Monday, November 15, 2010

An Autumn Giveaway

Change is in the air. The Winds of Change that is. To celebrate the fall season, Roxanne Evans Stout and I would like to give away two copies of our recent, self-published book, which you can preview here. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post by Sunday night, November 21 and the winner will be announced one week from today on Monday November 22. Double your chances of winning by visiting Roxanne and leaving a comment on her giveaway post too. Good luck!


annell4 said...

I have recently begun to make books. I loved your site.

deb said...

even though I never win, I am going to TRY!! Loved the messy studio views again this week - good to know I am not the only one!

Maureen said...

I would be delighted to win a copy of this wonderful book.

Beanie Mouse said...

I would like to enter this one! Thank you!

daya saraswati dasi said...

wow - so cool - i am a fan of both of your blogs! that book is so beautiful... peace, jennifer

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Throw my name in the hat too! A new book would be delightful! :)
Now to visit Roxanne....


Elysian Studios said...

Congratulations on your book! It looks beautiful!

Rebeca Trevino said...

count me in.

jill Z said...

This is a really beautiful book- I know for a fact because I have it!! There's a magical quality as you turn each page- with pictures that are both textual and layered and colors that are spectacular. Equally as amazing are the gorgeous poetic words that accompany the artwork! No need to be in the give away- but there will be 2 very lucky people soon!! Seth and Roxanne- this is a book I will always treasure!

Suzanne said...

How lovely! Would love the chance to win thanks.

Karin Bartimole said...

Ohhh, i'd love to throw my hat in to your generous give away - thank you for the opportunity Seth!! xo

Sondra said...

I would love to see this book! This blog is a wonder...thank you for all that you do, Seth.
Best to you,

Limarea said...

I would really love to have this book. Both of you are amazing artists :)

Mary S. Hunt said...

everything you create inspire me
weather i would win this or not i enjoy very much you posting about it!
love the cover!

Kathryn Dyche said...

What a great giveaway, it would be amazing to win.

giddy up said...

What a beautiful book... I would love to have a copy of it...

Anonova said...

How fun! I'd love the chance to get this book. :)
It really sounds like this book was an amazing event.

Shayla said...

Yes, please :D

LaWendula said...

This would be lovely, especially cause I cannot buy it from here.

Corrine said...

How cool, The book looks awesome. Thanks for the chance :)

Anonymous said...

Please put my name in the hat for the drawing...I'd love to have a copy of your book!!

elle said...

autographs I hope!

lyle baxter said...

because I really enjoy the work you both do I.d love to be a winner of your book! thanks for asking!

Unknown said...

I'll enter!

Julie Prichard said...

oh..yes, please!

~*~Patty S said...

you two are not only very talented but very generous too

thanks so much for the chance to be a lucky winner!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a treat and inspiration it would be to have this book.

sf said...

You KNOW why I want one, right? So I can talk it up in Pasticcio of course!

Lisa said...

a very generous giveaway and of course I would love to win a copy of your book of inspiration!

Svetlana said...

It would be nice to win this book. Thank you both for the opportunity.

ooglebloops said...

LOVE the cover on this book - didn't know you had this one!! I am throwing my hat in for this one!!! Fingers crossed!!!

Unknown said...

The variety of elements used on each page is terrific.


Deborah said...

I would love to win this! I am a newbie to altered art and just found your site and what a pleasant surprise - a giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah i'll leave a comment! :)

Sharmon Davidson said...

I'd love to win such an amazingly fantastic book! (Not that I'm sucking up, or anything!) :)

Anne Marie - Toronto said...

Add me to the giveaway, Seth! You are my art hero.


Patti Sandham said...

Oooo I love both yours and Roxanne's art. I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance.

Numinosity said...

Count me in. I'd love to check it out.

Mary K. McGraw said...

Would love to win the book.

Kathy McCreedy said...

This looks really beautiful, how thrilling to see your work in print, Seth! Pick me, pick me!!! :D

Holly Dean Artist said...

Ooooh! Count me in too please :)

Debrah said...

This is such a beautiful book. Thank you for sharing it with us; I would be delights to win a copy.

Debrah said...

This is such a beautiful book. Thank you for sharing it with us; I would be delights to win a copy.

stregata said...

It looks absolutely inspiring! Please put me in the hat.

Maj said...

I would be delighted to win a copy of this wonderful book.

Teri said...

I'll try again. Who knows: it only takes one name and it could be mine.

Unknown said...

Please could my name go into the hat? Blogs and web pages are great, but I still prefer to turn my own pages!

Coffee Messiah said...

Looks interesting, as does everything you show here.


Marie-Aimée said...

I would love to win a copy !!

Jester said...

It looks a fabulous book - I would so like to own this!

susi said...

what a fabulous book!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is sooo lovely!!!

Bell Book and Candle Mixed Media Artist said...

Glad I discovered your site. Please put my name in for the draw. I love doing journals and once I started I haven't stopped.

Anonymous said...

I would be thrilled to win a copy of your book Seth. Thank you for the offering.

Joanie Hoffman said...

It is a beautiful book, just previewing it I love all the textures & colors. Congratulations!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Julie Shackson said...

Count me in! The images in the preview look great. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Lovely book, lovely giveaway! Thank you so much for this chance to win!


Unknown said...

Well how could I resist such an enticingly generous offer! Thanks!

Luthien Thye said...

wow!! what a generous giveaway seth! i never win things ... not lucky draws, not giveaways, not lotteries ... but i'll love to try this one :)

Thespa McLaughlin said...

I would love to win a copy of your book. Please put me down for the drawing. Thanks so much for all the inspiration you work so hard to give. Hope you have a great day!

Lynn Cohen said...

I'd love to have a book of your art Seth! Crossing my fingers! Thanks for the chance!!!!! ;-)

Gaby Bee said...

Thanks for your generous offer! It would be amazing to win a copy of this book!

Erika C. said...

I would love to receive a copy of the book. Thanks for your offer!


jonio said...

Beautiful book Seth, very well done, congrats to you and Roxanne. I would be honored to make a place in my home for a copy of it.

Kimber said...

This book looks wonderful. Would be an honor to win one! Thanks for the giveaway.

Parabolic Muse said...

WOW! you know I want this.
Thank you so much for visiting me, too. I know you're a busy man, working very hard all the time.

However, the orange vest is a bit much, don't you think?

lynda Howells said...

I love your work Seth and if l won your bk wow! if l don't win it, l am buying it anyway. Your work is always great to look at. Good luck to who ever wins your wonderful bk and thanks again for being so generousxxlynda

Laura said...

Thank you both for your generous offer. I would be so, so lucky to win a copy of this book. Amazingly, I feel connected to the work, the theme of all the blogs, and how fortunate to have discovered all this!

Halle said...

Your book looks so interesting! I'd love to have a shot at it...

artfulzebra said...

Fab giveaway, Seth, the book looks great! ;o)

aka suska said...

Oh, I never win anything, but I have posted this to Facebook in hopes that Santa's eyes might just take in this lovely. Droool.

Bill said...

Why do all these people want your book? I'm the only one who really deserves it. :O)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win your book, it looks wonderful.

Karen from Indiana

Lisa said...

The book looks great! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

tami said...

it would be so much fun to win your book. it is BEAUTIFUL!
Have a lovely week.

laurel said...

Oh! I would love to win that book. Looks beautiful from the preview.

Gretchen said...

hooray for giveaways!, bookmaking, and making a mess while making art! love it all!!

Judith said...

What a treasure of a book! And how lucky I would feel to win one!!!

Marit said...

Welll sure I would love to win a book Seth! Thanks for the opportunity!

Creatissimo said...

Lovely book! I never win, but hey, you never know, so I'll give it a try... Fingers crossed to be the lucky person and hold the book in my hands :)

tgarrett said...

I would love to win this- tossing my hat in the ring.

Cynthia Monica said...

I would love to win a copy of your wonderful book!

Pat Quilty said...

I love your site Seth. so inspiring. I would love to win a copy of your book

Paula said...

Would love to win one of these!

Kathy said...

I would love a copy of this book. Your's is an wonderfully inspirational site.

sallyt said...

Yikes, I almost missed this. YES, Yes - count me in. I want one for sure.

Sizun said...

I love the cover of the book. Would like to see the inside too !

Dayna Collins said...

I'm swooning at the thought of just the possibility of winning this gorgeous book!

Itaya Art said...

What a lovely book! I would cherish it very much and would look at it for inspiration in my own artwork and creative endeavors. :)
Thank you for this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

this is just gorgeous and it's still on my wish list. i will own it one day, for sure, so would most definitely love to have my name tossed into the proverbial hat. thank you so much for such a generous give-away, seth!

(p.s. LOVE the newest round of questions!)

Pat Quilty said...

I am still keeping my fingers and toes crosse, hoping to win. :)

Glenda said...

Oh my goodness, another delicious give-away. I would love to own something co produced by you Seth.

Becky New said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mouseybrat said...

your book looks awesome. i'd be thrilled to win it!

Becky New said...

would love to win your book! :) thanks for the opportunity.

Emie58 said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

LuLu said...

Howdy Seth,

Your work is wonderfully inspiring!

Hope I win your book - ooh! ooh! pick me! pick me!


Raine said...

The book looks amazing! I'd sure love to win a copy. :)

Deb's Artful Journey said...

Congratulations on publishing your book!!! And thank you for this generous giveaway!

Unknown said...

Wow the book looks wonderful!
I would love to win a copy!
Thanks very much for the opportunity.

Gillian McMurray said...

I checked out your book on blurb and whoever wins is in for an absolute treat. Good luck to everyone :o)

Anonymous said...

The images are beautiful. Love the book!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful book. Love it!

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

This looks super inspiring, beautiful shots in the preview.

Pat Quilty said...

Hi I so enjoy your site Seth. I am hoping to win the looks delightful.

CindyB said...

I love your studio. Would, love, love, love to win the autumn giveaway.

Cheri said...

Wow.. your blog is so inspiring!! A true feast for the eyes! I love it!
I create altered books so I WOULD LOVE TO WIN YOUR BOOK!! It would be a prized and loved book in my studio... so full of overwhelming pages to just lose myself in!

ArtPropelled said...

I would cherish this book... so yes please put my name in the draw!

Kim Palmer said...

Been busy and catching up again, :) seems to be the order of the day. Beautiful book Seth, I'd love one, but even so I'm savin my pennies to buy it either way!

Pat Quilty said...

still keeping my toes and fingers crossed, hoping to win this wonderful book. patq

Pat Quilty said...

wishing and hoping to win. love your site.

sallyt said...

I'd love to own this wonderful book.
Thanks, Seth.

Creatively Lisa said...

I would love a chance to win this book. Looks great! thanks

Pat Quilty said...

I would be delighted to win your book. I will think positively. :)patq

Tina said...

What a gorgeous book!

Tina said...

What a gorgeous book!

Anonymous said...

I was looking for your brick project that I read about in CPS. Thanks for sharing a bit of your soul.

Anonymous said...

i was looking for your brick project. thx for sharing a bit of your soul.

Anonymous said...

i was looking for your brick by brick project. thx for sharing a bit of your soul.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Looks like I've been gone a LONG time from your blog. I may even be too late to enter your giveaway, but I'm hoping I am not too late. I'm off to see what else I have missed while I've had my head down working in the studio and not on my computer.

Chris said...

Thanks for the opportunity - I'd love to win the book!