Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Your Blog, Your Way: Part 3

Head on over to Create Mixed Media to read the third post in my series Your Blog, Your Way. YBYW is designed to help you create a blog that is both authentic to you and visited often by others. In this month's post, you will be introduced to the first two of the 10 Cs of Blogging: Consistency and Continuity. More survey results are revealed as well. And speaking of Cs...feel free to Comment here or on CMM and let me know what  you think of the posts so far and if there are any specific aspects of blogging you want to see addressed.

Three new survey questions have been added to the sidebar of my blog. Please head over and make your opinion known. Results will appear in a future Your Blog, Your Way post on Create Mixed Media.


Anonymous said...

off to read your newest post on create mixed media now and have just voted. thank you for the great questions!

Mary K. McGraw said...

Another reason not listed in your survey in why I do not post is that I just have nothing to say, which is often the case.

Anonymous said...

Great tips and stats you're sharing on the create mixed media site.

Supria Karmakar said...

Sometimes I don't comment if it is a combination of these things...so if there was a category on the survey "combination" I would have checked that off...sometimes the post doesn't interest me, or I feel I don't know what more I could say to what has already been commented by others, etc.
thanks for the survey and for your consistency and continuity.....

Jill Zaheer said...

Great article Seth. Super points throughout your two Cs discussed. So much "blog" for thought! Thanks for continuing this series. Now- time to see Robyn Gordon's blog!

Karen M said...

I have to agree with some of your other commenters. I don't comment if I don't have anything of value to add to the conversation.

Elis Cooke said...

Hi Seth
I am looking forward to seeing more of these 'c's. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the surveys- things to consider!

Liz-Anna said...

Either I don't have anything in particular to add or the post didn't stimulate a response in me or sometimes I just doing a quick skim of posts before heading off to work and I don't have the time.

Parabolic Muse said...

Just printed out your article to read, and I'm voting now!

You are fun to try to keep up with!