31 artists...31 days. Spend every day of March with me at The Altered Page to meet the 31 spotlight artists in my book The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed
I am a bower bird, I collect, I recycle, I try to turn the ordinary into extraordinary and discarded things into treasure.
Burning, dropping, plashing, carelessness, cutting, scratching, layering, experimenting would be some words to describe my process.
Random chaos, mess and the chance to create accidents is the key to my secret garden. I care less for images and outcome, my work isn't about that. I live for the moment, the now and if something good comes as a result than I am pleasantly surprised.
Gary Reef is an artist made for this computer age. If you do not know him yet, head on over to his many online homes. He could be at his blog. You might find him at his You Tube channel, where his videos has been seen over 1,800,000 times! Maybe he will be hanging out at his art and social network Loving Mixed Media. He could be anywhere. He beats to his own drummer and always has his finger on the pulse and that is one of the reasons I wanted him to be in my book.
Gary creates amazing textures and layers in all his artwork, no matter the medium he uses. His work is vibrant and grungy, with just enough 'quirk' to make it really interesting. I mean, how many people do you know that have held a sardine can shrine challenge?!? Thanks, btw, for letting me be the official judge on that one. I have not met Gary but one day, if he heads to NYC or I head to Australia, we just may meet. And if we do, I would like nothing more than to spend a day in the studio collaborating on some art.
Burning, dropping, plashing, carelessness, cutting, scratching, layering, experimenting would be some words to describe my process.
Random chaos, mess and the chance to create accidents is the key to my secret garden. I care less for images and outcome, my work isn't about that. I live for the moment, the now and if something good comes as a result than I am pleasantly surprised.
Gary Reef is an artist made for this computer age. If you do not know him yet, head on over to his many online homes. He could be at his blog. You might find him at his You Tube channel, where his videos has been seen over 1,800,000 times! Maybe he will be hanging out at his art and social network Loving Mixed Media. He could be anywhere. He beats to his own drummer and always has his finger on the pulse and that is one of the reasons I wanted him to be in my book.
Gary creates amazing textures and layers in all his artwork, no matter the medium he uses. His work is vibrant and grungy, with just enough 'quirk' to make it really interesting. I mean, how many people do you know that have held a sardine can shrine challenge?!? Thanks, btw, for letting me be the official judge on that one. I have not met Gary but one day, if he heads to NYC or I head to Australia, we just may meet. And if we do, I would like nothing more than to spend a day in the studio collaborating on some art.
gary is a magnificent artist! i've never met or spoken to him, but i've come across his work several times and adore what he does and how he does it. i actually happened upon some of his youtube videos recently and enjoyed watching those as well. gary is a wonderful pick for your phenomenal book!
I really enjoy the variety of Gary's work. I've even bought some of his workshop dvd's and love getting to learn some of his techniques.
This is so cool!! And I am one of Gary's fans, I have one of his art pieces ♥
he's one crazy, cool, funny, amazing artist who is ever willing to share his techniques with anyone who cares to learn :)
what many-sided works!!! with pleasure will watch after creation of this artist!!!
Awesome work, love the works on paper, and the assemblages are also fantastic. Well, actually, all his work is fantastic, but the whole incorporated Mona Lisa works are spectacular. Thanks Seth.
fantastic another Australian artist.... well, just anyway.. wow.. looking forward to hearing and seeing more of his work
sardine can altar, super. a sense of freedom to this work.
Gary is an artist to watch! Thank you for introducing me to his work.
Gary is one of my all time favourites. So generous with his time and sharing his talent. He has encouraged me and many other to Follow your Passion. Well done Gaz great Art! Joan
TEXTURE, you know how I love texture. Gary, Seth thank you both for sharing. More to think about.
thanks for the introduction to gary...spent quite a bit of time reading his blog. a smart, talented and interesting guy...making brave choices that further his growth as an artist.
Hooray for happy accidents! I like his attitude and the pieces shown here.
Love Gary's attitude and humor!
i love the freedom, and carefree approach of Gary's work, i think i have seen all of his youtube videos. but the sardine can shrines were very fun.
Wow! Just taking a quick gander at 'Loving Mixed Media' has me completely captivated, and intrigued! Though I do have to say that I'm not really surprised. When 'The Pulse of Mixed Media' arrived in my mailbox last week, Gary's amazing self portrait simply blew me away. I felt an immediate sense of connection, though my art is nothing like his. I love the incredible richness that he achieves in his work through layering and use of stencils. It's like each time I come back to one of his pieces, there is always something new to see! Also, Gary's online presence is astounding! (Although, this kind of thing always impresses me because I am such a Luddite!) Just the fact that he takes time to involve himself in helping so many other artists, yet still finds time to paint, leads me to believe that he has figured out the magic of increasing his daily allotment of hours beyond the normal 24! This comment has gone on far too long, but I do have to say that my absolute FAVORITE quote of his from the book (under the 'quirky habits' question, on page 65), has do do with his ritual with a newly stretched canvas. More power to you, sir. I think this explains a lot! Thank you, Seth, for including Gary as a spotlight artist in your book. For those of us who didn't already know about him, he is inspiration, indeed!
Well, if I hadn't already enjoyed Gary's page(s), I'd certainly be inspired to by the comment right above mine! Thanks again Seth for a great introduction.
I'm looking forward to spending some time in Loving Mixed Media! Thanks so much for sharing all of these artists! It's a treat every day. :)
Really enjoyed learning more about this artist and especially watching the videos. Thank you!
I have learned a lot from Gary and it's wonderful and very inspirational!! I did one of his first workshops.
I've been waiting with excitement for this one. I have followed Gary's work for years...he is a true spirit and I adore him and his work. He is one of the Kings of mixed media. I'm very pleased he is in your book.
The bower bird is such a great analogy for this eclectic art.
I've loved Gary's work for quite some time now. I'm a member of his group, and am waiting anxiously for him to start his new mixed-media classes. How great to see him here!
Seth I have been enjoying each post each day of this month and have been wordy. Gary's work leaves me speechless. Let's enjoy the silence! *smiles* Norma
I have watched Gary's videos on you tube and he is just so creative-give him anything, I mean anything and he will make it into something beautiful-good choice, yet again.
I love the way his mind works, and of course the results he achieves!
"Random chaos, mess and the chance to create accidents is the key to my secret garden. I care less for images and outcome, my work isn't about that. I live for the moment, the now and if something good comes as a result than I am pleasantly surprised."
I like Gary's description of himself as a bower bird.. as I love the idea of collecting stuff and transforming into creative self expression.
Gary is another 'fave' for me. I love the way he creates such rich and powerful art from his 'mess' aas he calls it.
Thanks for the introduction, Seth! I'm not familiar with Gary's work, but I'm going looking for him now.
Thanks for the introduction, Seth! I'm not familiar with Gary's work, but I'm going looking for him now.
Just love Gary's work. Taken in by the colors, textures, composition and energy of all these pieces. So glad his work is in your book- what a super opportunity to learn about him and his art!
What a fun time I had visiting Gary and seeing his new studio. I am impressed with his energy and dedication to his art. I am glad I got to meet him through your book. This is turning into one fantastic book!
oh great artists i love Gary's work its so inspiring and he's an aussie to boot lol and a really nice guy...
hugz bev
A sardine can shrine sounds inviting. It's the perfect shape. Sounds challenging.
I really love Gary's artwork !!
I have 'known' Capricornartist for quite some time. I seem to remember him in a fun hat, looking like pigtails at some stage. You have to love a guy like that!
When I grow up I want to be as free and talented as he is.
I just found out about you from Gary Reef's FB page. I can't wait to get through your blog.
His work has an ethereal quality that makes you think. Nicely done.
Whoaaa! I just spent a LONG time on YouTube watching Gary's videos...totally fascinating! Thanks for the intro!!! I can't wait to explore more of his online stuff.
Wow, what a variety of styles! Good not to be in a rut.
Aloha, Kate
I'm enjoying your 31/31 posts so much Seth. I was not familiar with Gary's work so thanks for spotlighting him on your blog. I find his work intriguing. I too love to make art out of found objects. I have made a number of crushed aluminum can books. Trash to treasured art pieces!
Amazing work, I look forward to looking at his blog.
I have been a fan of Gary's ever since I discovered YouTube. I'm a member of LMM too. I absolutely love Gary!!!
This man has such energy, I'd like some of it, please ;)
Whoa! Now it's art makes my heart stop!
Gary is such a star and his art is so rich and vibrant. Seth, thanks for showing the world that we have some great art happening in Australia.
Wow!! I love his work, it's amazing.
what an exciting artist gary is!!!! looking forward to getting to know him and so many you've recently introduced me too!!!! thanks again seth!!
Seth this book is awesome and I am so glad to have found you thru Jen Crossley(my teacher, my friend and my total inspiration). Gary is another person I am a huge fan of...both Ozzies wahoo too. What an amazing mix of artists you have chosen... I look forward to reading more about everyone.
Annette In Oz
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