Monday, August 9, 2010

Studio Invite

I am a big fan of the studio tour, whether it is in person, online, or in print. I just love to see where artists work. Visiting an art studio belonging to a favorite artist is almost like being invited inside their heads. You are in the creative command center.

And now I would like to extend an invitation to all of you to see my studio.

I am happy to be able to tell you that my NYC studio is currently being featured in the Fall 2010 Cloth Paper Scissors Studios magazine.

You can see the Table of Contents and order the issue here. It hits the newsstands on August 10.

I've included some vignette shots from my studio in this post to give you the flavor of my working space. As always, click each image to see enlarged details. You can find pictures of the entire studio space and many more detailed shots, including my NYC view, in the magazine.

I will admit that my studio is rarely this neat and clean...but that is what the magazine editors preferred!

Special thanks go out to Cate Coulacos Prato, Editor at Studios and Barbara Delaney, Assistant Editor at Cloth Paper Scissors for featuring my space and in a six page spread too boot!


Bea said...

What fun! We are like little children when it comes to seeing where other "children" get to play.
I love your space. It certainly does reflect you. Thank you for sharing it with us. :)Bea

the art of curiosity said...

What a wonderful space to work in -how I envy your delicious mixture of intriguing & inspirational delights! Why, even your drawer labels are witty!

I can't wait to read your feature in CPS Studios!


Kris said...

Dude! So neat and tidy. Fun to see where all your great work is created :)

Lynn Cohen said...

It's hard for me to read that magazine as I am always getting it wet with my drool of envy over all the pages of neat neat studios. I'm glad to learn that in real life yours is not always THAT neat, but it is NEAT-O neat! Happy for you for yet another publication! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

laurel said...

Congratulations on the feature. Looks like a cool studio.

Caroline Gill said...

As ever, I really enjoyed this post, Seth. I agree, though, that it's a slight shame you had to 'tidy up for the spotlight' rather than have everything 'exactly as is'. You certainly show a love of order in your lines of bottles and drawers etc. You also demonstrate the mind of an active artist in as much as your paint tubes look truly used and loved!

I take a writers' mag. - and always begin at the back [well, I'm left handed] - to see the writers' rooms section first. Creativity hotspots teach us so much about ourselves, others and the creation process itself.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

I am so glad Seth that you shared your working studio with us. What a great space you have created. I agree with you, its always fun to see an artist's studio. Now what I want to see is your fabulous art collection...Wow!

Linda Woods said...

Congrats! I love your collection of art. There's one piece that is a blue circle with a tree~I'd steal that right off your shelf if I were ever over for lunch, HAHA! SO COOL!

Orly Avineri said...

That is so awesome Seth...I love your's fantastic, I would want to see it a bit more lived and painted but hey can't complain...beautiful images of your intimate place of play. I'm going to get me a copy of that in the store this week. Way too curious. wanting to see some more beauty. Yeah I would steal too...all these little drawers and storage wonders.
Great wonderful happenings Seth.

jill Zaheer said...

What super news on the publication of your studio layout in Cloth Paper Scissors Studio edition. Can't wait for my copy to arrive. What a great choice they made in selecting you! I'm in awe, inspired, so excited to see all of your supplies and the
intricacies of what layers are part of the Seth Apter talent we see from The Altered Page. There is so much to look at here. Really a feast for my eyes
in terms of your furniture, books, wall art, personal art, storage boxes, bins, altered art books and secret stash in your drawers. I keep taking another look to find more surprise sights of the most amazing pieces of art, textures, colors and the layers throughout your studio. Just over the top stunning!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What little I have seen of your creative space makes me truly want more. I'll definitely be looking for this issue when it hits the stands tomorrow. I want to savor every photo, especially the design/inspiration board. Love your labeling system, too. Your sense of humor is showing!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I forgot to ask if it is always this tidy. If so, I definitely want to come play for a day. I'm such a neat freak, it's hard to work with anyone, even when slinging paint and such.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Okay, that's enough reason for me to buy this issue, because usually they get me all hot under the collar with massive, unreal spaces that tend to make me blow a gasket. (and at my age, I need my gaskets intact! LOL!)
Ah---did I spy a HAND???? ;)
Many congrats!!!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I am so glad that your space isn't always this neat. I would feel like a total failure. Ha... Only after cleaning day does my space look so neat and tidy. Congrats on being featured in the mag. I will have to go see what other tidbits they came up with about your space.

Lotus said...

What an awesome, inspiring environment you have! Congratulations on your article/interview!

Sandy said...

Your art space is great. I love everything there. I could browse for quite awhile. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Kathryn Dyche said...

I love sneaking a peek into others workspaces, yours looks great. Congrats on getting in the magazine, you must be made up.

Luthien Thye said...

wow!! what a lovely studio you have!! so many interesting things to look at. and it's like 100 times neater than my 4x4 table aka studio :) wish i had a real one :(

Unknown said...

I love seeing your inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Very impressive! Thanks for sharing these pics of your creative space. I'll have to get this issue of Studios for sure!

Julie B said...

This issue was out last Friday when I visited our local B&N. It was such fun to see your space (and your view!). I'm so glad they included you in this issue.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Hey Finally!!!! Excellent.. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.. It is such a pleasure to see...

and you have kept this secret for a longtime.. Cheers!

MrCachet said...

Hey Seth! That's not fair! I'd have to spend an entire week getting even remotely close to putting my studio in the same shape! I'll now hang my head in shame and shove a few pencils and pens under the table...

Lost Aussie said...

Fun to scope out your space Seth, though I don't know how you keep it so tidy!

Pat Quilty said...

loved getting a peak at your creative space. I will be sure to buy the new Studio issue. I loved the titles on the drawers!
My space is not as neat or organized as yours, although you did confess it is not usually so neat..something about the editors.
Don't they realize we want to see how artists really work, their blood and guts and tears show up on the studio surfaces, it inspires the rest of us. :)

Mosaic Magpie said...

Yes indeed I am lovin that space. Having a magazine come to take pictures will sure make you clean up! Now that's what I call motivation. Congratulations, Seth.
What an honor to be chosen for this.

Mescrap said...

I love your studio !! Such inspiration !

Brian K said...

Oh what fun to take a peek in your private sanctuary! It really is like getting into an artists head. Seeing what inspires, motivates and moves. Your space looks very comfortable. I can't wait to get a copy of Studios tomorrow! Thank you for sharing!

Karin Bartimole said...

Congratulations and what fantastic fun! Your space is alive and inspiring Seth - I look forward to seeing the full issues!

giddy up said...

Congratulations... your space looks wonderful.

vivian said...

what a great space you've got there seth! thanks for sharing :)

Pat said...

Oh! That was fun!! I love your taste in art and artifacts. You have lots of cool stuff.

NancyB said...

Incredible space! Big congrats to you on the publication! I believe this is the first time I have had a chance to see you! Waves!!! I think I could sit in your studio and just stare at everything for hours and drink it all in! Going to have to grab a copy of CPS Studio! Hugs!

Julie Prichard said...

I'm moving in. I'll be there next week. :)

azirca said...

I adore your studio Seth, what a great space to create in and so artfully arranged too. The labels on your drawers amuse me greatly! :)

peshe said...

i've drawn circles and stuff on the puter screen. don't understand all the comments about how clean your place is.

i noticed a lynne hoppe hanging behind you. wondering if that's how she thinks you look.


Pat said...

How do you ever find anything in all that neatness???

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see more when I get the magazine. Your space is as creative and witty as you are.

Jacky said...

Thanks for the tour...your studio is wonderful (and so tidy!!!).
Lovely to see your face too.

Jacky xox

Kim Mailhot said...

What an awesome space, Seth. I would love to just come poke around, and look at things, and pick some up to examine...I saw a little box of tiny hands that totally delighted me ! I know where some of those have gone...
It is a treat to see a studio this way. Thanks so much for sharing the pix here too. Looking forward to perusing that mag...

Diane said...

Hey Seth!
Congratulations...I can't wait to see it ~ TODAY =)
BTW....I see a familiar hand in one of those photos =) I thought about you when I went thru that vendors area last Spring....he is located in ExCess Field!

NYCBeeQuilters said...

I actually saw the mag last week in B&N. Didn't want to comment before you posted about it. So now I can tell you..your space is just great! And, from your description, I well understand how you started in a corner and gradually your entire room became your studio.The creep of creativity can hardly be denied or contained :-). This has inspired me to re-think my own creative space. Thank you and congrats!

NYCBeeQuilters said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill said...

You keep me spending more money on magazines than I spend on art supplies. Must you be so famous?! :o)

Lisa said...

Super studio space and design..enjoyed the tour! A studio photo shoot is a great incentive to get organized isn't it?

Leslie said...

Congratulations Seth! I will be running out to get this issue today! Yay! What a wonderful, inspiring place you have created for yourself to create in. I have always felt like the space itself was a work of art, and yours is fantastic!

~*~Patty S said...

It is no wonder that the birthplace of your fab art would be so special!
Congrats on being published once again and WOWEE on your great space and photos Seth!
You Rock!

Unknown said...

Awesome news Seth and I can't wait to see the article! Thanks for sharing so generously in all that you do~it is truly inspiring to visit your blog!

Cynthia Monica said...

First, a huge congratulations Seth on having your studio published in the magazine! That is so awesome! Second, what a wonderful studio you have! I can see how you can be so creative in this space, and what a great shot of you sitting we can all picture you there working away!

Beanie Mouse said...

Love the pictures.... and I have an exceedingly late entry to your buried treasure call!! Someone just decided to officially "find" one of my bits and wrote a fabulous comment about it. If anyone wants to read, it's my latest blog entry.

Gilding Lilies said...

Like you, I love to see artists studios, it lets you know so much about them, and the work. Congratulations on the magazine article. And by the way, Seth, you're kinda cute too.

Rebeca Trevino said...

Congrats on the feature!

What a great space . . . looks just like my space only mine is not as neat!

You are welcome to come see it any time.

Cassandra Kiss said...

wow, congratulations!

Marilyn said...

What a nice space. Can't wait for the magazine.

Marilyn said...

What an inviting space. Can't wait for the magazine!

Dayna Collins said...

I've already seen your spread in the Studios magazine and it is fabulous. I love peeking inside the creative space of other artists and it was fun seeing a photo of you, too! (And I'm sure you know this, but I'm also one of the featured artists -- not too far from your spread).

femminismo said...

This studio is too neat. Mine is in absolute chaos right now from being injected with debris from other rooms. (I'm trying to get everything in one place!) And you are such a cutie! A nice looking man. So happy Cloth, Paper Scissors is featuring you. You work hard at art and deserve it!

deb said...

rushing out to get a copy! if I mail it will you autograph it for!! your space looks amazing and not too cluttered looking forward to reading more about it, couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

Unknown said...

Wow!! Looks great - you are welcome to come over anytime to do my tidying! I'm curious to see it in creative work mode, though.

Jeane Myers said...

wow! congratulations! what an honor - some of 'your studio ware', is as fabulous as some of your art :)

laura said...

I too love, love to see artist's studios! I was in a contemporary gallery in Santa Fe and they had a video panning a work space. Very interesting...
Yours looks wonderful, too. Thanks for that..:)

Kathleen Harrington said...

Oh yes, little jars of graduated colors, yummy. Big bottles of mediums, big ol' bucket o' squished tubes of color, little drawers of pppappperrr. Oops, I think I just shorted out my keyboard with drool.

Thanks so much for sharing. It would be fun to see a few more pics after you've messed it up a bit :)

rivergardenstudio said...

How fantastic, to see peeks at your studio,
AND that more will be in print!!! I love it all, the open drawers, the squished up tubes of acrylic, the great picture of you, your own books and the books you read. Congratulations... roxanne

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

wow, you're so organized!I know that you had to clean up for it, but still. Actually I have lots of labeled drawers too. You have to if you are a mixed media artist and working with collage bits. Congrats on the spread!
Have you read Joe Fig's book Inside the Painter's Studio? Really good. Highly recommend.

Rebecca said...

A great studio indeed! Thanks so much for sharing, and I can't wait to get the magazine with your feature.

Rita Vindedzis said...

Your studio looks wonderful Seth. I'm going right out to get the issue as soon as it's available here. I just have to see your view of NYC. :-)

Corrine said...

Congratulations Seth. I wonder if my studio would look that neat if someone wanted to take photos of it?

Anonymous said...

Great space, and wonderful collections of objects and inspiration on the walls. You are correct, it is like seeing inside someone's head, scary thought that is, eh? Thanks and congrats on publication, I am enjoying your regular contribution to Cloth, Paper, Scissors.

M. said...

Hello Seth. If "clothes make the man" so perhaps does his studio! Thanks for letting us have a look. Inspiring as ever.

Glenda said...

Fabulous looking Studio Seth. Wish I had a nice large area to work in. Will look forward to seeing it in CPS

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful space to create in...thanks for sharing. Congrats on being featured in the magazine!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...


Jo Reimer said...

What a wonderful space you've created for yourself, Seth. Thanks for posting these pictures of your studio. I think I'll take this idea and make some photos of my own studio to post on my blog.
Many years ago my studio was featured in a book about sewing spaces and I remember the 3 day photo shoot during which the author arranged and rearranged my studio to get exactly the look she wanted for the book. The results were magical, but didn't stay that way long because I had to disassemble it so I could actually work there. What fun that was for me and now for you, too.

ginnycartersmallenburg said...

Love your studio. Such personality and possibilities.
Thanks for sharing.

Shayla said...

Great photos, thank you for sharing and congrats on the coverage.

Unknown said...

I'm trying to not swoon! oh my, that's my kind of studio!

Lisa H said...

What a dump. How do you find anything in there?

Anonymous said...

cool are so neat!

LaWendula said...

My dear friend Seth, I LOVE your studio and it's so virgo, I really had to smile.
Virgo with a little wild touch, bursting into colors. :)

Roberta said...

Seth, I LOVED the article! I was interested in seeing the place where you create your really cool books and assemblage and collage. The space is wonderful (though I was secretly so happy to find out it isn't always in pristine condition :-) Thanks for sharing your work space with all the cool little drawers and the stuff inside!!!


Gaby Bee said...

Congrats on being published once again!
Your space looks fabulous, Seth! I would love to be a fly on the wall when you are creating ;-)
Have wonderful upcoming weekend!
Gaby xo

ArtPropelled said...

Congratulations Seth. I can see myself in your studio, feeling very inspired.

Joanie Hoffman said...

thanks for giving us a peek at your space. i especially love to look at people's books. nice shot of you too!
happy days,

AscenderRisesAbove said...

I love peeking inside artists studios; never enough clever ways to store items. Wishing again that I had a large open area to work in!

ps pirro said...

What an excellent creative space. I hope you had a great time messing it all back up after the photo shoot.

The wood/bamboo armoire you have in your studio is just like one that still houses a tv in my house.

Love it all. Congrats on the magazine spread!

Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

Seth.. your studio is AWESOME! What a GREAT SPACE... I can feel the creative vibes through the computer.

I will definitely check out the latest Studio Issue!

Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

Gillian McMurray said...

I spent part of last week watching studio tours on the Cloth, Paper, Scissors web site. I love to see all those fabulous spaces and yours is no exception. It looks beautiful. I am hoping to get hold of a copy of Studios soon.

Teresa Abajo said...

Wow Seth - what an honour to have your space featured like that. You have a wonderful studio - I hope everyone else appreciates the effort that must have gone into making it so tidy LOL.

Terry said...

Wow! Gorgeous space Seth, and Congratulations! 6 pages!!

Anonymous said...

oh mi goodness..

how long did it take you to pimp your studio?

I have to say I bought one copy of the mag then that was it. All the spaces looked far too neat and overstyled.

Can we see a before shot??
I know you have one.

Kathy McCreedy said...

What a fab picture of you, Seth!!! You have such a kind, open face... and the studio space is to DIE for!!! What's in all those little jars behind you? I agree, it's wonderful to visit other artists' studios, whether in person or online or in a magazine... it's kind of like being a voyeur in the best possible sense! :D
You've done some amazing collaborations and it's terrific to see the success you've had. Bravo!

Unknown said...

So tidy! Very cool space!

sf said...

I realize though I looked at this I never told you how much I appreciate your studio. It is lovely, charming and WORKABLE. Is that issue still available, d'ya know? May have to go checkin' the couch for quarters!

Anonymous said...

oh LOVE peeking inside studios. Had LOTs of folks this weekend peeking inside mine.

Congrats on such a beautiful spread in the magazine!

Robyn A said...

What a beautiful inspirational space, lovely light. I will now have to look at Studios

Renee Howell said...

Love your space. Feeling like I should clean my space. It is a mess of things, too valuable to toss (value is in the eyes of the holder) and I don't have the guts to do it. I work and live messy. Great space for you Seth - and congrats on being in the magazine! Yeah!

Kathy McCreedy said...

Congratulations, Seth!!! I am going out today and am going to find that issue of CPS and if I can't find it, I'm going to order it! I'm thrilled for you... your studio is a little neat for my taste, but I understand the nature of a photo shoot! I'm having a hard time sitting still for want to go upstairs and start organizing my little space! Thank you for the Chihuly shout out... did you like the Plensa sculpture?!? I love glass, don't get me wrong, but the stainless steel letters in the blazing sunlight REALLY made my heart sing! xoxo
congrats, again, my friend, no one deserves the recognition more than you!

Debrina said...

I missed this posting - so catching up now. Love your studio, Seth!

Kathy McCreedy said...

I'm ordering this back issue, Seth... I meant to pick it up when I first saw this post and put it off (or forgot, I'm getting old!), and now, of course, it's gone. :(
Your studio is really beautiful... interesting, varied, layered, and well thought out... just like your art work! I'm still trying to get to NYC so we can meet up for coffee! Thanks for the well wishes for 2010, back at you double, Seth! All my best,

annielou said...

Wonderful studio - I would love to come and just explore .....

IrelandBrady said...

You have a terrific studio, Seth! So totally eclectic, and filled with interest and loads of curiosities! One can tell this is your "Happy Space" with tools and equipment well used and loved. I'll bet each time you walk in inspiration for a new works just pop out from all corners of the room demanding you work on them next! Creativity and imagination surely must be the "unknown" fountain of youth! Luckily, you are blessed with both.....

Ronda Palazzari said...

So happy you are being featured in cloth, paper, scissors. I cannot wait to get my hands on that issue. Love seeing your space & you in the post.

danuta said...

avez vous fait le menage juste avant photo? comment vous avez reussi d'avoir un ordre pareil! j'eiame beaucoup votre travail

Anonymous said...

To have space in New York would be a dream, but to be featured in it is a true testament to your influence on us all! Congrats to you Seth!

Salvatore Valentino said...

this is the most harmonic and well sunlighted art studio I've seen. congratulations!!

Blossom inch said...

absolutely clean and neat studio you have there and congrats on the pub. Your studio is so inspiring and I really love all the little little drawers! Awesome overall! Thank you for sharing.

Blossom inch said...

absolutely clean and neat studio you have there and congrats on the pub. Your studio is so inspiring and I really love all the little little drawers! Awesome overall! Thank you for sharing.

Janine Whitling said...

what a gorgeous space. I particularly love the drawers and drawer titles, what fun! Are you ever open to visitors if I travel to New York? My husband and i are planning a trip to America in about a year and it would so lovely to meet you in person in your special space ♥

ART*ticulation said...

Congrats Seth!!! Great inspiring studio and I'm sure your inspired working in it. Thanks for a peek in!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! I was feeling quite good about myself today, just finished a painting...finally! Then I was scrawling through random internet images and came upon your blog and now I truly realize how lazy I am!!Like you, I love NYC and miss it horribly since I left 13 years ago. I particularly miss its energy. I love all of yours and you've quite spurred me on. Thanks Seth, I think your studio is quite beautiful and thanks to you I will make mine beautiful too. Creativity breeds creativity. Best to NY and to you! Helen in London Uk

JaniceAileen said...

So fun, Seth! Love your studio! I am very much looking forward to getting mine set up in a couple of months. :)

Olga Siedlecka said...

I love this mixed media sanctuary!