Monday, December 9, 2013

2014 Workshops Announced

I have updated my Workshop Page and listed my scheduled workshops for 2014. This list will be updated as individual venue registration opens and as additional classes are added. You can see the schedule at anytime by clicking on the [WORKSHOPS] link just under my blog banner.

Details can be found on the Workshop Page but my 2014 highlights are listed below:

January: I will be attending and teaching at the Craft & Hobby Association annual trade show in Anaheim, California. I have created two new workshops especially for this venue, one of which is filled. Attendance is for CHA members only. 

February: February takes me back to California just in time to avoid the worst of winter in NYC. Registration has just opened for my workshop at San Diego Book Arts but seats are limited. I then head to the Los Angeles area, where I will be teaching 2 two-day, collaborative workshops with Orly Avineri and an evening workshop at Guilding the Lily in Fullerton. All these workshops are filled. I then fly to Mexico where I will be teaching a book making workshop at the home and studio of my good friend and artist Patricia Larsen. That workshop is also filled.

March: March keeps me close to home in NYC, where I will be debuting a new workshop at The Ink Pad.

April: I hit the road again in April, when I will be teaching two workshops at Absolutely Everything in Topsfield, Massachusetts and two workshops at Random Arts in Saluda, North Carolina.

May: In May I head back to The Queen's Ink in Savage, Maryland, where I will be teaching three workshops - two of which will be completely new.

June: In June I head to the eclectic Paperie in Exeter, New Hampshire for two workshops and to Charmed I'm Sure Studio in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, where I will be teaching three.

July: I am headed back to Beautiful Impressions in Westbrook Connecticut, where I will be teaching two workshops. Note that this was originally scheduled for November and now has been moved to July.  

August: In August, one of my dreams comes true when I set out on an adventure of a lifetime teaching in Australia as part of the Art is You Down Under Mixed Media Roadshow. I have already started the countdown on this one!

September: I have no workshops scheduled in September - yet!

October: I will be back at Art is You Stamford in Connecticut where I will be teaching just one workshop this year.

November: I have no workshops scheduled in November - yet!

December: I have no workshops scheduled in December - yet!


Felicity said...

wow! 2014 is a busy year for you. So looking forward to meeting you in Australia :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fantastic year coming up Seth. I think one or two of those venues might actually put me in a class, finally......xox

femminismo said...

why not a class in New York in June or July? I will be visiting NY in one of those months! More details later.

Fran said...

Where in Australia are you going to be?

Teresa Abajo said...

I'm really looking forward to meeting you in Melbourne!

Nathalie Nayer said...

You have to come to Europe! Let's say in september or december...:)

Jo Murray said...

I just paid my deposit for Queensland...Yay!!!!!! See you in August.

Seth said...

Hi Fran. I do not have your email, so to answer your question re Australia -- I will be teaching in New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland. Hope that is where you are too!

Mary C. Nasser said...

Looks like a wonderful year coming up! What a dream to teach in Australia at Art is You Down Under Mixed Media Roadshow!!

Anonymous said...

have enjoyed catching up here Seth...what a great year you have ahead!!

Marjie Kemper said...

What a busy schedule! How lucky your students will be to have you teach near and far.

Parabolic Muse said...

Well, Look at YOU! Remember not long ago, when you didn't teach? WHAT?!?!

And Australia... I hope you can stay there for a long time and really enjoy.