Sunday, May 30, 2010

Book Guild - Chapter 8

Welcome to the fourth edition of The Pulse -- The State of the Art -- a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community. Nearly 150 artists have answered a list of questions which make up The Pulse. Their responses will be presented as a series of online and print projects. Secret Sunday was the first project and the links to all the secrets can be found on the sidebar of my blog. The Book Guild is the second project and Chapter 8 starts right now!

All artists participating in The Pulse were asked to name their favorite art books. The Book Guild will present this list, along with links, book reviews, giveaways, and interviews with many of your favorite authors. And as members of The Guild, I am hoping YOU will participate by leaving comments related to the books in each post - for example thoughts, book reviews, personal experiences, or a link back to your own blog posts that include artwork based on a project in the listed book.


Thanks to everybody who entered their name into my double book giveaway from the last meeting of The Book Guild. There were 94 entries and 2 winners. JeriAnn from Commuter's Journal won a copy of Digital Expressions. Glenda from Glenda's Artscapes won a copy of The Journal Junkies Workshop. Congratulations to you both! Please contact me via email with your mailing address. And keep visiting on Sundays for The Book Guild as there are many more giveaways to come!

Chapter 8: LK Ludwig

Several of LK's books were listed as favorites in the artist survey:

Sally Turlington and LaWendula both chose Collaborative Art Journals and Shared Visions in Mixed Media as a favorite.

Collaborative Art Journals and Shared Visions in Mixed Media

Leslie Marsh selected Mixed-Media Nature Journals: New Techniques for Exploring Nature, Life, and Memories as her favorite.

Mixed-Media Nature Journals: New Techniques for Exploring Nature, Life, and Memories

And now, hot off the presses is the newest art journaling book from LK Ludwig. It is called Creative Wildfire and it is sure to generate some creative heat. Publication date is set for June 1.

Creative Wildfire: An Introduction to Art Journaling - Basics and Beyond

As stated on, "This lush, visual book is a must-have volume for both beginning and experienced art journalers. Each chapter presents crucial, basic information for how to get started, and is layered with in-depth sidebars and activities covering advanced techniques, approaches to working, as well as interviews with well-known journaling artists. The book comes with a beautiful blank journal in a take-along size (made from paper upcycled from the printing process), ready to catch your daily inspirations."

I am pleased to say that along with an interview, you can find my handmade travel journal from my 2008 trip to Greece featured in LK's new book.

To see more of my journal as previously posted on my blog, click here and here.

Creative Wildfire is available for purchase on here.


Artsnark said...

Fantastic photos - will have to check out these books

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

All these books look so much fun. I am so glad you posted more of your altered book pages from your trip to Greece. I've been in love with that book since the first time you posted about it. Congratulations on your being accepted in this book that sounds like a fascinating read.

stregata said...

I will be on the lookout for her newest - it looks to be fabulous!
And to be able to see some of your pages in it, is just too cool.

vivian said...

wonderful seth - it sure looks amazing!

lyle said...

seth, I'll have to check lk's books out further. thanks for the reviews! loved seeing your Greek journal.didnt know you then! thanks for the links. was June a good time to visit greece?

Jacky said...

Fantastic travel journal Seth...I must keep an eye out for the new book too. Looks and sounds exciting.

Jacky xox

Lisa said...

I've been waiting for LK's new book to come out. Your journal is magnificient and an inspirational additional to the book...looking forward to seeing it all.

Anonymous said...

Seth...your travel journal is amazing. I have been following the journal junk guys and am pleased to see that they have a book out now...LK's book will be wonderful too...Cheers,

ArtPropelled said...

I havn't read any of these but will put the new LK Ludwig on my wish list especially since your Greece Journal is featured.

Glenda T. said...

Darn, I saw my name and got all excited but it was another Glenda!! haha I really want that creative wildfire book, it looks amazing! Love your journal pages too!

Kim Palmer said...

Loved your Greece travel journal the first time I saw it Seth. Glad to see it has some airtime again. LK's new book will definitely be a must have that's for sure.

Ro Bruhn said...

Your travel journal, like all of your journals, is a work of art.

Anonymous said...

Oh Seth, I am going to get me a copy of L.K. Creative looks fantastic and I cannot wait to see your pages up close...cause I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE them Seth. They are magnificent!

sf said...

LK's books are each very specially HER OWN; even though they aren't self-published, her inner light and voice always shine through.

azirca said...

I'm so thrilled for you that your travel journal has been included in the publication, it's such an amazing piece and a great way to remember your trip to Greece by.

Brian K said...

Ah we used Nature Jouranals for a basis of our Nature Journals last weekend. I can't wait for her new book to come out! I am excited it has pics of your travel journal so inspiring and delish.... I will be posting my pics of my nature journal soon on my blog. Just as soon as I get my camera from Orly... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Your Greece journal blew me away, not only because it is so damn gorgeous, but because I was there soooo long ago, maybe close to 40 years ago, and those pages stirred such wonderful memories for me. Oh, that monastery in the sky! I could go on, but just let me say, thank you for the experiences shared, even if at vastly different times.

Dayna said...

Thanks for highlighting LK's books - I have a pre-ordeer in with Amazon to receive Creative Wildfire! And thank you for another glimpse at your altered Greece book - it is deliriously beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great post!

How exciting to be part of LK's book...big congrats!!

Thanks for the link and the preview.

Jill Zaheer said...

Another great Book Guild Post. Just love seeing your Greece journal again- each time I see so many new things I've never noticed before. And what great "favorite" picks by your readers. Mixed-Media Nature Journals: New Techniques for Exploring Nature, Life, and Memories looks great- as I love all kinds of expressions of nature. And what a wonderful new book by LK Ludwig. I just ordered by Wildfire copy!
Congrats to the two lucky winners from your give away. I think we're all winners to have read your post!

mansuetude said...

Have to say. I remember loving that journal from Greece ! Nice to peek at it anywhere.

mansuetude said...

Have to say. I remember loving that journal from Greece ! Nice to peek at it anywhere.

rachel said...

Wow, These books are incredible! So textural and filled with so much to explore. 
Love stopping by here and seeing your new projects and work!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your wonderful comment too! :D 

Caterina Giglio said...

big congrats for having your book featured in LK's that is just wonder, a great match!

deb said...

congrats on making it to press again :)

Unknown said...

So glad you will once again and deservedly be published, this one looks like a winner.
I remember your Greece journal as such an excellent contribution to the travel journal genre. I still would love to have one of my own.
Great post!

Joanie Hoffman said...

Hi Seth, Thanks for the reminders about LK's new book. Now I'm off to check out your Greek journal!
Happy days,

Karin Bartimole said...

congrats to the give away winners :)
But better than that, wow wow wow to your inclusion in Creative Wildfire - what great photos from the book Seth!! So wonderful, I'm really happy for you!!

Lawendula said...

Love your Greece journal!
And congratulations- nice to see you published in a book, will look for it at Amazon's.

Have a great arting time, my friend!

Lynn Cohen said...

Awesome travel journal Seth! More wonderful inspiration shared here. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

oooh, i love this journal of yours! i remember when you first posted photos of it forever and a half ago. congrats on being in this wonderful-looking book! all three are already on my wish list and i wish definitely hurry out and get the one you're in. and i need to buy a new bookshelf!

Anonymous said...

Seth - Based on your recommendations I ordered a copy of "Creative Wildfire" and "The Journal Junkies Workshop"...both of which just arrived from Amazon. I can't wait to get into both these books! Dave