Friday, August 13, 2010

Now I am Three!

Three years ago this week I made a choice that I can say changed the direction of my life. Three years ago The Altered Page was born. I truly believe that without my blog, my passion for and dedication to making art would have been a flickering flame rather than a roaring fire. I would definitely not be the artist I am today. And I would never have "met" all of you.

Much has happened in the course of my life in those three years...the highest highs and the lowest lows. In that time my art, my blog, my collaborations, and my connection to this community have always been rock solid. This has been my through line.

I want to take this moment in time to say thanks to each and every one of you. Thank you for your visits, your comments, your emails, your purchases, your gifts, and the creative energy that you have provided. I put a tremendous amount of time into The Altered Page and the response I have received makes every single minute of work worth it.

The very first lines of my very first post read as follows:

"Welcome to The Altered Page. I see this blog as one more element of my mixed media artwork. Much like the paper, gesso, acrylics, and other components of each piece, I believe the conversation that I am hopeful that this blog will generate will become an integral ingredient to the creative mix." Thank you all for helping me to exceed my expectations!

And what better way to say thank you than a giveaway. The Altered Page will only turn three once, so there has to be a unique and special prize to win. And I would say that a shopping spree in New York City fits the bill.

For a chance to win, please leave a comment on this post and include three words that describe the type of art-related treasures you would want to buy if you were let loose in NYC for a day. Choose words that accurately describe the types of objects/supplies/doo dads/etc. that you really love, for example rusty-quirky-handmade. Using those three words as a guide, I will scout out all the flea markets, funky shops, art stores, and secret sources in NYC and pick out a selection of treasures for the winner.

Please comment by the end of day on Thursday August 19th. The winner will be announced on my blog on Friday August 20th. Please be sure that I have a way of contacting you in case you are the lucky winner.

And again...a million thanks to each and every one of you.


Sharon said...

Seth, you are a great artist and I love watching you grow. My three words for finding stuff in NYC: unique, strange, paper. Thanx again Seth

Kathryn Dyche said...

Wow, three years. Congratulations. What a journey that must have been.

Having just celebrated one year of blogging I have been blown away by the community and support and can only imagine what three years may bring.

Hhhmmm if I were let loose in NYC for a day . . . . . as you may have noticed I'm big into texture so I'd be looking for tactile elements in earthy colors. Also love metal and wood sculptural pieces too.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Congrats Seth! I have not been here all the way, but have enjoyed the time I've read!
Blogs do indeed become a form of mixed media, as I have found out.
Three words....
(it's counts as one! LOL!!)
Here's to many more years of success with art and your blog!


Sarah said...

I am a sometimes visitor to your blog and am happy to have visited today to chance upon your fun giveaway. I loved reading your words about the affect your blog has had on you as an artist. I have similar feelings about blogging-and something I would never have thought of say five years ago, has become one of the most important things to me.
At the moment the things that are interesting me the most are vintage books of the musty variety with interesting covers(I know that is not three words), also seedpods-which do not even need shops to acquire!
Have fun on your shopping spree for whoever is the lucky winner!
And happy third birthday!

MrCachet said...

You're very welcome, and I truly appreciate the 'window' you've provided to me - not only through your blog, but more importantly through your art.

ONE of a kind, Seth!

Cheryl Connell said...

oooh fun! Congrats on 3 years I have enjoyed all the posts.
NYC! I love it. I would say unique, ephemera/books,handmade.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Seth and thank you for all you do. My three treasure find words are paper, unusual, colorful.

Missouri Bend Paper Works said...

Hi Seth,
I only recently discovered your wonderful blog and am inspired to put a roaring flame to mine, which is slow to gather a following. I do love posting though, so I'll give it time! I am very interested these days, for my own mixed media work, about the idea of the "fork in the road"....we all have moments of decision making, forks in the road, that takes us n one direction over another....actually every moment of our lives is a fork in the road...but your choice to begin the blog was a major fork in the road and the world is thankful for the choice you made! My blog is if you want to read about the fork in the road.

Having said that, I'll go ahead and add mine:

Best wishes for the coming years! Patti/MissouriBendStudio

ArtPropelled said...

Seth I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog, your art and the pulse since the first day of discovery. Thank you for all that you do to draw us together. A very Happy 3rd Birthday!!!
Something New York .... my heart is skipping. Arty-quirky, worn-patinaed, wood. Hope I'm not cheating with the hyphenated words :-)

Mosaic Magpie said...

Seth, I am thinking what would be challenging for you to find. Something from the garment district. I am such a fan of project runway. Now not just anything from the garment district. I want some kind of label from the trash and a funky scrap of fabric. Now, your next stop is Chinatown, I again want some type of label, colorful with lots of printed words on it, and again a piece of fabric, silk this time, please. Now, on to Broadway!
I want a ticket stub or playbill and another piece of fabric. This time dramatic fabric, feathers, gltter you know what I mean. If I was visiting New York those are the places I would like to see and those are the things I would look for. Thank you for the fun NYC visit, even if it was only in my mind.
Love to you,

elle said...

When you bless you are in turn blessed. Thanks for sharing yourself. Thre words? How unique- script, history, time

Mosaic Magpie said...

I forgot the three key words, I was so lost in my visit.
grunge (and I don't mean dirty)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Seth. Amazing how one takes a first step into a new realm/world and where that step leads. The possibilities that open up are beyond expectation and the coming together of like minds, amazing.Wow! A spending spree giveaway from NY. How generous of you! My choice? Metal and beads. Nothing organic as they wouldn’t pass customs in Oz, should I be fortunate and win.
Thank you and here’s to ongoing creativity and artistic passion.

theresa martin said...

Happy Third Birthday Seth and Congratulations.
rusty, quirky and worn sound good to me! Have fun with whoever wins- what a cool idea.

Beanie Mouse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Svetlana said...

You can say that you have united the world with your ideas. Congartulations and keep going.
Thank you for another opportunity. My words would be: old, texture, found.

fairyrocks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fairyrocks said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary!!!
Your blog is FULL of such inspiration. So happy to have fallen into it :)
Keep smiling and creating
I will be looking for you in Cloth Paper Scissors- love that mag!!!

PS if I use a hyphen its one word right LOL

Lynn Cohen said...

Happy Third Birthday! Love the three fingers!!! Your blog is so Give so much of yourself and your art in much information and inspiration and acceptance. I for one am very appreciative of all you have accomplished here in three short years.

If I could send you shopping for me in NYC???
Thanks for the chance to win and I do believe you have my email address.

Luthien Thye said...

happy 3rd birthday seth :)) i must agree that blogging is such a fulfilling and rich experience and like you i've enjoyed every moment of it and every heart i've come across in bloggie land.

i dunno anything about NYC except in CSI NY or similar TV programs.. but i'm guessing it must be one of the most exciting and culturally diverse city in the world! perhaps one day i may have a chance to visit it for real. so what would i look for in such a city ... antiques-oldworld-creative romance


Patti Sandham said...

Hi Seth,

Congratulations on your third anniversary! I love visiting your site to see the interesting projects, your gnarly work and your thought provoking words.

A shopping trip in NYC would be a dream! I can only imagine the possibilities.

Funky Books Texture

Happy blogging

layers said...

a BIG happy blog birthday.. thank YOU for all your sharing and informing and enlightening and connection to all of us.

milkcan said...

Congrats on your anniversary! My three words: sparkly, layered, full-of-story.

Joanie Hoffman said...

Well, the giveaway rocks! and like each of your postings it reinforces how creative and personal you and your blog are.
"I believe the conversation that I am hopeful that this blog will generate will become an integral ingredient to the creative mix".
Boy oh boy, have you successfully done this!
Your 3 year old blog has become the best sharer ever.
Many congratulations! Joanie

Joanie Hoffman said...

forgot my 3 words:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your three years! I enjoy each visit to your site, and hope it will be there for many years to come! :)
Thanks for the giveaway! If I win, you can contact me by emailing me at wiebke{DOT} scheffler{AT}web{DOT}de
My three words are: paper - grunge - metal

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Your art blog is a fabulous place to visit Seth. Congratulations. I do see your blog as an extension of your creative practice, as I do mine.

“When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.”

New York - sepia, vintage white, earthy.

What a fun idea for a give-away!

Thanks Seth.

Erin in Morro Bay said...

Three years! Congratulations. I've never been to New York, so how can I resist a New York Shopping Spree?
Vintage, rusty, flat.

Lotus said...

Congratulations on three years! blogging really is a life changing adventure. It's amazing to know that there are people that share your interests and actually want to know what you have to say! ; )
Looking forward to many more years!
My words are: antique, filigree and textured!
THank you!

barbara said...

thank you for being here, and continuing to stimulate and intrigue us.
my blog began on january 1 with the intention to post something every has allowed me to sort through all of my photo files, and to see just how much i love looking through the lens of my camera.
i am looking forward to my first year celebration!
my three words, would be

Judy Wise said...

Congratulations on 3 wonderful years; a gift to each of us who love and visit your blog. Thank you for all the art love. And me? Shopping in New Yawk? Oh, paper! Yummy, unusual paper!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Happy birthday. Being three has its advantages. You are past the terrible twos, and you have a large group who want you to succeed, appreciate who you are and what you do in blogland, and would gladly pick you up, should you fall.

How can I describe ANYTHING in three words? Not easy for this wordsmith.


Hope it's the thought rather than the hyphenation that comes through.

HeartFire said...

Seth, thank you for your wonderful blog, always so inspiring and filled to the brim with creativity... Congratulations on your 3 years of sharing your art journey! Keep creating the wonderful art and conversation parlor that I and so many enjoy.....

serenity - surprise - history

AscenderRisesAbove said...

ahhh an intriguing question; having never been to nyc...
central-parkish (sure, it's a word)
art deco

Corrine said...

Congratulations. It doesn't seem like three years does it? Love the art at the start of the post.
My three word would be
(I want to say earthy, but customs won't let anything organic past.)

Halle said...

Congrats on three years Seth! Your site is always inspiring.

My 3 words for you would be:
aged, wood, textural

Gwen said...

Congratulations! Your blog is always such an inspiration, and I love your writing as well as your art!


What a fun idea for a giveaway!


Marylinn Kelly said...

Congratulations, Seth. I had no intention of being absent from here for so long, after your generous TRUE COLORS postings. Envying you the shopping adventure for your prize finds.

My words: alphabets-subversive-vivid.

Thank you.

lyle baxter said...

seth, aside from being a talented artist you have the most delightful way of bringing people together! And I know it takes a huge amount of time. thank you for being there! my 3 wishes mexican,tin, religious! good combination!

Anonymous said...

I've only recently started reading here, but adore your art and outlook on life. Congratulations on three years and best wishes for many more! My three words for the drawing are: quirky - vintage - paper.

DIANE said...

Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary and thank you. I only wish I had either discovered your blog on the day you started or had more time in the day since I'm always trying to go back and read your past posts. You have led me to discover more amazing artists and ideas that you can imagine. Wanting to stay true to your 3 word request, I've decided to go with "two for one". It seems that I am inspired by all the sames things that seem to inspire you so I would hope you find many 2 for 1 sales if I should win. ;=) Looking forward to another 3 years of mixed media fun.

ooglebloops said...

I am so glad you decided to blog and that I found you here!!! Always enjoyable and a learning experience with each post!!!If I was in a NY flea market- I'd be searching for old tattered NY ephemera (being a former NY-er- I love that stuff), vintage/battered silverware, and costume jewelry bits and pieces.
What a great giveaway and good excuse for you to be at the flea markets!!!

Pat Quilty said...

"Happy Birthday"
I have enjoyed your site immensely and learned a lot. You are so inspiring.
My 3 words are:


lynne h said...

seth, i am waving and sending you a big 'ol hug! congratulations on three rich, meaningful years of blogging. you've touched a lot of people's lives in those three years...

my three words - old, unique, soulful.

Indigo said...

congratulations Seth! what a journey to be on! so glad you are sharing it with all of us. thanks for the inspiration in all things mixed media!!

my 3 words:
antique, stripes, glitter!
(what a combo, eh?)

Gina said...

such a generous, unusual, fun gesture ... thank you for the opportunity - NYC - quirky, texture, something new yorker ...

if i were there it would be a hamburger, glass of wine and a walk through Tribeca. >>> Gina

Pam McKnight said...

What a great idea! Congratulations, I love your art and your blog!


Parabolic Muse said...


Happy Happy birthday to The Altered Page!

You've really made things fun. Thank you.

I guess for me the three words would be stencil, paper, ink.

amy of studio four corners said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I find great inspiration from your blog - and can understand how it has influenced your art/life. I started blogging in January and am amazing at the avenues where it has taken me. love your giveaway - my three words are

amy of four corners design

Lost Aussie said...

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your journey with us. Always inspiring.

Paula said...

Congratulations! I'd seek out handmade papers and a visit to Tinsel Trading Company. I'd also be on the hunt for anything different than what's available here...but mostly, paper, paper, paper!

Kel said...

wow, a shopping trip in NYC, methinks, "there's no way he'd give it to an Aussie . . ."
but on continuing to read, I see I might still be in the running

wishing on these three

happy blogiversary!

Julie Prichard said...

ohhh fun! Happy anniversary!


viv said...

hiya seth, congratulations on 3 years of sharing your art with all of us, i love seeing & reading what you're up to..
3 words? texture, colour & authentic.. what a great idea! would you take pictures to share while on your journey to find these treasures for whoever wins?

Bill said...

I'm not commenting to win a prize. I want to thank you for sharing your journey with art with us. It seems like the blog world, the online art world and the multi-media art world in general is dominated by women now. Perhaps it only seems that way because women are much more verbal than men. Well, most men. I'm thankful that guys like you share your successes so the rest of us males out here don't feel like we're all alone. My father definitely did not want a son who created art, and much of my life has been stunted because of the thoughts of unworthiness his ideas left in me. Knowing there's guys like you out there who share their love for art is a great thing. (Man. Sorry for all this when all you are doing is having a fun contest!)

azirca said...

Happy Blogaday Seth!
Three years of your inspirational creative posts have just flown by, I've learned so much from my visits here.
Here's to many more to come!

New York City treasures would be... ornate, gadget, and curiosities.

Teri said...

Seth--Thank you so much for all the work you do putting this blog together and also, thank you for the wonderful art that you have made available for purchase on your ETSY shop. I love the two pieces I have purchased. They are some of my most prized possessions. I feel honored to have them in my presence. Three words for me would be: funky, chunky, clunky. (word verification: Cherb! Can you find THAT?

Jacky said...

Three years! I always enjoy visiting your wonderful blog...always so informative, so pleased you started blogging back then.
What a wonderful idea for a three words fabric, japanese, organic.

Thx. for such an exciting giveaway. Very creative thinking.

Jacky xox

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Altered Page! As a native NYer, I'm kinda let loose here on shopping sprees quite often, but to have you as my personal shopper would be quite a treat...judging from your art, you do find the best stuff!
OK, I'll make it really easy for you (ha!); my three words are:
rusty, crusty, and dusty

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

I think we are the lucky ones! Your blog is always a source of inspiration and I look forward to seeing your reader in my inbox.
My 3 words...should I be so lucky! are nest-labyrinth-handwritten.

I hope labyrinth isn't too much of a cheat word given it desrcibes intricate,woven,

BTW, did you know Alicia is using one of your brass x in each of our books? I am so pleased to have something from you in our books!

~*~Patty S said...

Congratulations on three great years Seth. It is artists/people like yourself that make blogland a really special place to be and grow. So very glad to make your acquaintance.

rusty/quirky/handmade says it perfectly for me

many thanks for all of the inspiration, time and energy you share so freely AND thank you for a chance to be a lucky winner

have a great weekend!

Beanie Mouse said...

I changed my mind!!! Playing card, postcard, ticket stubs. And Mega birthday wishes..... and if I win, I'd have to make you a birthday card out of whatever you'd send!!!

Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

Wow, congratulations on 3 terrific years! I'm glad you started your blog, and I enjoy sharing your artwork.

My three words: text, primitive, textured

marianne said...

seth- thank you for all of the inspiration & motivation that you've provided through this blog. love the group projects & the glimpses into other artist's minds & spaces. three words- talismans, memories, paper

Pam Carriker said...

What an amazing give away! You rock Seth!!! So glad I found you in blog land and so grateful that you share your talent so willingly.

vintage, paper, stamp (of the rubber variety:-)


nancy neva gagliano said...

your extension into the world has become mine as well as sooooooo many truly were the "opening" that "connected" me to a big important part of my life. thank you. that's the best present. (but, i'll play, too. a charm, a rock, something YOU love)

Mary S. Hunt said...

i for (67) am grateful you came upon this aha moment
for you are such an inspiration!
love love love your work!
and you help keep me motivated!
yay for 3 and 300 more

Barbara Mason said...

Seth, I feel so fortunate to have found your site. Your thoughts of 3 years ago have certainly been manifested by you--"the conversation that I am hopeful that this blog will generate will become an integral ingredient to the creative mix." The creative mix is all around you as demonstrated by all of the varied desires from your "fans"!!!
My 3 words for a NYC shopping spree...rusty, weathered, worn....
Looking forward to the next 3 years.

Dayna Collins said...

Three years is amazing. Thank you for what you have contributed to the art world and to my creativity.

Anonymous said...

A huge Congrats to yon Seth!!! You have opened my eyes to different and wonderfully awesome things throughout the 3 are a gem!!!
This would be wonderful to win for my birthday on the 25th, the timing could not be more perfect.
3 things ehh well art store, meeting you in person, thrift stores!

Rebeca Trevino said...

3 Years! I just found your blog about 1 ago, and it's NEW and exciting every time I visit.

Congratulations, Seth.

Since its YOUR anniversary, why don't you give ME 3 words that describe the types of objects/ supplies/ doo dads/ etc. you love. And I will scout out West coast flea markets, funky shops, art stores, and yard sales, and send them to YOU.

I would love to to that! And then look forward to seeing what you create with them.

lizzie said...

wow seth this if awesome. i actually was in ny recently but did not have the chance to go to any flea markets or art stores. I so want to come back so i can do that sort of thing.
it is hard to come up with just three words but i guess i would have to say
unorthodox, tactile, ephemera

that was hard. i have so many more words to use.

M. Young said...

Happy 3rd anniversary. Love your blog!

For the 3 things I'd have to say:

donna joy said...

what a great idea! congrats on your 3 yrs online and here's to many more!
my 3 words would have to be rusty, vintage, funky~

Coffee Messiah said...

I've learned a lot after finding your blog and about many other people, and their creative sides = Thanks!

just in case: ephemera/objects


Kathleen Harrington said...

Seth, your blog has been so inspiring to me and helps me stay focused on my art, too. Thank you for discussing with us how this blog is part of your mixed-media process. I love it! Because of you, I am in the process of setting up my own blog. Your example is so clear and deep. I feel like we've just had coffee at a funky old cafe everytime I read your blog.
Your giveaways are so generous, and now this one is so over the top wonderful. My three words are color, texture, love.

deb said...

dingy-Victorian-tattered, three words for you and an anniversary wish too!!Congratulations!

Lynda said...

Seth, thank you for this opportunity... my 3 words:
textured, one-of-a-kind, ephemera

marimuseinpt/ marilyn said...

Well, I sent a reply, but apparently, did not use the correct place. Anyway, again, happy third birthday. I only discovered your blog recently,but I really enjoy the inspiration you share. Three words would be..... vintage, ephemera, foreign text. Thanks,


jiLy Zaheer said...

Just as the sun's layered mask of heated rays lights up the world each day,
So do you with your art, text, and amazing collaborative way.
Like the power of a stone thrown on a lake's still water's surface-creating ripples- gaining force to produce powerful energy and effects that are
moving, changing, producing forces-new courses-so does your blog.
It's a celebration all its own-with you at its helm as wordsmith, innovator, communicator, educator, facilitator, poet, photographer, designer, writer and genuinely gifted soul.
Your blog inspired me to create my blog, express my artistic energy- taking myself to new levels of my own connection to the art world community resulting in "meeting" such talented and supportive artists! Super congratulations- and can't wait to see what's coming next! I think it's fair to say that once you've been to The Altered Page, you're never the same again! You're a source of information, inspiration, revelation, reflection -and are forever cherished and treasured!

My three words: vintage,text,layers

Gaby Bee said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Seth!
Shopping in New York would be a dream:-)
What an incredible giveaway!
My three words for finding stuff in New York would be "rusty, unique, books".
You are so generous! Thanks for the opportunity...

Anonymous said...

You truly inspire so many here Seth, and continue to do so. Happy Blogoversary!

A shopping spree in NY...what an incredible idea!

Old, tin, letters

this is what I seem to be attracted to lately.

Here's to many many more years!!

Rita Vindedzis said...

I find your blog always inspiring!! Congratulations on 3 years.

Patina, Texture, Ephemera.

Pat said...

Seth, congratulations on three years of inspiring and sharing with so many fellow artists. This is the most creative giveaway idea I have ever seen! My three words are: typography, chocolate, and decrepit.

Have fun shopping for the lucky winner!

bockel24 said...

Congrats on three years of blogging, Seth! I´d be on the lookout for something colourful, thought-provoking and story-telling.

judiparker said...

I just wrote in my blog about what started my journey in blogging last was "THE ALTERED PAGE" that i found by accident while browsing. I feel its by far one of the most inspirational ones on the internet.I seem to get into your mind.. thanks for that!!
tiny tiny books
creepy cats
vintage anything related to CzechRepublic(Old Czechoslovakia, Bohemia)

judi parker

Sharmon Davidson said...

Happy 3rd birthday, Seth! I can't believe you've only been blogging for 3 years; the quality of your blog led me to think it was much longer!
I so agree with what you said about the support of the blogging community, and how they keep you going. I don't know what I would do without that support.

You do so much work to benefit all of us, and now you're giving things away? Too generous!
This is very exciting; my three words would have to be... vintage, books, paper.

Penny said...

Congratulations on becoming 3!
I love the odd bits in your posts and often wander after other bloggers you mention.
A NY buy! Well I will never get there, and it would have to be something that would pass through Oz customs should I win (which I very much doubt!) My three would be
texture, textile and bold. (although I could cheat and say old/bold!) but I wont.

Ceparie said...

Creatives love and do (or at least try) everything. Piano players paint. Writers knit. Potters jam with a blue grass band. And thankfully for us, mixed media artist Seth Apter blogs. Well enough, in fact, to have accumulated a steady following of like-minded souls who benefit most from his ability to get us thinking and doing.

There are a lot of pointless, self-serving and downright boring blogs out there that just don’t engage their audience. Seth artfully brings us together and provides the inspiration that keeps us coming back for more.

I appreciate your commitment, Seth, and realize it takes time away from your art. Thank you for all that you do and I look forward to helping you celebrate birthday number 4.

Since you always stimulate us, my hope is these “three word” favorites of mine may challenge you and provide some fun during your shopping expedition. Good luck!


Lisa said...

Congratulations Seth! I find it interesting to think how blogging has affected my art and the path that it has taken me down as well. My three words: sepia, layers, architectonic.

Your giveaway is generating great inspiration among your followers posts..very cool!

.Trudi Sissons said...

Hi Seth,
Congratulations on your 3 years...time does fly doesn't it?

I'm not in for the 'draw', just in to wish you the best in your 4th year!

Supria Karmakar said...

Congratulatons on turning your hands and the work it creates..congrats also on being featured in the Cloth, Paper & Scissors studio have come so far in a short period of time and you are a creative inspiration to many, including myself....
If set loose in NYC I would love to find, old handwritten letters on yellowing vintage paper, vintage photos and watch parts.
Thanks for hosting this great blog...

Caroline Gill said...

Penblwydd hapus! Happy [blog] birthday, Seth - as we say in Wales.

Here's to the next 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 ...

i blue and] spatial
ii hugely] inspirational
iii truly] sensational

...sorry if these were meant to be from a previous post!

Margaret said...

Congratulations Seth! Your blog continues to a be a place of inspiration.
My three finders words would be, paper,Americana,vintage


Unknown said...

Well kiddo, everyone has said all of the great things about you and your awe-inspiring blog so I'll just add my thanks. Hm, anything metal cause you always find treasures, something hand-made would be outstanding, and from NYC something very kitschy.

Kimber said...

Congratulations on 3 years!
Having just been blogging a few months I am already amazed at the connections and inspiration. I can imagine how you feel after 3 years and all the connections you've made. I really appreciate all you do making those connections for all of us.
3 things...I'll say patina'ed, textured and papery. Any of those would be good.
Thanks Seth!

rivergardenstudio said...

WOW! 96 comments!!! Such an offer. First I want to say that I love your hand on the top of this post, especially the tree branching out of the fingers, and the really dark word AGE.
Thank you for always welcoming me, I remember when I first "met" you I thought you must be an owner of an art gallery, so great was your knowlege of design, art and community projects...
okay, my three words are old... pages... poetry...

La Poeta said...

Congrats on three years!
Yes, I really need inspiration from NY.
small-books, very-old, wonderful-covers.

Maj said...

Seth, Happy blog aniversary. I have enjoyed your posts from the very start, and I am impressed with the wealth of inspiration I always find here. Thank you Seth!

angeline said...

Happy 3d birthday, Seth. Your blog is always inspirational. You keep on giving us new ideas.
My three words would be: graphic design, old handwriting, letters.

Martin said...

Congratulation on 3 years TAP. Enjoying every visit.
Thank you.

Lawendula said...

Lovely post!
What you write about blogging is true for me also.
It was such a special day for me, when you happen to jump on to my blog LaWendeltreppe and left a comment. From your blog it was only a small step to discover so many many likeminded spirits, such lovely and inspiring people.

OMG, three words for a NY shopping?! It's hard for me to do that.
But here they are:
outstanding-intriguing-touching. said...

seth--i consider you my " art brother"--we met at the beginning of your blogging through the coolest--KELLY KILMER--i had the need to have more knowledge of why i was doing what i was doing and there you were---not only have you shown me all the great "arting"there is, but you have also shown me major personal compassion--you show me hope when i come whining and crying to you before some very scarey surgeries- i can proudly say, i have the least expensive of your pieces of art besides THE PULSE--because i was there at the beginning, i was able to purchase 2 incredible aceos---not many of us can say that--although, looking around my home, i guess i'll never see those " prices" again !!! Seth, you have helped me so much in the ways of art and in the ways of hope and compassion, my favorite life number is 3--please stay close-- love you--Mark sends his congrats also--love, SAM

Anonymous said...

Hi Seth, congratulations for your blogbirthday!
Up to now I never heard, reed or see anything of qou... A post by Lawendula brought me to qour blog and I'm just sitting here, looking and reading like a child. What a trasure!

I never has been to NY, not easy to imagine what you might find. It should be
unexpected, mysterious, funny
Good luck to you and to me *smile*

Hugs from Ă©toile-filante, Britanny in France

PS Lawendula has my mail adress...

Anonymous said...

Hi Seth!!!

At first,CONGRATS to your Blog-Birthday....= )

My 3 words are...


PS:I´m a friend from LaWendula

Steffi alias mosili = )

TrendyMonkey said...

Congratulations on all of your interesting and excellent work.
My three words:

Diana said...

Seth, Seth--pick me--i have been there almost from the very beginning---pick me and i'll be your best friend--- forever and ever---i love old, mostly intact, textile---objects d'asian the very best---something to do with pictorial broadway, of course, probably a play bill---anything you would choose i would absolutely adore with your ability---i should probably win--i looked at my verification word,
almost spelled like the native american indians that Mark and i saw on our trip to Arizona--9 years ago, before i really got so sick ---very coincidental---means that i really should earn the rights for you to pick out wonderful things for me !!! hey guy---i'll try as hard as i can to win !!!! xxxooo sam

Gillian McMurray said...

Is it three years already? Wow! How time flies. But it has to be said that you have offered all of us a wonderful journey too, including us in every way. I don't think there is another blogger around that has worked so seflessly for the wider community. So a big thank you to you too. Here's to many more years of blogging!

Anonymous said...

what a fantastically wonderful and generous idea, seth! i wish that i were not so MIA this summer as i'm quite certain NY would have a zillion little bits and baubs to my liking. congrats to whomever did win! you, as i've said so many times before, are a rock star!

congrats on the big three! it's nice to know that i've known you for over half that amount of time. looking forward to another three!!
