Monday, January 26, 2009

Viewer's Choice

Do You See What I See?

Artist David Castle is currently hosting quite an interesting project called Views from Elsewhere on his blog. In lieu of going on a vacation, he is bringing the vacation home. He has asked artists to send him a photograph of the view from their studio window or door. I love seeing studio spaces and think it is equally interesting to see just what is in the "viewfinder" of artists outside their working space. I imagine that the "window out" actually provides a "window in" to the artist's identity. David has spotlighted my window in a recent blog post. Click here for a birds eye view and see below for one more shot. And while you are on his blog and/or his website, take a look around to see his unique and beautiful abstract watercolors, often inspired by nature.


Candace said...

What a great idea, this "staycation". Thanks for telling us about it, Seth.

Chris said...

Oh, I'm in. Great idea. And the view out your studio is so cool!

Jeane Myers said...

your view is amamzing!

Anonymous said...

Wow - Seth, what a view. Not being a "city girl" I cannot imagine living with that view. It is quite stunning.

Shayla said...

Loved your view!

Anonymous said...

Great view - you must live on one of the top floors!!!

~*~Patty S said...

Breathtaking Seth = WOW
I have noticed how extra colorful the winter skies seem to be, you captured a beauty!

Gillian McMurray said...

What a fabulous view. It's so colourful - and is that a garden on top of one of the buildings? I always imagine New York to be grey buildings towering ever upwards but these photos prove me wrong.

Barb Smith said...

OMG, Seth...THIS is your view? How gorgeous and what a lucky artist you are with this view for inspiration.

Mine is different, looking out over the trees and hills, but beauty of it's own. Now I just have to photograph it.

Peace & Love,
♥ Barb ♥

ART*ticulation said...

Wow what an awesome view, it must be very inspiring. I have posted photos on my blog of my view out my studio window. It's not as amazing as yours Seth's but I'll take it:>)

Rita Vindedzis said...

I am envious of your view!! Also of Jill's. She mentioned that she sees the Hudson from her studio window. Can you tell, I LOVE New York!!

Karen Cole said...

There are SO MANY wonderful artistic sharing opportunities. How I wish I could take part in every one. Unfortunately I can't, but I feel a whole lot better about all of this energy around me.

Great view,

3rdEyeMuse said...

you've got one fantastic view and it's pretty cool to get the day and night versions, too. :)

I don't think outside my window is all that interesting ... though I admit it's pretty cool to see what other people look out over/at.

mansuetude said...

that looks so nice--love that red building, its almost strange to see it.

lynne h said...

whoa, seth! that's some view!!

Umā said...

if i could see that view from my window i would never leave the studio!

Anonymous said...

I just dropped into Davids Blog and caught a glimpse of your FANTASTIC city view. I was going to submit a shot of my studio window view, but after seeing yours, all I could think about mine was :
"...welcome to the Gulag..."
If they give prizes for this stuff, I'm betting on YOU. I'll take you out for coffee if I win.

Cyn said...

You've been awarded the Butterfly Blog Award! You can come to my blog to pick up your Butterfly!

eb said...

love this idea - looking out of my window here I see lots of white dusting down and drifting up - I see a Buddha with a snow cap and cloak...
ok - 3 shots later... not nearly as lofty as chez vous - but peaceful being here and now

xox - eb.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

I enjoy the feeling of expanse I get from your view. I am sure it is inspiring.

Margaret said...

Cool outlook, amazing sky, what an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I'd be staring out your window all day, Seth. There's so much to see! And the lights at night must be amazing.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! What a view YOU have!

Joy Logan said...

If I had your view I would get nothing done! I can daydream really easy.