Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Open Call: The Pulse of Mixed Media

The Pulse of Mixed Media is all about community. Our community. The thing is, 144 pages is not nearly enough space to showcase and highlight all the creative people out there. And that just ain't right. Our community is nothing if not inclusive. I want everybody to be part of The Pulse.

So I invite all of you (...yes that means you...and definitely YOU...and you as well even though you are already a contributing artist...) to be a part of the book. With a twist. Well, several twists really. 

Twist #1: This project will be online. Given that the book would not have existed without the cyber version of The Pulse, it seems only fitting that some component of the book should be online.

Twist #2: There is no jury. All submissions that meet the requirements of the open call will be accepted*. So scratch that off as a reason for not submitting. (*The fine print says that I do have the right to pass on any entry if given reason to but I am assuming and hoping that this will not happen)

Twist #3: This open call is a mail call. Snail mail and not email. Entries must be mailed to me:

Seth Apter
PO Box 2036
New York, NY 10021

The deadline to receive entries for this call is April 30, 2012
So by now you are probably saying "why is he telling us the rules before he is even telling us what the project is?" My I know that everybody has actually read the rules.

The Pulse of Mixed Media: Online Open Call

The Pulse of Mixed Media presents the results of a survey in which artists were asked questions that they had to answer in words or provided with prompts that they had to respond to with art. Here we combine both. Below you will find 3 questions from the book, one of each from the three different sections in the book. 

1. The Artistic Ingredient: If your artwork could talk, what would it say?

2. Passion in Action: Who has had the most impact on your creative life?

3. Secrets Revealed: What is one thing you have never shared with the creative community?

For this open call, you can chose 1, 2 or all 3 of the questions and answer them individually. Your answer must be presented on a 5" x 5" square, which could be a piece of paper, cardstock, canvas, wood panel, fabric...could be anything. Your answer must be in words, which can be written, typed, drawn, sewn, painted, etc. Since we are artists, I encourage you (but you do not have to) also make your submission visually any way you desire. 

Entries will be photographed and presented on my blog. Please include your name, email address (for my records only and will not be posted anywhere) and one link to your online site with your entry. You have the option of submitting anonymously as well. All submissions must be mailed. Emailed jpegs will not be accepted.

Select entries will follow me around the United States and Canada and become part of my artist panels, book signings, and exhibitions. Please note: no entry will be returned to you.

Please read through the instructions here carefully. If you have any questions, please comment on this post or email me at


Judy Shreve said...

It's been so fun to be able to participate in the marketing of your book, but what a great idea to include your readers! You are such a great facilitator - community builder. YAY you!

Lynn Cohen said...

So, do you just lay in bed at night thinking of more ways to involve us all, keep us on our artistic toes? Really!


Okay! Why not!

I'm beginning to believe that guy who thinks you never sleep.

Janine Whitling said...

i just came across your site and am quite excited by your vision and project. I love connecting to people around the world so now will get started on your terrific book page. Yay for the community!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....I wonder if there's an app for this? Just kidding!! Thinking cap is on....I just know I can come up for a piece for all three. Thanks for this opportunity!!! (Oh yeah...I'm planning to use that challenge idea you gave me don't take it back! (o: )

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....I wonder if there's an app for this? Just kidding!! Thinking cap is on....I just know I can come up for a piece for all three. Thanks for this opportunity!!! (Oh yeah...I'm planning to use that challenge idea you gave me don't take it back! (o: )

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sounds like fun. And I want to know what you are going to do with all those postage stamps you are going to accumulate!

Jo Murray said...

Dare I? Why not? On with the thinking cap.

Marit said...

Tempting.... very tempting...

jgr said...

WOW! It just keeps getting better. I can't wait to get started.

Gillian McMurray said...

What a wonderful idea. A perfect way to get everyone involved :o)

Leslie Avon Miller said...

I love snail mail.

Parabolic Muse said...

I'm there!

Bella said...

Seth!! You never cease to amaze & inspire me!!!! I wish I could just follow you around all day everyday :) xo

Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You are gatherer of artist souls.

yep, I will play

Robert said...

What fun, Seth! I'm in!

ART*ticulation said...

Hey you have done it again and out done yourself!!!
I'm in!!!!

Denise said...

Such an intriguing call! Sounds like one to tease to the front. ~Denise

Bill said...

Okay, I have a layer drying. I'm combining my love for digital art with mixed-media art just for you. You have been a great influence in my developing a love for texture in art.

sf said...

Hope it will be there soon...

saramorison said...

Great idea, I'm in!

amy of studio four corners said...

ok...time to start cogitating...thanks for the opportunity to be involved...

susan in seattle said...

You are amazing! I only just discovered you and your blog and your book through the CreateMixedMedia blog today and already you have me excited to make something to send in. Thank you! Now off to the races!

carlanda brown williamson said...

how fun is this!

Kim Goodwin said...

How fun is this ? I am excited about the challenge Seth, I am gonna take you up on it No deadline ? Hmm, thats scary - got to get a few work issues taken care of , then hopefully and joyfully move on to your project .
Thank you

amy of studio four corners said...

ok...finished two pieces...mailing them on Monday I put my name on the back of each piece or some sort of identifier? thanks much!

larkd said...

I love the concept of the pulse. Can't wait for it to be published.

Laura K. Aiken said...

Seth this is the last thing I need right now, another challenge!! BUT, you'll get something from me..not sure when, but it will be your surprise.
best days to you!

Melinda said...

OK. I'm in.

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Genius. I'm in!
Thank you for your response to my enail btw. Much appreciated.

sf said...

Mine are in the mail...

chris fondi said...

already in the mail. what a blast.

Anonymous said...

how fun! you are such an inspiration. thanks for spreading your blessings around.

Sandy said...

I just discovered your blog after hearing all the buzz about your new book, placed an order, can't wait for it to arrive. Thank you for this inspiring resource.

As to the challenge, I don't think I am "that kind" of an artist (I am talking quality and caliber here)but I look forward to seeing all the submissions roll in.

Tammie Lee said...

was it Lynn's blog that i read your editor encourages you to stretch beyond your beyond? well this feels like you are creatively stretching your book and it is a living entity. how wonderful!

Ruth Armitage said...

Wow, I can't wait to see what comes from this component of the project!

Unknown said...

Awesome I'm loving the way your mind works, and your creations are awesome too...Blessings!

Anonymous said...

This is sooo tempting! But is it open to artists outside the US? (France?...) I'll try to put something together next week.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog! I am just starting to "put it out there" so it means a lot to me! and I'll definitely try to send you something (on plaster I think...) Have a nice week-end!

Anonymous said...

i'm slow, but i'm sooooo doing this! i've already answered two of those questions so i think i shall pick the one i haven't yet. i wish i had time for all three, but i'll commit to one for now. thank you so much, mister seth! you are amazing beyond words, creative beyond any fathomable measure, and really damn great at keeping us fellow artists on our creative toes. :) mister finn said he wanted to play too -- is there an age requirement?

Anonymous said...

So great you moved the deadline! I was about to send you only one but now I can do all 3!

Anonymous said...

Love your work, Seth! You inspire. Just completed my very excited. Thank you, Tonia

Anonymous said...

Hi Seth....
I'm planning to submit an entry on a 5" x 5" card and plan to answer the
question I've chosen on the front. Can I put my email address and blog address on the back?

Holly Dean Artist said...

Three pieces are on their way to you as of yesterday! Your prompts are wonderful and bring up some interesting results :)

Sandy said...

Can the answer be hidden or must it be exposed? Does the piece have to be flat or can it have dimension. Can it be interactive, like flip, fold, or flap sort of a book as long as it stays 5x5?

Karenliz Henderson said...

Your book is so inspirational and I love it. I'm sending you my art work. It's on its way. Thank you for the opportunity! I posted the open call on my blog.

Linda Gleitz said...

Hi Seth! I am trying soo hard to embrace the internet...My father who died 5 years ago worked on the Arpenet project at the National Bureau of Standards & Technology in Boulder,CO , which was the precedent to the internet...I didn't even know this until after he died (everything he did was secret, government clearance, etc.)...I'm the rebel artist, 52 years old...between his pressure to work in the "tech" industry and my AGE and the fast pace of this BEAST... I have been techo-challenged to say the least...but I feel this emotional pull...Your project inspires me and I will try...I will say this...the thing about art is the actual touch, I love putting my hands into MAKING things...sharing it with many online is soo powerful-but we lose the touch...have you read "The Gift"? anyway I am I admire your reach...knowing how to use the internet in a positive way to get people other than CREEPS to read and comment on your blog!! LOL (it is a skill!) PSS...rodrigvitzstyle is one of my BFF's and pointed ME to your site...she is the blog queen!!!

cHim-prints said...

I had a first reaction to this Open Call. I thought I knew just what I would do.
Thanks for the challenge to both head and hands. My "answer" is (almost ready to go) in the mail.

audrey said...

Hi Seth.
With all that is going on in my life right now, this will be a real challenge. BUT, I WANT to do this, so I'm not going to let life get in my way. It will be very close to the 30th before it arrives, but I am determined.
Thank you for the opportunity, Seth.

Robert said...

I finished my three pieces for the open call, today, and put them in the mail. USPS said they would be in NYC by Saturday, the 28th. So, they should be sitting, waiting, in your P.O. box when you return from Colorado. Hope you have an incredible time!

Anonymous said...

I just got this notice in my email today - how can I make something and get it to you by the 30th? I have ideas but need more time!!!