Saturday, January 24, 2009

Natural Evolution

Disintegration, my winter project, is several ways. First, nature - my collaborator - is working overtime through natural evolution. Here, you can see the effects of a snowstorm.

Second, my project is evolving through inspiration. Jeanne (AKA, femminismo) from One Day at a Time put two and two together from my cryptic description in my original post, and has begun her own version of Disintegration. I knew paper came from trees but I never knew it grew on them! Click on her link above to see what I mean.

And if anybody else wants to join in and create their own version, post your Day One photo on your blog and leave a comment below. If at least several people are interested...maybe we can coordinate and all have a reveal of the final outcome on our blogs on the same day come springtime (or autumn, for those artists from across the globe). Any takers?


Anonymous said...

NO FAIR. I want weather!

jo horswill said...

Loving this Seth...I rely on mother nature her mark on anything...she seems to get it right everytime!

Lisa Blackwell said...

Love this idea!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

I'll see if I can figure out what you are doing. I have weather....
I'm enjoying what I see so far!

3rdEyeMuse said...

what if all I have is warm, warmer, humid and not so humid?

Jeane Myers said...

ooooo,right up my alley! - will post something next week - very fun!

Jill Zaheer said...

What a great upbeat idea - disintegration for the birth of a natural evolution of a renewal of life in the spring time. Winter, often cold with a frozen ground, is the quiet period before the magical tranformation of a new season to shine. Would love to participate in your collaboration.

Supria Karmakar said...

I'M IN...just want to clarify though...Here in Canada, we definitely have weather...So the idea or process is that we place a creation we've made, outside and see what magical creations mother nature leaves for us....? Hope that is what the process is? Disintegration and collaboration with mother nature is a wonderful idea...thanks

Chris said...

Seth, I think it would be cool to work with these concepts, but would you still love me if I don't understand what to do?

Maybe I'll play around with this for a few minutes and see... After my coffee!

Lynn Cohen said...

We've probably just had our last rain of the year...or almost, and my daffodils are about to bloom if they haven't already, so I'd have to see what spring sun does to pages???
I could roll them in the dirt? Bury them? Put mud on them? What are the rules here? Yikes?

femminismo said...

Hi, Seth. Yes, disintegration's begun. Last night we had snow! I was so excited. My tied and bound pages may look as if they are on a tree, but they are actually on the ground. Soon I will have a picture up of the snow-covered Stevenson classic with bird tracks contributing to the mix.

Unknown said...

I love this idea! And I have plenty of Massachusetts weather to help me along with it. I'm in!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Newark is crystal cold with a light dusting of snow swirling on my window seal. I am going through a transformation myself at this moment and find that standing still is essential for my journey. I am not in the least sure what I will create but count me in. Imagine Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Sometimes weather is over rated if you are stuck inside and you want to go out!

Unknown said...

I have weather here through about July 1st (Seattle area) so nature's collaboration will be easy peasy ... I'll post something this week. I found you through ooglebloop. Very cool idea.

Anonymous said...

how fun! i read this earlier today, quickly put together some papers and such, and hurried out to beat the cold rain that was starting to fall. (what a great time to begin) i'll go try to post my photo now.

Anonymous said...

Well, Seth - I'm trying it!!! Out of my element with this - but we'll see how it goes -1st pictures are posted on my blog! We are due for some snow tonite - so let the disintegration evolution begin!!!! I also did the Guerrilla Knit challenge- fun, fun, fun!!!!!

rivergardenstudio said...

Beautiful and intriguing, your whole idea is fantastic... Roxanne

Judy said...

Intersting, very interesting. Do you think cos we are on opposite sides of the world that the decay will be different???
We'll have to see.

Unknown said...

I was inspired in the middle of the night last night with my Disintegration project. This really feels good - instead of pulling something together into "perfection" - just letting it decay. Thanks Seth ....

Art In Red Wagons blog

rscoach said...

This is an amazing project - count me in! I am doing a little twist on your idea - I posted photos on my blog - - thanks, Seth - as always you have such fabulous ideas! Reva (Los Angeles)

Cyn said...

I love this idea! I tied together three little differently shaped bundles of pages and hung them on my windchime chain outside my door--easy spot to photograph and to see the daily changes!

Thanks Seth, for this inspiration!

*jean* said...

i posted mine fun it will be to see everyone's unveiled!!

what a wonderful spark for the cold and snow!


Unknown said...

Okay, I found a nice day & a nice husband! He helped me over the slippery leaves & we have disintegration in progress. I hope the weather actually gets through to the pages inside.

Pat said...

Hi Seth, Just posted my piece. Put it out 4 days ago and now we have the most snow for 18 years!! I'm not reallyputting the blame on you!

Leslie said...

What an awesome idea! Count me in. It'll take me a few days to put my 'stuff' together, but I'll be there!

Thanks for the inspiration.

eb said...

me too - plenty of elements up here - I'll be back in a few days with a show and a little tell

love this idea

xox - eb.

.Trudi Sissons said...

What a GREAT idea. I'm in.

Judy Wise said...

Got mine up today.

Bridget said...

I'm in, too, though it's going to take me a bit to get it out there . . .

Susie Dally said...

Hi Seth-my weird interpretation is here:

Thanks so much for your daily inspiration!

Ruth Rae said...

what a wonderful idea! I just posted my parcel here:

Thank you for your inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I just had to join you all, it seemed just the perfect thing to 'open' my studio with.

thanks for the inspiration!

Spiral Bettie said...

I just stumbled upon your entry idea today through eb's bolg. I would love to join in if it is not too late! I will post it later today. It makes me see the rain in today's forecast as a catalyst!
Thank you for the idea and your blog is inspiration I will return to!

Commuter's Journal said...

I was a bit stumped by how I'd do this since my condo association would remove anything I tied to a tree. Then it hit me -- I can just do it on my deck. Not as elegant as some of the gorgeous items I've seen on some artists' blogs, but effective never the less. And tons of elements here in Connecticut.

I'll let you know once I have something up.

-- JeriAnn

Anonymous said...

Ok I just put mine out! What fun this is!! Thanks for the idea and inspiration.

rivergardenstudio said...

Seth, I want to try this! You have the most incredible ideas... Is this week too late? Roxanne

Ingrid Dijkers said...

I have posted a photo of day #1 of my paper bundle on my blog. We are having a warm spell and all the snow is melting here is SE Michigan, but I'm sure there is more to come. This is a great idea, can't wait to see how it evolves.

Anonymous said...

Hi Seth! I did it! I put together a collection of papers to put outside... take a swing by my page and take a look see... it's really going to be a winner! :D

Kristen Robinson said...

I am so ver intrigued by this idea I do believe I will create a wee packet to hide amongst the elements. Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey Seth...I'm in! Take a look at my blog...thanks!

debi lynn mattingly said...

Okay Seth...I will give this a try. Weather here in Texas is pretty calm..but, ya never know what Mother Nature has in store for us down here on the coast! :)


kecia deveney said...

i'm going to play even though i'm about a month behind; but we get lots of different weather here at the shore, so it will be interesting. i'll work on something today and get it going.
p.s. i found you thru deryn mentock.

kecia deveney said...

i'm a late player - but that's ok!i just put my piece outside. i think you are in NY - i'm in NJ at the shore and we are suppose to get a storm tonight.

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Please know that my project has been posted in my blog.
Thank you for this, i had a lot of fun.
Stay positive and artful,

TBM said...

I was so inspired by your collaboration, I wanted to give it a go here in England as well!

I hung up my offering today and wouldn't you know? Sun.

I posted my photos on my art blog today: Where I Talk About Art.

Thanks for generously sharing your creativity with us, Seth!

Anonymous said...

What a great project! I've just hung my little the link to my post:

Susan McIntyre said...

Better late than never, I put out some papers to "alter" in a tree branch sculpture in my front yard.

Amy said...

Count me in...I can't resist this!

Anonymous said...

Just added my bundle to view on my blog, will be fun to watch how it and others change. Thanks, Terry

The Artful Eye said...

Hi Seth,
I'm in. I just posted my disintegration piece, this will be fun. Thank you for the inspiration and kind words.

RosieK said...

Hi Seth - I'm in with this if it's not too late - I've been disintegrating 16mm film outside for some time now - not sure how i'm going to blog it - will need to record a projection of it I guess - it will give an idea anyway !

John M. Mora said...

Your wortk, as always, is intriguing and this one is stunningly beautiful.

Cannot wait tosee what happens - saw Andrea's creation blowing in the wind...

I am going to take a digital pic and hold it near a magnet!

if I had a hammer...

Kristen Robinson said...

Here is my link finally....I am so in love with this idea Seth thank you so much for this intriguing adventure.

Kristen Robinson said...

Forgot the link

Dymphie said...

Couldn't resist:

thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

This is great!! here is mine:
Warm regards Hermine

Paulien said...

I Like this great idea!
This afternoon, I put my Desintegration project in the garden, i'ts badly raining here in Holland, so let's go for it!

Bad Cat Studios said...

I'm in! Just posted my piece!

donna joy said...

OK-better late than never, i've joined in too-first date of photo was march 1~

Marion said...

Can I still be in?
One month of cold, windy, rainy, dutch wheather will do the trick.

Anonymous said...
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