Friday, February 15, 2013

My Library

I just reorganized my work bench -- the bench under the large window in my studio that I have always used to display finished art and works in progress. I decided to switch things around and now it is filled with a selection of my handmade books, including artist books, travel journals, workshop samples, and collaborative projects. 

I am also reorganizing my blog and have added another tab [ARTIST BOOKS] to the space just below my banner. This will take you to a new post that highlights, page-by-page, some of my own, handmade books.


Katalina Jewelry said...

Great idea to add the artist book page. It's so handy to just click on it and see so many of your book creations at once. I admire your work. Each page was so stunning and interesting that I found myself drawn in to soak up all the detail. Thanks for sharing your ideas and creations!

Unknown said...

Love seeing all your work displayed there. and your books are SO inspiring. thank you for putting them in one place!

queenb2u said...

Geez, Seth, do you ever sleep? Nice to see everything in one spot. I love being able to look at the books page by page. Thanks. Beth

Roberta Warshaw said...

These are lovely Seth. I especially love all the variety of bindings. It is always a challenge to think beyond the usual binding methods. The simple wire bindings are great (not the spiral ones but the actual wire with the grommets). Those are quite unusual!

Karenliz Henderson said...

WOW I love all your books. I can look at them a 100 time and still find something I didn't see the first time. Beth's question about sleep is a good one. Do you sleep?

Leslie said...

I love artist books. But, you probably know that! I'm going to check out that tab. They are very inviting!

Elizabeth said...

Organization is always good.....
very theraputic and liberating.
I'm so looking forward to making a book with you!
happy weekend.

amy of studio four corners said...

that is one impressive display!

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

Hi Seth...
I just purchased your new mixed media artist book!
I've shared it with my ART students and I have loaned it out to one! I LOVE IT!
I'd like it if you can visit my art BLOG at:
Thanks so much!

ellen said...

love it, Seth!

Carol said...

Seth, the books look stunning displayed like that. A real treasure trove!

The Creative Beast said...

Congratulations on making the change to highlight and honor your work in your studio space Seth! I've been working on doing this all over my home, to place the things I love and value in clear view and it is making my space much nicer to be in =-) I also love your idea to highlight your own books here on your blog - its an inspiring idea I may try myself!

Jo Murray said...

How I lust to handle that stash of gorgeous creativity. You are so organised!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I think it is wonderful that you enjoy your books by displaying them. I think we sometimes get as much inspiration from our own work as we do from looking at other people's work. Of course we all need change etc. but hey we like what we did or we wouldn't have done it. :) Thanks for sharing because you are truly an inspiration.

Svetlana said...

Impressive and inspirational display, Seth!

trish quilty said...

Just perfect. loved perusing your artful handmade books!
I am laughing at queenb2u's comment about if you sleep???

ArtPropelled said...

Great idea. I enjoyed zooming in to study the grunginess, the layers, rough edges, the texture ..... and I loved Billboard.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea, page by page, stunning work Seth, seeing just the covers of these books takes my breath away.

Darlene K Campbell said...

See I'm right you are a neat freak. (I love things organized like this, too.) This display is lovely.
Going to check out your artist book tab.

Beverley said...

Fabulous!!!...I love it.

Edie said...
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Edie said...

Awesome addition, Seth. Great content! Thanks for all the inspiration. :)

Christine Eastwood Art said...

This is just wonderful. I love the what you're doing -- it's very inspiring and I often want to reach out and try and to feel them through the screen. Really like the look of your new site. Congrats!

CERULEAN said...

Great library Seth. For sure "A travel to a state of happiness"!

rivergardenstudio said...

I love seeing all your books here together on your bench.. How beautiful they are Seth!

Anonymous said...

Luscious! all these rich and wonderful books! would be so much fun to pick up each one and savor it!

Kimberly Jones said...

That is a stunning collection of handmade books! They look amazing en masse. I will be sure to check out the artist book page and see more details of your pages. I'm very inspired by your work!

Beth Rommel said...

What inspiration to see this treasure trove of pieces. Thank you for the energy boost:)