! What fun. Thanks for introducing him to me and including him in your book. Looking forward to getting a copy. . .or winning one! Thanks for the chance.
I have that same sense of urgency the Don has. IDeas in my head feel like horses at the gate, panting and snorting to run madly out of the gate.
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