Sunday, March 18, 2012

31/31: Leslie Avon Miller

31 artists...31 days. Spend every day of March with me at The Altered Page to meet the 31 spotlight artists in my book The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed. See their beautiful faces, read their 'quirky' bios written in their own words, see some of their art that led me to invite them to be a part of my book, and hear my story of what they each mean to me. Then click on over to their sites and see what they have to say about The Pulse of Mixed Media.
Begin. Fling paint, make marks, rip and tear. Use sticks, palette knife, brush, and tools.

Rags, papers, spray move paint around. Explore, experiment, discover.

Build layers of dark and light. Scratch, scrub, sand to reveal. Contemplate, integrate, design, adjust. Express, connect, communicate, be content.

And begin again.

Leslie's art has always resonated with me. Spoken to me in fact. I find her work mesmerizing. It isn't just the organic, abstract style of her surfaces. Nor is it just her natural color palette. And it isn't just the mark making that is a large part of her approach, whether in the form of circles, splatters, lines, scratches or scribbles. Rather it is all of the above and the way that Leslie puts it all together. In fact, I love her work so much I am the proud owner of the first artwork shown in this post.

I am also a big fan of Leslie's blog. Her posts have so much depth and substance. They are filled with not only images of her work, but with poetry, meditations on issues of the artist, and creative thoughts. I will have the opportunity to meet Leslie in person in May when she joins me in an artist panel in Seattle. And I am definitely interested in hearing what she has to say.



Rebeca Trevino said...

beautiful work, Seth.
since i have not explored Leslie's work before, i am on my way over there now! thanks for the into.

sf said...

I agree, this is simply beautiful...

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have just spent a bit of time at Leslie's blog. I was very impressed with her art and her way with words. You have a genuine way of bringing people together.

ArtPropelled said...

Simply .... I just LOVE Leslie!

pfstuff said...

really really like the seeming simplicity of her work but of course it is anything but-just beautiful-on my way to her blog.

HeARTworks said...

I'm not a big fan of abstract art but I like Leslie's! Patsy from

CERULEAN said...

Beautiful work in a beautiful book!

sukipoet said...

I too am a big fan of Leslie's art and words. She is a poet in both the visual and the verbal.

p said...

congratulations leslie, well deserved as you are a beacon to many!

Unknown said...

Lucky you! I would love to own a piece of Leslie's work. Her painting always looks so effortless, natural, and inevitable.
Great contribution to the book!

Lottie Anderson, BFA said...

I have followed Leslie's practise for a few years now, and, I have always felt that her work has encouraged my to follow my own voice. thank you Seth and Leslie

Annie said...

Wonderful, beautiful work. I can relate to how she works. Must go explore her blog. Thank you.xoxo

Jill Zaheer said...

Beautiful post of a beautiful artist's work. And-lucky you to be the owner of one of Leslie's works. I've "met" her through your blog and she indeed has a wonderful blog! It is definitely a "MUST READ" today for she showcases gorgeous art of her own, your art, and terrific questions and answers from you!

Denise Aumick said...

Leslie is yet another artist whose work I was immediately drawn to as I flipped through The Pulse of Mixed Media. Spoke to me Big Time.

Melva said...

I cannot believe the joy I and many other people are having just getting around all these wonderful blogs. Thanks Seth for taking so much time to allow us to see all this marvellous work. I am just gobsmacked that every day there are other joyous things to see. Thankyou again.

layers said...

Lovely post Seth on Leslie.. as she is a good friend I do think you really hit on her essence as a person and as an artist.

Robert said...

I love Leslie's approach to creating. "Begin." (sometimes that's the hardest part) "Fling paint, make marks, rip and tear. . ."
and on and on, simply making marks that are satisfying to the soul. And then, of course, comes the part where the mind gets to have it's say in the process: "Contemplate, integrate, design, adjust." I think it is this 'tightrope balance' between intuition and intellect that makes Leslies's work so striking. I look forward to meeting her at the artist panel in Seattle!

Storyheart said...

What amazing connections and community you are creating with 31 Artists, 31 Days. Very pleased to explore Leslie's work.

Bill said...

Wow. I love her method - fling paint, make marks, rip and tear. Those stupid inner critics sure couldn't stand up to that.

Victoria said...

It was through Leslie's blog that I read about this book. What a treasure it will be to share with my students, many of whom started with me in printmaking and have begun to incorporate other media. It's a natural flowering.

Karen Cole said...

Her face and smile look as serene and lovely as her work. Each could be a self portrait.

Maureen said...

Love her work! Wonderful blog.

Maggie Crawford said...

Beautiful work, heading over to the blog now

Kathryn Dyche said...

Leslie's work was one of my personal favorites, it really resonates with me on some deeper level.

annell4 said...

I love this post! And am glad to have found you.

Lynn Cohen said...

You are right (again) Seth. Her art is amazing, stunning! thank you again for these introductions. My life grows richer with each and every discovery. I love her conversation with you on her blog as well. Not only that she offers a giveaway of one of her own pieces of art. Wow! How generous.

dorylyn said...

I love Leslie's work!!

kimmysue said...

Thank you for showcasing these artists and broadening my horizons. So inspiring!

Denise said...

I found Leslie and her work about 6 months ago and I am a fan of her boards on Pinterest and her blog. Her work speaks to me in quiet, nudging whispers to get up and paint! ~Denise

onesmallstitch said...

I love her work, lucky you to own a piece and I love the "be content" if only we all followed that advice...

Annette said...

Love the words in Leslie's blog.... very pertinent!!!

india flint said...


the essence of everything

knowing when to stop is as important...having lost the vigour of more than one piece by overworking i'm quite conscious of this.

Leslie has both of these things well in hand.

Unknown said...

I still go back and look at the book that I participated in, thanks for all you do Seth!

Hagit said...

Mesmerizing indeed! Thanks for the introduction to all these wonderful artists!

Jill said...

Leslie's work never fails to inspire me.

elle said...

simply, and I mean simply, beautiful.

Cynthia Monica said...

I have long been an admirer of Leslie's work! How wonderful to include her in your book!

Robyn A said...

I cannot wait for my copy of this book to arrive! I loved Leslie's self portrait for the book and I am looking forward to learning more about her. The textures are beautiful and, although I am usually a colour person, I have come to really appreciate the quiet stillness of neutral colours. Thanks.

Bev said...

im having the best time meeting all of these wonderful artists love what Leslie says "begin ,fling paint, make marks ,rip and tear lol wonderful now im off to Leslie's blog thanks again Seth

hugz bev

Marilyn said...

I am so proud to say Leslie is my friend. I have watched her paint so wonderfully for many years. She has worked hard at her art and is truely gifted. I love her self portrait. Marilyn Santiago

Gail Baar said...

I found your blog through Leslie's blog, and would look forward to seeing the book.

Anonymous said...

Love the palette! It's been so fun to see all these artists.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Thank you Seth. Thank you everyone, I am touched by your kind words.

liberal sprinkles said...

I love the abstract nature of Leslie's work and all the layers. WOW!

Anonymous said...

Leslie is not only a wonderful artist but a great person too.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful work... I've always been a fan of Leslie's work as well.

Patricia Wolf said...

I found Leslie on Pinterest and have been a devoted fan ever since. What a compliment I got when she repinned one of my paintings!!! Is there a cloud 10? Hopefully some day I will be able to meet her too!

Cathy said...

Wow, LOVE Leslie's work!!!

Chris said...

As an avid reader of Leslie's blog, it was nice to see her work appear on your blog! Lucky you to have a piece of her work!

nancy neva gagliano said...

hearts aflutter, combo special orchestrated by mr. apter, invigorated by your spirit...fling the paint!

~Babs said...

Leslie's blog has been causing me to drool for a few years now.
Her art, whether in word or paint is exquisite!

Parabolic Muse said...

I was not familiar with Leslie's work. I'm going to go check this out. I'm liking what I see.

Frances said...

Light and dark and the opposition of both on Leslie 's surfaces are moving!

mansuetude said...

i've had a few of Leslie's paintings/collage grab me by the elbow and say Wait a minute... stop here. And i marveled at some harmony i could only guess at

Suzanne Bouchard said...

You say "I am definitely interested in what she has to say". Well with the litle I know of her I am beginning to be interested in what she has to say me too.

Patricia said...

Loved Leslie's work, inspiring....

Carol Wiebe said...

I first saw Leslie's work a number of years ago. Her work and the words form an integral whole.

hehjude said...

Beautiful work! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book!

Janine Whitling said...

Another terrific introduction to a terrific artist. Great work Leslie!

donna joy said...

yea, a new artist's blog to visit-thanks yet again- do you get tired of hearing that? :)

rivergardenstudio said...

ahhhhhh, to me leslies work is both elegant and earthy, strong and fragile. Another great post about a beautiful artist.

Jo Murray said...

I'm a fan already, but it's great to ghet an insight into her thought process.

susan in seattle said...

Boy, Seth, you sure know how to pick 'em! I just love Leslie's work!

Carol said...

Thanks, Seth, for the introduction to Leslie. Her prose is beautiful and I love her art.

Rusted Wings said...

such free form, organic work! makes me want to play...

Dianne said...

depth and substance. definitely things to strive for. another gifted artist!

Eileen said...

I love your work.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work. Really. said...

well...seth...i couldnt say it any better than what i just read. i have such a love for her work!

Terrie said...

OMG - stunning art and I love her philosophy of just starting and seeing where you end up. Beautiful!

Gwen Buchanan said...

Leslie's work has beauty... calmness... yet striking in its presentation. Truly unique!

Barbara I. said...

I am really drawn to Leslie's style and was not aware of her art until your blog post introducing her. Thanks!

Beverley Baird said...

Thanks so much for sharing Leslie's work! Love it and her blog!

Wen said...

I can not imagine a world without Leslie. She is an inspiration, a gem, encouragement, beauty and soul wrapped up in so much beautiful art that my heart sings when I see it.

Colleen Sabo said...

I am so happy to have located your blog, your book, and that of Leslie. Can't wait to explore more of both your works!

GalleryJuana said...

Incredible work. I hope to be able to meet you both in bellevue.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

As we get ready for a visit in Vancouver and then Seattle, I am feeling more and more excited for this coming together of like minds! I am also looking forward to meeting people I have met in the blog world, a world dear to my heart.