31 artists...31 days. Spend every day of March with me at The Altered Page to meet the 31 spotlight artists in my book The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed
I am a gatherer. While on my tracks I find sky-kissing mountains and deep valleys, barren deserts and lush rainforests, wandering nomads and firm settlers. My tracks take me places.
At times I get lost.
Enchantingly, as soon as I gather my findings, lay my images and words on a physical or virtual canvas, I get found.
Orly started her blog One-Artist Journal in June 2008 but I discovered her much later. And when I discovered her blog, I found a feast for the senses. The majority of Orly's posts highlight spreads from her journal. They are always layered, complex, detailed, thought-provoking, and filled with movement and color. You get the sense that each and every aspect of the pages has deeper meaning and a personal significance. Her artwork is not only fascinating to look at but meaningful too.
Truth be told, my primary focus goes to images rather than words when I visit blogs. However, Orly's blog is one of the exceptions. And that is because she has a way with words. You wont find long paragraphs or lengthy descriptions. Instead, much like the details in her artwork, every single word seems carefully chosen and important. Her writing is eloquent, descriptive and powerful. I look forward to meeting her for the first time later this year at the Create New Jersey art retreat.
At times I get lost.
Enchantingly, as soon as I gather my findings, lay my images and words on a physical or virtual canvas, I get found.
Orly started her blog One-Artist Journal in June 2008 but I discovered her much later. And when I discovered her blog, I found a feast for the senses. The majority of Orly's posts highlight spreads from her journal. They are always layered, complex, detailed, thought-provoking, and filled with movement and color. You get the sense that each and every aspect of the pages has deeper meaning and a personal significance. Her artwork is not only fascinating to look at but meaningful too.
Truth be told, my primary focus goes to images rather than words when I visit blogs. However, Orly's blog is one of the exceptions. And that is because she has a way with words. You wont find long paragraphs or lengthy descriptions. Instead, much like the details in her artwork, every single word seems carefully chosen and important. Her writing is eloquent, descriptive and powerful. I look forward to meeting her for the first time later this year at the Create New Jersey art retreat.
Am i truly the first to comment?? :) I'am thoroughly enjoying this 31 days/31artists Seth. I'm off to introduce myself to Orly!
I too have been mesmerized by Orly's layered, colorful and intriguing journal spreads and she always has something thought provoking to say about life and the creative process, she is a delightful fellow wanderer and gatherer...
loving this gathering here Seth
thanks again,
xox - eb.
Orly is new to me . . . I look forward to exploring her work.
the variety of the artists you've featured is inspiring. can't wait to get/win the book. one way or another.
i ordered your book in december and am so looking forward to it. so many of the artists in the book i admire.i love Orly's art, beautiful
Indeed a feast for the senses!
Thank you for introducing me to Orly's work. I love her composition and use of colors.
Very cool blog.
LOVE Orly's work! Wow!
I really enjoyed seeing Orly's work and love her pieces for the book. This is going to be an amazing book!!
This is great, so happy to have stumbled upon this! Thanks !
This is a delightful showcasing and i shall return each day to meet the new artist...I have taken a few workshops with Orly and she is amazing to say the least, so full of inspiration and her spirit is simply divine, as a teacher, artist and individual!
I "met" Orly a couple of years ago when I participated in round robin journal project she organized. She is an inspiration!
I "met" Orly a couple of years ago when I participated in round robin journal project she organized. She is an inspiration!
another wonderfully talented artist and individual...many thanks for the introduction!
Thanks for the introduction, Seth. You just brought a new artist into focus for me.
Love reading about Orly. Her work is beautiful. Looked at each piece and the colors, flow and included lettering in each are so intriguing. Can't wait to see her work in your book!! It's such a wonderful post about her work and spirit!
Beautiful work.
I am loving this daily gift of art
and a chance to win this stunning book.
Hi Seth, I'm Eva and although I visited your blog before, it has been awhile. Orly's post brought me back because of what I think will be an amazing book! Orly is one of the most inspiring journalist around. She gets my creative juices flowing as I am sure your gathering of other mixed media artists will do also. Please enter me in your drawing. I can't wait to see the book :O)
You describe Orly's blog very well, and for much the same reasons I am a huge fan too.
What gorgeous colours and layers in Orly's work. Can't wait to explore her blog.
Visit her blog often and find her work intriguing and inspirational. Thanks.
and I find I'm liking this journey. Again thanks.
this 31 days/31 artists is a brilliant idea and a big committment on your part. I love "meeting" new artists. Orly's layering has great depth, I find something new everytime I look at it.
Orly's layering is fascinating. I really want to visually roam this work in detail. Thanks for this journey Seth! *smiles* Norma
She does beautiful work. I love pieces that pull me in as a whole and then have me pull back and come in again and again to see each little detail.
I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Orly and take her class last year at ArtFest. She is a wonderful person and really intune with the needs of her students.
Her work is mesmerizing.
Orly's work is amazing.
She has fantastic placement of elements in her art. It's fun to learn about all these artists this way. Of course, I'll never remember their names!
Thanks for leading me to Orly's blog... what a talent. Yum yum.
I love what you've written about Orly, here! I've wondered about her work and will have an opportunity to see her at Artfest, so it's interesting to see this spotlight!
I read about your blog in "Layers". I'm really intrigued by the self portraits...how we illustrate who we are...and would like to see more. Win or not, I think I need to add your book to my home!
I love Orly's work, and I love the way she described it here. beautiful words indeed.
have a good time at the create event. i hope it goes well for you and the other instructors. it looks like a fun gathering.
You are right, her art is awesome, bright (colorfully and intelligently so); I will follow her blog from now on. Thanks for the intro!
Love her style and I'm off to investigate her site. Great idea for the giveaway as a way to encourage us to expand our knowledge of these artists. Can't wait....
really am enjoying this series of posts! thanks yet again~
really am enjoying this series of posts! thanks yet again~
Learning about so many different artists and seeing their work is wonderfully inspiring. Looking forward to who's up next :)
Orly is ABSOLUTELY one of my FAVOURITE artists! Congrats on your book Seth..it loks like a feast waiting to be enjoyed! xo
I absolutely love Orly's work. Every time I visit an image on her blog I see something new - another layer, another meaning. She's truly an inspirational artist, and I'm so glad you featured her!
I love the layers and conversations in Orly's work...i want to dive in and take a bite!
I love the free manner in which Orly combines the elements of paint, collage and the written word in her journal! Attention to detail plays a key part, as well, whether it is the diagram for a child's hopscotch game, a human face, or the first part of a word which invites the viewer to turn the page, anticipating visual delights, to come. A strong sense of color, wonderful textures, and her use of the unexpected visual image, make her work a startlingly beautiful visual journey! Thank you, Orly, for letting us share in your excursions of discovery!
Orly's bold colors and expressive style have always had quite an effect on me! I love to look through her blog, to see her journal pages and read about her thoughts! Thanks for another great post!
these posts are such a wonderful way to meet new artists. thank you.
VAU!!! with this author I was not acquainted! delightful works! thank you!
The 31/31 project really is a teaser! Your book is going to be amazing. I am very lucky as I am going to ArtFest at the end of the month and Orly will be teaching a workshop that I signed up for. Can't wait for that as well.
Thank you so much for introducing all of us to the legion of talented artists featured in your book. My blog list is growing by leaps and bounds!
wow! i just spent an hour and a half visiting Orly's blog. what an amazing artist. her work is terrific, but i got lost and inspired by her words.
such amazing color. layers. composition. Thanks for sharing!
Would just love to win this...how cool would that be?
I just found you through the Art Propelled Blog site. Such beautiful images and art! I am adding you to my favorites list!
Diane SD
Can't wait to check out Orly's blog. Love 31 days so much but I can't seem to get anything else done!! Ha
I couldn't believe I had never been to Orly's blog before. You are so great at introducing artists I should be following. What a delight, even though I don't journal.
just added Orly's blog to my blog roll! Layers, color, and thought-provoking...
Lovely layers that I can look at forever. Her work draws me in and I sit and look at it through my computer screen. Thank You
Love Orly's work! Thanks for sharing about her.
Aloha, Kate
I got to take a class with Orly at JF 2010, and oh what a class. It was the passport class. It was such a freeing and healing experience for me. And yes Orly does have a way with putting her words together and a sentence can feel like a whole conversation. I also visit her blog often. I am a gatherer like Orly and she guided me how to use my gatherings I have collected.
this is so exciting, seth -- i unaware of orly before this post and am so excited. her work is wonderful!! thank you so much for this, seth!
Aaaaahhh, ofcourse Orly has to be in your book Seth! Her art is breathtaking, and I will probably meet her IRL in the fall - when she will be in Europe. Looking forward already to meet this beautiful (inside and outside!) lady and speak some 'quirky Dutch words' with her... haahaaa...tot dan meis!
Thank you for introducing me to Orly's work! A very talented artist, like all of your chosen ones I guess.
Thank you for introducing me to Orly! I love all the color on her pages.
I'm in love with this woman's work. I love all the layers. There's a simultaneous seriousness and whimsy. Love it!
Love the description of Orly's work. It certainly looks inviting.
Thanks, Seth for another great introduction. I'm off to visit Orly right now.
I love Orly and her work...I was deLIGHTed to see her on the pages of the book!!
How lovely to be lost then found while looking.
Thank you, Seth, for introducing Orly to us.... love her journal spreads and videos. ~Denise
I forgot how much I like Orly's work. Thanks for the reminder!
I love Orly's name .... oh yes and I adore the layers and colors of her work . * Smiles
Thank you for including her beautiful work- love it
Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! I have just started getting into art journalling. I am so very glad I have found this blog! I will be adding bookmarks every day I'm sure! Thank you so much for the gift of opening up a whole new world to me!
I love Orly Avineri's art. Another amazing choice for your blog and book.
I love the impulse, the energy of Orly's work. Quick to the studio!
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