Grrl from grrl + dog is sponsoring a Global Guerilla (K)nit Up. And I have joined the brigade. What is this you might ask? Well, these photos, borrowed from grrl's blog, tell the story...

The challenge as hosted by grrl: Create a piece of guerilla knit/crochet/weave and attach it somewhere in the public arena. Take a photo as evidence of guerilla action. Post it on your blog by February 23, 2009. grrl will link back to all participants from her blog. I do not knit. I do not crochet. I do not sew. I do not weave. But I couldn't let this challenge pass me by.
To learn more about this project and to get details on how to sign up for the guerilla brigade, click here.
So, Seth...how are you going guerilla if you don't knit, crochet or sew? lol
Peace & Love,
I was going to ask the same thing as Barb...
I know you'll come up with something fantastic.... I'm in too and I don't knit either... :)
I can't wait to see what you do - and all the folks around the world she connects with. hmmmm I don't do any of those things either, but felting, now that i could get into... :) Thanks for sharing the info and links!!
Seth - knitting and crocheting is nothing but a fancy way of making knots. In the '60s it was the macrame fad. So just go tie a bunch of knots. You know, right over left, left over right. And just do it about a quadzillion times with a loooooong piece of string. Can't get more guerilla than that.
I can't wait to see what you come up with!!
Just don't get arrested, we'd miss you.
Seth, you could cut the cuffs off an old sweater and embellish them in you own inimitable way. That should count, shouldn't it, since somebody had to knit it.
way to get us curious Seth, just WHAT will you be doing around a lamp post somewhere + I'm sure it will be inspired...staying tuned for what comes next....this is such a clever challenge BTW!
I LOVE Grrl's fab needle magic. You may not knit or crochet, but it takes a real man to post a pink light pole sock on his Blog.
This will be an amazing challenge. Thanks for shining the spotlight in that direction!
I guess paper weaving would work. I don't knit or crochet but I do sew and have done some weaving. Someone else mentioned macrame - which I just happen to have started ;o) No public place will be safe now. I'll go take a look at the details.
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