Friday, January 25, 2013

Art Blog Directory

There have been a lot of changes to our online worlds since I began blogging in 2007. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and so many other sites have taken off. The one thing that all these platforms have in common is speed. Posting is quicker and the posts are shorter. This is a double edged sword. While I love connecting with you all on my Facebook Page and Twitter Account, the format of these sites limits the depth of content in my posts. While maintaining my blog takes an extraordinary amount of time, for me it is worth it. Blogging allows me to share my art and my heart in a way that truly reflects who I am as well as my creative approach.

Over the last year or so, I have noticed that many of my old blogging pals no longer post. I have also read many blog posts that talk about missing "the good old days", where the art blog community was truly connected and when people took the time to leave comments and, in doing so, have a genuine conversation.

To that end, I have created an Art Blog Directory. Think of this as your phone book (remember those?) to source out creative bloggers. A home page to begin you search for inspiration on a Sunday morning alongside your cup of coffee. But be prepared to stay awhile as there are already more than 400 blogs listed!

The link to the directory can always be found in the [ART BLOG DIRECTORY] tab just below my blog header and also on my sidebar. Want to help spread the word? Feel free to capture the Art Blog Directory Icon and add it to your own site with this link.

Don't see your own blog listed? Email me at with your name/blog link and I will add you to the directory. Want your name removed? Just let me know. And when you visit the blogs and see something you like, leave a comment. Let's get the conversation started!


MadBirdDesignsUK said...

Hi Seth I've got you on my blog list - you were there already!.

Have you got any HTML that makes a button for me to display. That way I can feature this post directly. It should get more hits that way.

Sorry to be a pain but I am struggling to find an app on blogger to do this other than the HTML one :-)

regards Joan

Pat said...

That's just what I was going to ask. Pretty please.

Unknown said...

Dear Seth, Thanks for putting into words so succinctly some of the thoughts and observations that have been humming about in me about blogging these last few months. The comments and the conversations and connections are what makes it all happen. I never wanted to set up a place for talking to myself!! As most of my time is spent writing or playing music, I feel honoured to have Ink Haven listed in such a crowd. But as you know, art pulls at my hand and I'm there with inky fingers whenever I get the time! Thanks for having me listed. Yours was one of the first blogs I stumbled upon back in the early days and The Altered Page has been on my blog roll ever since as one of the places to find such a mix of artists. All the very best for 2013. Annie x

Marit said...

Thank you Seth, for the long list! It certainly works like a telephone book for me, awesome! I too am 'reflecting and reclaiming' my own blog and blogging - you said it just like most of all seem to feel it lately (anyway, I do...) It's a good feeling to know that 'the community' is reflecting on the same issue - your list and words are a big step to get us all back to the beautiful world of blogging

Michele said...

Thank you so much for doing this, Seth! I appreciate all of the time and effort it took to pull this together.

Kathryn Dyche said...

Maybe it's my age but I definitely prefer the depth you get from blogging as opposed to the quick crazy pace of things like Twitter. I have met so many wonderful people through this community that even though I have never met them I consider them true friends. Thanks for doing this and I look forward to forging some new friendships.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this directory, Seth. I'm not a blogger, but am a mixed media artist and art blog lurker. Can't wait for Sunday mornings, my coffee and my computer! This is just what I need to widen my own art community!
Lois K

Caterina Giglio said...

I so agree Seth, I enjoy Pinterest and Tumblr, but I love being able to share ideas and information on my blog. I set up a link for your incredible directory on my blog and send you a big thank you for this... grazie mille

jgr said...

Seth, Thank you for doing this!!! I have often missed the 'good old days' of blogging.

Roberta Warshaw said...

Seth you are really a treasure for creating this wonderful list. Thank you so much for including me. I look forward to finding new and interesting blogs through it. I too have found that when I periodically go through my blog reading list I find many who haven't posted anything in many months. I find that to be a great loss. Hopefully through your list we can expand our reading!


How wonderful of you to do this, Seth...what an amazing amount of work involved! I do feel that my blog is less and less visited since I joined Facebook, but I agree that it is a platform which allows me to be more expressive and share more I keep it going regardless of the traffic there :) Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

This was such a great idea! Muchos gracias!!!

GalleryJuana said...

what a feat! Thanks for putting this together.

Katalina Jewelry said...

Thanks so much Seth! I plan to visit a few blogs every day until I've seen them all!

Kim Mailhot said...

I am still blogging along with joy! I have seen the changes too, but I am happy to say that I am even more dedicated to writing my blog a few times a week than I was last year. It would be awesome to see a revival of sorts for the old Blogland juice.
Thank you for all you do, Seth, to document, catalogue and chronicle Blogland and its artists!

Indira said...

Thank you for this wonderful service. I have been blogging since 2010, although I don't make long posts, I still value it as an outlet for my thoughts and art. You are already on my blog list and I look forward to discovering more through this directory.

rk said...

I feel facebook and twitter are a waste of time as it doesn't go past a few words or a picture. It's for people that want to just give a snippet of their daily life (boring). I would rather read a blog with detailed posts. I am new here but just thought I would let you know how much I appreciate art blogs and the directory you have put together!

Julie Prichard said...

Everyone misses the old days of blogging...but who will take the time to bring them back?

I deleted my personal facebook account two days ago.. feels liberating.. 180 "friends" down to only family members.. who has 180 friends in real life? I'm taking the steps to go back to the old way of doing things...I figure my actual "friends" can call me...and those that are my friends actually do..the rest were dead weight..sounds terrible...but it's true. Emptiness... I ate here.... I bought this.... I went here... A community of narcissists.

What needs to happen to society and the art community in that we need to get back to talking about ART... blogs shouldn't be just about pretty pictures...content. I need content.

Thanks for the list, Seth...hopefully people will start to visit and leave their LIKES alone.

Carol said...

Seth, thanks for the list, as usual you are filling a need. I haven't asked you to put me on the list because I'm never sure that my blog is arty enough but I do agree that blogging is way more satisfying than FB or Twitter. I must try to post more often.

bockel24 said...

what a helpful tool this will be - thanks for listing me!

Celeste Kemmerer said...

Thank you for posting an Art Blog Directory. I am always loooking for interesting and inspirationl blogs to follow.

Wendy @ the Late Start Studio said...

Thanks Seth . . . what a list! As someone relatively new to this community as a visitor, and certainly new to blogging about living a more creative life, I really appreciate the community of bloggers. The people who have encouraged me the most are those who take the time to acknowledge and respond to comments, even if just occasionally. Their art attracted me intially however it is the relationship and generosity of the artist that keeps me returning.

Gaby Bee said...

Thank you so much for this great directory, Seth!

Bill said...

Wow. The places I'll see. The people I'll meet. Better turn the web cam off!

Jane Wetzel said...

great idea...wondering why no one else has done this yet.. :) THANK YOU!

Kathy McElroy said...

Thank you so much for including me in your list. And thanks for doing this. I will use it often.

Erin in Morro Bay said...

Thanks Seth - what a wonderful resource! Once again you're connecting the community.

Parabolic Muse said...

I'm asking you again to marry me.
I realize bigamy is illegal, but I'll risk it if you will.

If we grow our family, it will have to consist of dachshund mixes.


Anonymous said...

love this Seth. I too long to go back to the blogging world. Just recently, once again, opportunity opened up for me via my blog. I do see this also happening on Facebook though, so I think both is good and beneficial. I consider FB Free marketing in many respects, but I also have fun there connecting with some very wonderful souls.

Anonymous said...

love this Seth. I too long to go back to the blogging world. Just recently, once again, opportunity opened up for me via my blog. I do see this also happening on Facebook though, so I think both is good and beneficial. I consider FB Free marketing in many respects, but I also have fun there connecting with some very wonderful souls.

Kathleen Harrington said...

Hi Seth, thank you for putting my blog in your directory. I haven't posted to it since September 2011, so you've given me the impetus to start blogging again. You are a great catalyst. It truly is an honor to be part of the art blogging world, and I will begin to make more contributions to this lovely group of creative souls.

Anonymous said...

I love that these conversations are taking place. Yay! for the old art blog...the sharing, creative inspiration and content.

thanks Seth!

Anna W said...

Lovely! I also miss the "old times" as a blogger. Thank you for this! :o)

Kelly Warren said...

I'm so glad you are doing this, Seth. And it does seem that there has definitely been a shift in the blog world...I'm sticking to it! I love the longer posts and conversations. :-)

Anonymous said...

found my way to you though Daisy Yellow.
Thank you for doing this!