Sunday, March 11, 2012

31/31: Roxanne Evans Stout

31 artists...31 days. Spend every day of March with me at The Altered Page to meet the 31 spotlight artists in my book The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed. See their beautiful faces, read their 'quirky' bios written in their own words, see some of their art that led me to invite them to be a part of my book, and hear my story of what they each mean to me. Then click on over to their sites and see what they have to say about The Pulse of Mixed Media.
Through my art I would like to convey the feeling of connecting, timelessness and re-creation.

When I look at nature, or walk down a street in an old town...everything makes itself noticed to me...from a decaying leaf, a white moth on a metal wall, the expression on a person's face, to the colors in the air and all around me. I love the process of layering, of adding glazes of color and taking away.

As an artist I am constantly learning and growing. Art is my passion, my love, my soul.

Roxanne and I started blogging within a few months of each other and I came across her blog when we were both newbies. As soon as I found her, I knew I had found something special. From that first visit to my most recent, I find that visiting River Garden Studio is more like visiting a magical place rather than a computer site. Roxanne fills each and every post with creativity, beauty, grace, and love. Roxanne and I have worked on a number of projects together and she is every bit as wonderful as her blog would suggest.

Along with 4 other artists (Supria Karmakar, Veronica Funk, Rita Vindedzis and Jill Zaheer), Roxanne and I worked on an altered book project called Inner Works. She and I also collaborated on two different handmade book projects with the theme of Autumn and ultimately used these pages to create a self-published book called The Winds of Change.

Although we have yet to meet, that will change very soon. Roxanne will be making the cross country trek from Oregon to New York to be part of my Artist Panel at The Ink Pad later this month. I am looking forward to experiencing her magic in person.



sukipoet said...

beautiful work. wish i could attend the panel. sounds delicious.

Jill Zaheer said...

Dear Roxanne,
I'm so excited to be meeting you soon! Honored to be in Seth's book with you- and so glad I've been lucky to have shared our InnerWorks altered book project together. You have such a special way with taking us on such a magicical experience through your blog and your art is incredible.The connection you have with nature shows through in all that you do and in the subtle colors and hues you use to transform us to new places in your art! Exciting that you have been using encaustics these days and so very glad you're part of the 31/31 celebratory party!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for introducing these wonderful artists! I'm really enjoying this...

Numinosity said...

Thanks for introducing me to yet another wonderful artist.

deb said...

perhaps one of the most wonderful things to come out of this book is that you will get to meet so many of these artists? Just wish the Ink Well event wasn't on SWAN Day then I could have taken the bus and spent an inspiring day in the city. Oh well, maybe one of the other dates will work out.

ArtPropelled said...

Seth, you describe exactly how i feel when visiting River Garden Studio. Roxanne's blog always seems to be flooded with rays of sunshine and her art, photographs and words make me feel very content.

jinxxxygirl said...

Thank you Seth I'm off to visit Roxanne!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's so special to get to see so many artists in one place! I'm loving this. I'm finding this very inspiring!

Storyheart said...

Very inspriring. I'm really enjoying learning about wonderful artists like Roxanne.

Missouri Bend Paper Works said...

Roxanne's work is wonderful....another great post in the series!! Love those little boxes! Thanks once again, Seth, for all your energy and such a creative spirit! Patti

Karen Cole said...

Roxanne has a magical way of weaving her world with words, photographs and her amazing creations. She seems to have the wings of the butterfly she just created in encaustics.

Looking forward to sharing creative thoughts with her.

Robert said...

Layers, layers, and, yet, more layers! The processes of addition and subtraction in Roxanne's work seem to create an engaging, and wonderful, mystery for the viewer-not so much to solve-but to ponder. I love that her artwork derives it's unusual sense of time, place, and connection to this world, by the openness, reverence, and attention with which she relates to her immediate surroundings. I just made a quick visit to River Garden Studio, and can tell that it will be a delight to enjoy, often!

Denise said...

I just came across Roxanne's piece, "On Pale Wings" last week and felt an instant connection. Wonderful work! ~Denise

Cynthia Monica said...

So fun to look forward to meeting new artists each day on your blog Seth!

mansuetude said...

Roxanne's warmth and heart permeate everything she touches--its a very grounding experience to visit her blog.

A photo-journaled walk, a flash of written thought, a leaf, a rainy day over flowers and river; birds, dance, abandoned landscapes and always light... always exploration, bounty, making a glow out of ordinary (rare) objects of day.
As she collects, brings together life's tiny moments and preserves them layered and illuminated we are asked to pause, see, make new connections, think.

She's been a blessing.

Unknown said...

at what steep works!!! magically!!!

Bill said...

I love the tins filled with little objects from nature and/or color. I think I need to visit her site. :o)

Maureen said...

I like her comment that "everything makes itself noticed to me". I think she knows how to look! Lovely work.

Rebeca Trevino said...

i did not know Roxanne or her work before today. i just got back from visiting her blog. beautiful and sensitive work.
thanks seth!

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful to see Roxanne's art, thank you.

Unknown said...

Roxanne used the phrase 'the colors in the air' and I love that. Today I'm going to look for them. Along with circles that I'm still seeking. I'm very looking forward to her blog site as the palette she uses and architectural quality of her treasures peak my interest. Have fun on the panel you two. *smiles* Norma

Lynn Cohen said...

Wow, what a treat that was...visiting Roxanne's blog. I spent a very long time pouring over the details of her art pieces. Again, Thanks Seth, I am sure you realize how much richness you keep adding to our lives with these shares.

Marit said...

Wow, it's great to meet Roxanne... the art is truly wonderful and so is her blog.

rivergardenstudio said...

Seth, thank you for this story you share of me. And for introducing me to all of these people. And for some of my dearest 'friends' who I have met through you and the world of blogs. I am so moved.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It sounds to me like the entire mixed media art world is going to be in NYC at the end of the month. I remember seeing the pages of the "Winds of Change." I immediately fell in love with them and how both your styles were so compatible, yet so unique.

Maggie Crawford said...

Another wonderful artist and a new blog to visit. Thank you

Anonymous said...

i love roxanne and am so excited that she is your spotlight artist today. hooray! i am off to read her post -- it's sure to be gorgeous and rich with color, texture and life.

donna joy said...

love that 'set free' piece. Now time to go check out her blog~
thanks again!

onesmallstitch said...

love the little tins, each with its own treasure.

Gwen Buchanan said...

A Lovely Woman...
and so pleased to see her highlighted today.

elle said...

I'm really enjoying all the variety in this series!

Patti Sandham said...

I love Roxanne's art and her blog too. Her work really speaks to me.

Cheers Patti

Lynette (NZ) said...

Loving this feature this month -- wonderful new artists to 'meet' and some lovely familiar faces too. Excited to see the book with this taste of what's inside. And I'm sharing your blog at my blog today.

Sharmon Davidson said...

Roxanne is a wonderful person, as well as a wonderful artist. I can't wait to see her work in the book, and her signature when I win the signed copy! (An experiment in positive thinking- ha!)

Carol said...

I'm looking forward to visiting this artist's blog more often. Love the natural and ethereal feel of her work. Thank you.

Jo Murray said...

It was a delight to visit Roxanne's blog via your link. It's magical alright.

Annette said...

wow.... stunning work....

Laura S Reading said...

Thank you for this wonderful introduction to another site I must check out. The other commenters who know Roxanne are also saying magical things about her.

Unknown said...

Wonderful work... such interesting layers. Makes me want to look and look and look!

Jan said...

Love all the great blogs. Thanks, Seth

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Roxanne is a beautiful soul. It shows in all she does.

Parabolic Muse said...

LOVE Roxanne's work.
When I think of Roxanne, I think of warm, golden light. And I don't even know her.... yet!

Jessica said...

I love Roxanne's work, and have been a fan for a little while now. Another great post featuring yet another wonderful artist! Thanks, Seth!

Anonymous said...

you know I love Roxanne and her work!!

La Poeta said...

Roxanne is already in my bookmarks bar.
Please put my name in the hat.

Jen Crossley said...

Roxanne's does such beautiful work.Wish I could be there for your panel night Seth.

Barbara I. said...

Roxanne's work is dreamy. I loved the work in the rusted tins and her art journals. I will definitely be checking out her website. Thanks Seth!

susan in seattle said...

I can't wait to visit her blog and see more of her work! Looks awesome at first glance.

Cynthia S. said...

Magical. I love collage and laying effects, in both visual art and music. Roxanne uses this technique so well!

Cathy said...

Love seeing the stacks of paintings! so inspiring!

squidglass said...

Just stumbled onto your artful blog. Looking forward to reading everything, old and new!

squidglass said...

Just stumbled onto your artful blog. Looking forward to reading everything, old and new!

Dianne said...

so many talented artists, so little time to see all the inspiring work! texture, color, and spirit of generosity...thank you for all you do for the on-line artist community!

Rusted Wings said...

wow...another wonderful artist to get to know!!

Wen said...

the inventiveness yet quirky work of Roxanne makes me want to keep everything I come across. Maybe it will be my next art piece!