Monday, August 4, 2008

Good Things Come in Threes

People who know me well know that when I have a passion for something, I throw myself into it fully. Some call it dedication. Some call it obsession. Either way, I am committed. Life for me is a marathon and not a sprint. Literally and figuratively. That certainly goes for The Altered Page as well. I am in it for the long haul. And in that regard, I am in the middle of a trifecta. A triple crown. A triathlon. A triple play. A threepeat.

What I mean to say is that there are three personal milestones I am in the midst of achieving on my blog. First, on August 10, The Altered Page will be one year old. Second, I just passed my 200th post. And third, at the end of July I surpassed 33,333 hits, as registered by my counter. Not knowing how things would unfold when I wrote my first post outlining my goals for The Altered Page, I am so pleased to say that I feel like I have met those original goals. And I have gotten so much more out of the blog than I could have ever predicted.

As a way to mark this moment in time, I am offering another giveaway. Three giveaways to three people to be exact. Please leave a comment on this post and on August 10, when The Altered Page turns 1, I will randomly chose three winners. Each will receive a hodgepodge of "stuff" - paper, ephemera, art supplies, embellishments, and assorted bits and bobs and odds and ends. This is one small way that I can say thanks to all of you who have become such an integral part of my life in art.

Also, in thinking about the occasion of one year blogging and 200 posts, I have been reviewing my blog and am listing here links to three of my favorite pieces/posts. For those who have found The Altered Page more recently and have not dug into earlier months, these might be new to you. Please check out Revolution, Fragile, La Facce di Italia, and Underground. Alright, I know that is four but aren't you suppose to light an extra candle on your birthday for good luck?


Lynette (NZ) said...

Hi Seth - I am new to your blog, and very inspired. I have recently been waking at 4am with "creative brain" and your work is not helping this in the best possible way :-) Congratulations on your milestones.

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

All four of your 3 favorite blog posts are wonderful-I am really drawn to Travel Journal: la facce di Italia. Wowser! glad you posted some links to these! Congratulations on your one year blogaversary!
chris p

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I have recently found your blog and it is so inspirational. I can't wait for many years to come!

Teresa Abajo said...

Congratulations - this blog is really something to be proud of. Looking forward to much much more to come.

artisticdiva said...

Hey Seth, this is great! Congrats! You've worked hard, and, hey you have a great blog, so you deserve it!

Lost Aussie said...

Congratulations on achieving your goals and then some! Your blog always has something interesting to see and superb commentary to accompany the art.
Thanks so much for sharing yourself in such a wonderful creative way.


Seth!! Way to go on the anniversary coming up!! Congrats.You should be proud!! YOU have one of the best blogs out there!!


azirca said...

HAPPY BLOGGER BIRTHDAY to you Seth! Your blog is overflowing with inspiration, your magnificent art and photography keeps me coming back to see your creations. Your blog is also a wonderful source of artists that if it wasn't for your 'Pulse'- artist surveys, I may otherwise never have known or learned about. It's always a pleasure to visit.

lee said...

I love your blog find it very interesting. Congratulations on turning 1....

Cheryl Smith said...

THREE personal milestones! What an achievement; congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary on your milesstones! New to your blog but I love the inspiration.

notmassproduced said...

what an achievement - wow - your blog is always a treat to visit -and i love the links especially the underground book - and the italy journal (well actually all of them!)** and thanks for the comment about my soul journal challenge page :o)

Carol said...

I have been reading your bog for a while now, and am always inspired. Congratulations on your anniversary. Please include me in your giva away draw.

Gaby Bee said...

Congrats on your anniversary. Your blog is very inspiring. I always love stopping by and viewing your site. Looking forward to much more to come.

Sarah said...

happy almost birthday !!

and don't worry about the extra "favourite" - all the best trilogies have 4 books in them, in my experience... :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your blog is simply terrific. The posts always intrigue me, the artwork is truly inspiring, and the links are a true buffet! Thanks for all the hard work you put into this.


Gillian McMurray said...

Is it only one year? It seems that I have been enjoying your blog for so much longer. It is a constant inspiration to me. Congratulations on the triple success.

Kristy C said...

A BIG congratulations, Seth! I can't believe its only been a year though! It seems like I have been visiting your blog longer! Thanks for your inspiration-I just love your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Three is the charm...congratulations. So happy I have found your inspirational!

Unknown said...

A big congrats on the triple milestone passages! I visited your favorites again and found the La Facce di Italia which I hadn't seen. How many adjectives for "wonderful" can we give for your work, Seth?! Not enough, I think.

ckw said...

wow- am I ever glad I found you- i went to the "three" and I love revolution and the italy passport-what great stuff you do- way to go on the goals and milestones and I look forward to returning to you again and again-

leslie rosenberg said...

I read your blog nearly every day and am continually inspired. Wish I had the discipline to keep mine updated! Happy anniversary -- and many more!

Anonymous said...

Hi Seth,
I've been cruising your blog for some time now, happily stumbling on it from some other blog (sorry, don't remember which one) and was delighted to find links to your favorites... especially "Travel Journal: la facce di Italia"... one of these days I AM going to visit Venice and this is an inspiration on how to document that travel... thank you for all of the inspiration...

Binky said...

Congratulations and great ideas.
As you know I am new to your blog. I love it! Since you blogged your favorites I went back to check them, and others, out. Very cool stuff. Where is that rack from? It's the perfect way to display the ATCs.

moi said...

I couldn't resist. I visit regularly and must have contributed a bit to your counter. Nice to have you around Seth and I am glad you will be around for long haul. Great stuff.

Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

COngratulations Seth! I am in it for the long haul too! I am working my way towards my 1000 post-I'm at about 936 last time I checked.

It's good to see people keeping up their blogs. I think alot of folks jump on the bandwagon only to abandon it a few months later. It's always diasppointing for readers when that happens, but clearly, blogging isn't for everyone! You have to love writing and sharing and connecting with people to make it work.

GLad to know you are loving it and plan to keep at it!


ute said...

Hi Seth,
congratulations, your blog is so wonderful, I am happy, that I found you

Anonymous said...

I just recently found your blog and have added it to my list of favorites. Thanks for the inspiration and your four favorite posts-beautiful! Carol W

Chris said...

Oh, my HEAVENS, isn't art wonderful? It saves, it illuminates, and it introduces us to brilliant people like YOU, Seth.

Congrats, congrats!! I toast to you!

p.s. Bombay Sapphire.

bockel24 said...

Congrats, Seth - and I hope we´ll be able to read your blog for many more years!

papercracker said...

Congratulations Seth, on your milestones. You obviously work very hard at your blog and are so generous in sharing your techniques and forming/strengthening bonds within the blog community. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Seth!!! I'm SO happy for you! I'm with you... who'd have thought this could end up being something so rewarding and fun and enlightening, right?!? Here's to 200 more posts! xoxo, Kathy

Leslie said...

You are an inspiration Seth. Thanks for the links to your favorites. I don't think I could pick just three either! I'm looking forward to your next 200 posts and many more years.

Karen Cole said...

No surprise that you have achieved your goals and more. You have created an amazing niche for yourself and others to share. It still "bloggles" my mind that people can post so much and so well.

Your Facce di Italia is a favorite of mine (duh!).

What do you do with all of these beautiful books anyway? Sell? Display somewhere?

Perhaps another Pulse question for the future could be "How do you display your art?".

Anonymous said...

hey seth! happy wonderful blogging birthday! well done.. love your blog, you are such an inspiration to me. from your art to your words, from your attention to detail to the person you are. awesome. thank you so much. and have some cake ;)

Anonymous said...

Me again Seth! I meant to say congratulations in my reply email earlier. Always a joy to visit! Debbie

Angela Wales Rockett said...

Wow! So much in just a year. I'm so impressed!

I also had a chance to read your article in The Artful Blogger over the weekend. Just wonderful stuff all around.

lynne h said...

congratulations, seth! and here's to many more blogiversarys!! thank you for all of the inspiration and for your amazing role as a sort of hub in the wheel of the art blogging world.

i love the italy travel journal... i think i have a thing for your travel journals. ; )

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Seth, Congratulations on your anniversary..
Creating my own blog has been one of the best things I have ever done. It has helped me meet some great people.
I hope all of your goals come true.

Ingrid Dijkers said...

Congratulations on having your blog turn 1 year old! I am new to your blog, but have been enjoying it very much and plan to keep returning.

Jazz said...

Congratulations Seth on your annivesary! As a recent addtion to your fans, I haven't had the time to go through your entire blog yet, thanks for those links, they were wonderful.

Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

Congratulations on the milestones! Your blog is one of a select few that I always read.

Marissa said...

Hi Seth,

Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary of your blog. Your blog is one of the blogs I look forward to reading every day. Your art and blog are inspirational.


Steph said...

Happy blogaversary ! Glad to hear you're here to stay ! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary, Seth!

Gwen Buchanan said...



A perfect triad!

Beth said...

Congrats Seth! Love your blog and thanks for the opportunity. August 10th is my Mom's bday, so a special day for me even though she has passed away. She was an artist and would have loved altered art. She painted oils when I was a kid and I have great memories of her easel in a corner of her bedroom. Later she got more into watercolor, jewelry and stained glass. I'm lucky to have some of her small sketchbooks and plan to journal them someday. Okay, enough rambling....thanks for all of your inspiration - you rock! Beth

ArtPropelled said...

Seth, I love your favourites and if we could stretch it to 5 I would definitely add Assemblage. Congratulations on a great blog and for reaching all your milestones.

Deborah March said...

CONGRATS on your personal trifecta! Great blog!

tippy said...

Happy Birthday!
Ive only recently discovered your blog, and have to click on it with caution - Ive already got lost in the inspiring travels it leads me to several times.
Thankyou :)
Tippy x

craftirn said...

LpntwotooWow a year with a blog. I would have to give up sleeping time, I barely have time to read groups posts now!! I think Revolution was my favorite! I've bee wanting to get one of those spindles.

Vicki Holdwick said...


Is that one extra candle or is it "a pinch to grow an inch"?

I'd love to win a surprise package!


Francine Cronos said...

Congratulations on the first anniversary of your blog. This is an awesome achievement. All of your work is beautiful and inspires me to create. La Facce di Italia is fabulous!

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your milestones! I enjoy your art and your photography. The City is so alive and you capture it so well. Thanks for blogging!

postal orphan said...

Congrats on 1 year! Your blog is full of inspiration - fabulous photography and great art. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Blog Seth !

Love to watch what you are seeing up there.

Good Luck on the next year!

Moonwillow said...

Happy Aniversary and Congradulations on your Blogbirthday! Wonderful blog, I will be comming back now that I found you!

Sherry Goodloe said...

Congratulations on meeting your goals! That is always something to celebrate (smiles)

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Happy Blogbirthday! I've had your blog bookmarked for months... and I sometimes look at it when I need inspiration. Keep up the great work!
Lisa C

Anonymous said...

Heh Seth - congrats for all of your celebrations! It's been fun hanging out at "The Page" and I wish you well in your second blog year!

Sharon House said...

Congratulations Seth! I have been a faithful visitor... you have a most interesting blog and have been a source of inspiration for me. Keep up the great work...and thank you for being you!


Ina Good said...

I am also new and loved all your inspiration..Congrats on all three milestones and I hope I win the emphemera etc...Thanks for your generosity in letting us be a part of your celebration and rewards! Ina

the glitzy gypsy said...

Congrats on one year! Blogging is such a neat way into the artist's soul....
brenda bliss

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a milestone for your inspiring blog. Love your four "Favorite Three" blogs.

sallyt said...

Congrats on all three fronts, Seth. Your blog is a treasure for us all. Thank goodness you decided to take this voyage, the blogging world is better off for it. Oh, and congrats on your article in the Artful Blogger. It spoke to me as if it were my own words -- finding folks who "get it" you know. I plan to "get you" here on your blog way more often.

kate said...

I've just found your blog and it certainly is a treat to behold. Quite a feast! I'll have to set aside some time and a big mug of tea to properly go through it. Congratulations on such an amazing (and participative) blog and here's to 200+ more posts.
P.S. I too am inspired by Antoni Tapies!

Anonymous said...

This is great! I'd love to win. It's nice that people are so generous on their blogs!

I'm new to your blog. Love all the photos and your journals. I'll definitely be back!

LuniLadi said...

I am a newbie to your blog. I will definitely have to go back and browse around. Love the pics you just posted! Happy Birthday...many more creative posts in the coming year!!
Doreen aka LuniLadi

CreativSpirit said...

Hi and Happy Birthday, I love coming to visit your blog, thanks for all the great links.


~*~Patty S said...

Congrats, Congrats and Congrats Seth! I am headed over to check out your favorite blog posts. I must say it would be hard for me to pick, The Altered Page is chuck full of cool inspiration and more. Happy Happy Blogaversary and many many more!

dr.angie said...

Just found your blog today...your art and photography are just beautiful! Congrats on the success of the blog.

Michele Jackson said...

Congratulations on one year! I am just finishing my first month of art blogging.