Sunday, December 11, 2011

Master Class 1: Women in the Arts

Welcome to the 5th edition of The Pulse -- The State of the Art -- a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community. The Pulse is a collaborative project that aims to introduce you to new artists, help you get to know familiar faces even more, and allow you access into the creative hearts and minds of a very talented crew of individuals. More than 130 artists have answered a series of questions which make up The Pulse. Their responses will be presented in a series of online posts which will run every Sunday.

Style File and Techniques & Tools were the first two projects posted and links to all 23 posts can be found on the sidebar of my blog. The third project, Master Class, starts now...

Participants were asked : 'If you could take a class from one artist from anytime in history, including the present, who would it be and why?' 
(Images and links have been added by The Altered Page)
Chapter 1: Women in the Arts
The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to...Frida Kahlo

Jacqueline Auvigne sums this chapter up very well by 'breaking the rules' and listing 7 artists, all women. Jacqueline says "My short list includes all women who fearlessly live out their potential in most authentic ways. Making art as a women has never been for the faint of heart. These women have all been balls to wall kinda gals - while being true to themselves and their convictions, art and otherwise. The list includes but isn't limited to (yes it was a much longer list!) Georgia O'Keefe, Louise Bourgeois, Frida Kahlo, Carolee Schneemann, Kiki Smith, Yoko Ono and Coco Chanel."
Bonnie Clark would also like to study with Kiki Smith. Says Bonnie "I consider her to be one of the greatest feminist artists of our time.

Throughout her career, she's used her artwork to explore issues such as gender, sexuality, self, and the role of women in society through a diverse array of creative mediums including painting, sculpture, collage, and printmaking, as well as mediums often considered women's crafts such as embroidery and surface design.
Georgia O'Keefe's workshop would be very full, with three of the participants listing her as their teacher of choice.

Wen Redmond gave several answers but listed O'Keefe as first. Stephanie Hilvitz would "love to hear her speak as to how she 'saw' her world and how she distilled it into such rich, simple color and shape. And Liz Hampton-Derivan admires "her work and her character. She is a major art icon. Thank you to Georgia for her female presence and significant status and contributions to the art world.
Judy Sidonie Tillinger makes a great point when she says "Knowing too much about the personalities and personal lives of so many artists I esteem eliminates many from the running. I would most like to sit down with Agnes Martin, watch and listen.

The stillness and the immensity of her work moves me in ways I will never be able to understand much less articulate. Looking into her work is like confronting something absolute and perfect."

I am highlighting this piece from Agnes Martin that I saw at Sotheby's because while the style is clearly Martin's, her use of what appear to be nailheads makes this painting very unusual and unique.
Diana Trout says that "if there is a heaven, I would watch Eva Hesse work. Her process is so present in her drawings, painting and sculptures. She was experimental and married minimalism and conceptual art in ways that excite me.

She brought humor and great sensitivity into her art - simultaneously. Dang good artmaking."
Roseann Cazares "would love to have taken a class by Frida Kahlo. She is my favorite artist and has been a BIG influence on my own work.

To these incredible women I would add:

Pat Steir

Kara Walker

Maya Lin

Next "Master Class" will be held on Sunday, December 18th.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Some great choices!! Frida Kahlo & Georgia O'Keefe teaching in the same that one I'd pay big money for!!!

Rebeca Trevino said...

very kool! so many terrific master artists to learn from. i would gladly take classes with all of these amazing artists.

nicely done, seth.

amy of studio four corners said...

I too have been a fan of Georgia O'Keeffe for years...her strength of character is so evident in her work...but all of the women profiled are astounding!

MrCachet said...

I know I didn't pick her, but Georgia was on my mind when I went with a guy instead. I thought about it, and realized that I'd taken my very first informal art class from a women. Who recognized my color challenge, and taught me something about "working with it" instead of seeing it as a millstone.

Maureen said...

Great project!

I think I'd have to name Leonard Baskin. He was an extraordinary printmaker and sculptor, founded Gehenna Press and published marvelous artists' books, and possessed an astounding intellect. He also had a great sense of humor. I had the pleasure of meeting him several times, knew his Gehenna Press rep, and have some of his work. It was because I saw his "Man of Peace" and "Hydrogen Man" in an exhibition that I began collecting prints.

Anonymous said...

I find this wonderful and fascinating that...I believe all...of the participants chose women artists. I watched 'Who does she think she is' last night...that highlights the struggles of women creating and the prominence of men in museums.

very timely that this master class was this morning.

thanks Seth!

MrCachet said...

Sometimes I wish I could post a comment with my real name...

MAYA LIN. I'd like to have a conversation with her, not so much a class. That's just me. said...

STUPENDOUS post, seth! thank you...i think i need to buy a separate computer of some type that just holds all my FAVES! xo

Jo Murray said...

Love this one Seth. Such inspiring artists.

Jill Zaheer said...

Great opening chapter of Master Class, Seth. Wonderful selection and so creative to group the women artists together. Would love to see comments from students taking classes from these masters! Now need to check out your links!! Thanks for another wonderful art class - from You!

amanda said...

Ah, inspiration all around. I love this topic.

Denise Aumick said...

Some of these artists I know (of course) but what fun to explore those new names!

Bill said...

At least with the Internet we can study the works of these people even though we can never meet nor study with them. I love Frida Kahlo and her monkey.

Susan M said...

good choices by all. your choices were perfect!

Beulah Bee said...

Frida and Georgia, their biographies perhaps as unique and interesting as their work...

Anonymous said...

Although I appreciate the work of many women artists, and I definitely would love to take a class with Frida Kahlo, I LOVE men's work as it is generally more concerned with raw, more direct expression than refined. I would have loved to take a class with such geniuses as Robert Rauschenberg, CY Towmbly, Joseph Beuys or Antoni Tapies for example.

rivergardenstudio said...

These are amazing artists and women, if only we all could take classes from them...
The way you put these posts is magnificent Seth.

Andria said...

This is a great post, introduces me to so many artists I have not been exposed to before. Thank you for giving me a lot of "research" to do! :-)

deb said...

all wonderful choices - I would sit in on a class with any of them!!

Holly Dean Artist said...

I love how you have grouped these responses... brilliant! Fabulous feedback - always so much to explore after looking at one of your posts!!!