Thursday, July 7, 2011


Welcome to the Exquisite Corpse

The Exquisite Corpse Festival officially kicks off with an opening night party on Saturday, July 9th at 7:30 at Space on White in NYC. The collaborative visual creations of over 30 artists, from print to sculpture to fashion design, will be on display. The exquisite corpse is not the work of art itself, but a game played by three artists, who may or may not know each other or even see each other. Each artist secretly creates a piece of the same whole. One takes the head, another the torso, and a third the legs. They collaborate not through negotiation but through trust. Originally executed via a drawing folded in thirds, Exquisite Corpse Festival expands this idea to a vast aray of artistic mediums- from music, to plays to taxidermy. 

My partners in exquisite crime were John Borrero and Stephanie Rubiano. Together we created a mixed media sculpture, although we worked on our assigned parts separately. John made the base and legs, Stephanie made the torso and wings, and I made the head.

Without further ado, I introduce you to our very own exquisite corpse...




She is approximately 2 feet tall. Her head is made from heavy gage wire and vintage book pages with greek text from 1820. Her torso and wings are made from soldered wire, gampi paper, and encaustic medium (beeswax and damar resin). Her base is made from a wooden found object and her skirt was created from several different vintage silks.

The Exquisite Corpse Festival will run from July 9th to August 2nd. Space on White is located on 81 White Street (off Broadway) in Tribeca. The gallery is open 7 days a week from 10:30am to 10:00pm.


MrCachet said...

Ihave no idea how you find the time to run THIS show and participate in all the projects you do. When do you sleep???

Lynn Cohen said...

She is an elegant lady and all her parts seem to flow together as if done by one artist. Amazing.

Debrina said...

Hee hee. I giggled with delight when I saw her in her entirety. I so enjoyed the way you introduced her: bit by body bit.
She is exquisite; there's no question about that!

Unknown said...

She is Devine, simply Devine! Ready for Her night on the town, that is for sure.

Lisa said...

I can't believe she is only two feet first glance i thought she was at least a cool five feet tall...what an fascinating and charming work of art!

I hope you'll post photos of some of the other entries!

Jill Zaheer said...

Seth- your corpse turned out to be truly exquisite! She will be the belle of the ball! The three body parts look super together- a true master piece. Your head- as always- is just stunning!! Nope- not going to rephrase that one.:) Don't know how you were able to integrate your wire with the vintage paper and not have it crumble being that it's from the 1800s. I enlarged your photo and tried to read what the writing on the paper said- and you are right, it was all greek to me! Super congratulations on having your work included in this exhibit. Hope I can get there. If not, please put me down on her dance card for next year!

lynne h said...

wow! NICE, seth!! and thanks for the great, *big* pics! xo

TJ said...

I cannot believe how well all three parts come together! After your podcast, I was expecting it to look completely different. It's just incredible!

I wish I was in NY so I could enjoy the rest of the festival. Looking forward to your coverage of this crazy event! Best wishes from germany, tj

Julie Shackson said...

I'm astounded at how she came together and was so elegant!

Laura said...

So very cool Seth!

Kathryn Dyche said...

Wow, I'm loving this. Love the final piece.

ArtPropelled said...

An Exquisite Corpse indeed ..... and not scary at all.

pamelahuntington said...

Seth... this IS "exquisite".. each one of you did the most amazing work!
I am so looking forward to seeing you in Danbury this Oct., I see you are a vendor..yeah!!


Anonymous said...

Great project, would love to see all the exquisite corpses...

have fun!

Maureen said...

Marvelously creative.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I remember the first time I heard about the Exquisite Corpse was when Ingrid and a few others made them in three parts using paper. This is grand and awesome. Saw the tiny icon on my sidebar and was delighted to see her in her entirety. Lovely entry to this exhibition. Wish I were able to attend the opening.

Patti Sandham said...

Wow! She is fabulous! I love the premise and the result is even better than I expected.

You have inspired me yet again.

Jo Murray said...

She's very creative ... if a little spooky. How do you find the time?

Caterina Giglio said...

very ethereal and I thought she was much bigger! awesome collaboration! this must have been great fun...

mansuetude said...

She Is a beauty. Where will she go next!?

Presence is greater than her size

Sharmon Davidson said...

She looks as if she had only one maker, so well do her parts harmonize and coordinate. Must be that mystical synergy- i.e. three heads are better than one! An elegant angel, she is exquisite indeed!

Marit said...

Wow Seth... it turned out to be a very special 'figure'... a she??? Hmmm.. yes, it definitely is a she... love all the different parts coming together and blending into this marvelous creature!

Anonymous said...

I tried to photograph her at the gallery last night, but she is indeed hard to capture on film...elegant and spooky...exquisite and sublime...I'll keep trying, but perhaps she you might have to witness her in person to get the effect of this sculpture!

rivergardenstudio said...

She is so beautiful to me as well, I love the work you did on the head, and the way the whole body blends together is amazing, even though it was done by three artists. Have an amazing time tonight!!!! roxanne

Holly Dean Artist said...

How cool is THAT! I especially love the head you created, Seth. All that black & white & text & the way you can look inside. What a fantastic festival this will be :)

Gillian McMurray said...

What a fabulous creation. Congratulations to all involved.

MB Shaw said...

Very very cool. She turned out simply amazing.

Tumble Fish Studio said...

So glad we get to see the piece come together! It's as if you all worked together from the start - it's gorgeous and belongs as it turned out!

Julie Prichard said...

Hey Seth- congratulations on your opening..she looks exquisite in deed..what a cool project!

Anonymous said...

oh seth, she is just gorgeous!! i am in complete awe how perfectly and magnificently all of the pieces fit together. i am shocked that she is only two feet tall... i envisioned her around my height (5" 1 3/4") and dreamed of her dwelling in the living room of my little old house so we could peer at each other eye-to-eye. i so wish i could have come to see this in person and bid on it. your head is just perfect -- i LOVE it (though you already knew that) and the rest just flows perfectly. lovelovelove! did you happen to take photos of any of the others, such as taxidermy (hint, hint -- i feel like i'm living vicariously through you sometimes, art-wise, mister new york).

.Trudi Sissons said...

Two thumbs up Seth - I'd love to see the exhibit and appreciate her up close as I know how much the textures and materials you chose would sing in true 3D. I love your choices of materials. Did you have any purpose in choosing the Greek text? Trying to look inside your head :0)