Monday, February 21, 2011

The Great Wall

In 2009 Julie Prichard, Lynne Hoppe, and I collaborated together on a project we called Graffiti Wall. You can read all about it and see images here. This project was so unique, fun, and inspiring that we decided to collaborate again on Graffiti Wall 2010. We each created our own hand painted papers and mailed these to each other along with assorted ephemera. Using Graffiti Wall as our theme, we were then free to create whatever we wanted, in any format, using the papers. We did not share what we were creating until the pieces were complete.

I am thrilled that this project is currently being featured in the March/April issue of Somerset Studio. And I am even more excited that Julie's part of the project is the cover image.

My project is called Lost and Found and was inspired by the layers and layers of graffiti that were such a large part of NYC in the early 1980s.
(click images to enlarge)

The palette of my piece reflects the darkness that seemed to permeate the city at that time. The triptych represents the three of us in collaboration. And the Lost and Found is reflective of the journey that the graffiti, the city, and I have taken.

Thanks to Julie and Lynne for being the perfect co-collaborators. And a thank you to Christen Olivarez, Director of Publishing at Stampington Company, for allowing us to share this project with so many others!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

This is just an exceptional work. Having never lived in New York, one of the things I always was fond on was the layering and layering of hand bills on buildings. They began to take on a life of their own at some point. (very similar to textures I found in New Orleans)
That is what I see in your "Lost And Found".
Very nice~~so much for the eye to find.


Sharmon Davidson said...

Congratulations, Seth! What a wonderful project- I'm so happy for all three of you! I think the theme of graffiti (which I obviously can't spell!) is an inspired idea on which to base your work; it must be, since the piece is fantastic. I wish I could see it close up- I want to look at all the little scraps...

I also saw your article in Cloth, Paper, Scissors- way to go!!

Julie Prichard said...

A complete pleasure to work with you and with Lynne on this journey...the first part was fantastic...the second trip even better!


Lise said...

I'm really really fan of this project! Congrats!


Liz Hampton-Derivan Studio said...

Very nice. Congrats on the Somerset feature!

Luthien Thye said...

wow!!! congrats Seth!! this is wonderful!! such beautiful work should be shared :)

Lost Aussie said...

Fabulous work Seth and congratulations on the publication of your collaboration.

*jean* said...

very very cool, the palette of colors

Unknown said...

Awesome depth and textures Seth, and INSPIRING as always! Congrats on the publication as well.

Jann Gougeon said...

. . very cool!

Anonova said...

The layers really emulate the look of downtown walls that have had many posters taped one on another over the course of years. Well done!

lyle baxter said...

fantastic! I thought the first wall was great but this one looks even better. cant wait for my copy of the magazine! congratulations to all lyle

CERULEAN said...

Beautiful, all these little,coloured abstracts.

Anonymous said...

Exciting to see your work here...and wonderful too that Julie's work graces the cover!


jgr said...

Oh this is SO cool! Congrats to all three of you on this wonderful project-I can't wait to get the mag and read all of it.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Oh this is just gorgeous.. wonderful finished work..

You three make a great team.

Ro Bruhn said...

Looking forward to getting this one, your work is always so inspiring.

Holly Dean Artist said...

Hi Seth. I love your thoughts behind this triptych and the art itself!

jill zaheer said...

Congratualtions Seth on having your "Lost and Found" work featured- along with those of Lynne and Julie in the upcoming edition of Somerset Studio! Your artwork is just amazing- and having seen it in person- I can say that when you enlarge these photos- they do capture what is actually there- fabulous layers and patterns and shades of blues and grays and teals and words throughout! Just magnificent work! What a great collaboration!!

Laura said...

Awesome Mister!!! congrats to all of you1

Garden Notes said...

congratulations, this is beautiful

Deryn Mentock said...

Fantastic always, with your work. Congratulations, Seth!

Unknown said...

This is truly an exceptional work of art and I can only imagine how much more powerful it must be to view in person. Congratulations Seth!

Lynn Cohen said...

Seth this is one of your most stunning works yet! Bravo and congrats on yet another published work of art!

Laura said...

what an awesome project!

Unknown said...

truly stunning piece. and congrats on the magazine piece. I look forward to seeing it.

barbara said...

i can't wait to get the latest issue!
congratulations on another successful collaboration!

Chris said...

Seth, Lost and Found is so yummy. I love the organic look of it. Great choice of colors.

Pat said...

What a wonderful phrase! Oh, and the art is pretty cool too!

Caterina Giglio said...

congrats Seth, saw the cps article too double congrats!!

rivergardenstudio said...

This looks so amazing Seth, I love taking a closer look too, and seeing how you made your letters and words out of type. Beautiful gradients of color too. I can hardly wait to see this article for myself! roxanne

Karen Cole said...

An amazing group of collaborators to be sure. I am VERY much looking forward to seeing this issue. The colors and composition of your piece is simply beautiful. Congrats Seth.

Kathleen Harrington said...

This is sooo freakin' cool! I mean cool: blues, greens, grays, neutrals with cool undertones.....Love the palette. You get involved in such fun projects, Seth! Are you surrounded by scraps of hand-painted papers, adherence mediums, big white paint brushes, and ever-present gesso right now this moment? No, maybe just a bucket of hands and heads and nuts and bolts and strings and things. Oh and don't forget the slabs of metal. You could probably charge people to walk through the piles of inspiration...

Elis Cooke said...

Love this piece-- the lost and found edges within the hard edges of the graphic brick shapes. Congrats on the publication! namaste Elis.

Kim Mailhot said...

Woohoo ! Congrats to all of you ! It was such a great collabortation from three so talented people !
Can't wait to get a close-up look.

Anonymous said...

What can I cool! Congrats on a work well done. I will have to get this issue!