Just about every page includes journaling but that may not be obvious from the photos. On most pages, the words are hidden under flaps, in mini envelopes, inside vellum, behind maps, or in small handmade pamphlets. I preferred to focus on the images but in this way I was able to include the written story as well.
I have posted below photographs of the journal and of a number of the pages inside from the first half of the book. Each page beings back a vivid image of one or more of the magical moments that I experienced in Greece. Please click on the images to enlarge to see the details.
oh Seth...
this is so wonderful
and wonderful doesn't
do justice to this
lovely creation
you have given form
to a dream
and it is BEautiful
now I will savor
and walk in these steps
perusing these pages
xox - eb.
Just brilliant. I'm hoping to do something similar, if on a smaller scale, of my trip to NYC. I always intend to journal and sketch when I travel, but I usually end up not doing it (fear, self-consciousness, laziness - whatever the reason). But you've inspired me to try harder this time.
seth, wow!!! this is so wonderful! so tactile, so visual, so *everything*! i swear i want to touch those pages and that beautiful cover...
what kind of paper did you use for the pages? are those pages from the original book? or do i see heavy watercolor paper in there?
thank you!!
As eb said, I was blown away by my first journey through these pages, now I'm going back for more.
Stunning, Seth.
Seth, I'm drooling over the pictures of the journal! It looks so enticing and inviting. I'm sure you loved Greece. I spent 4 months there myself and could have stayed longer. Lovely place to explore, photograph and immerse yourself in it's history and culture.
what an amazing travel journal!
What a fantastic memento to have to remember your memories of your trip to Greece. You've certainly made a creation to treasure.
I think this is your best work yet. I was blown away by the pictures. It is a beautiful selection of photos, text, colour and texture and the cover and binding is just to die for. Congratulations. It is truly a piece for posterity.
A spectacular work, a treasure. The cover alone is to be savoured. Wish I could actually feel the textures.
GREAT book! This past week I did some experimenting with techniques from Nature Journals also, it's fast becoming a favorite book!
Seth, this journal is fantastic! I had pulled some of my pictures & written journal of my whirlwind European trip from years ago out just the other day, wondering how I could ever get them together. You have inspired me!
Woww, Seth, what an awsome journal!
There are no adequate words! Thank you so much for lighting the way with your incredible talent. I am off to finish MY Greece book and then Italy will follow. I needed this kick in the pants!
P.S. Did you get to Delphi???
You've inspired me to go back and finish some of my journals! Absolutely awesome journal, but then I imagine that the trip was equally marvelous.
Ohhhhhh Seth this is just completely awesome!! How awesome that you got to go! I adore LK Ludwig's work too.
What a awesome Journel to remember your trip
Fabulous travel journal.
Thanks for sharing your creative work with everyone.
What an amazing creation! I love all your layers, your colors and the whole "feeling" you have captured. How wonderful to be alive and to travel to new worlds. And how especially wonderful to be able to create from your experiences. I need to look at this over and over!! Roxanne
I have just found your blog via Suzan at Thrifty Collage. That journal is absolutely spectacular. I love it, and I'll definitely be back regularly.
I have just found your blog via Suzan at Thrifty Collage. That journal is absolutely spectacular. I love it, and I'll definitely be back regularly.
Heavens to Mergatroid!
The muses: Caliope, Melpomene, Clio, Terpsichore, Thalia, and...the other ones. They all visited you, didn't they?
I don't think Mergatroid was a muse, but anyway.
Thank you for showing us these pages. It's a feast.
I find myself quite speechless.......just can't get enough of your photos and pages!
Wow. I love the way you have integrated the ephemera with your pictures and text.
You did a fantastic job on creating this book. I wish I had it in my hands and could feel it. I'd love to leaf though it. Beautiful!
Simply beautiful!
Your Greece photos are awesome Seth and the journal just the most wonderful way to include and express all your experiences!
I had never thought of doing such a thing, this type of journal, it is so incredible and wonderful and wow, this is exactly how the postmodern type of illuminated manuscript should look like, now that I think of it!!!! the complete work of art, life itself.
This is an incredible little gem. How lovely it would be to hold it in my hands and page it. Amazing!
What a sumptuous book that you made. I am getting so, so many good ideas from your journal!
xoxo Kathryn
Beautiful, and I hope you're going to do one for England and then bring it with you so I can see it!
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