Thursday, July 9, 2009

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure - a call for collaborative participants!

I think it is reasonable to say that I am a blog junkie. As more time passes, I spend more and more (and more) time on art blogs. I love the interactive nature, inspiration, and immediacy that blogs provide. However, the limited time that I have means that I have been unable to fully explore the blogs that I love. There are usually many, many posts that I have never seen that were put up before I discovered a new blog. I just don't have time to go post by post from beginning to end in order to see all that is available.

So...Buried Treasure is about digging deep to uncover some hidden gems. The premise is simple. On Thursday July 16 all participating bloggers will re-post one (or more) of their favorite posts from their blog. As you might already know, I don't like too many rules when it comes to art and art collaboratives. So anything goes. Please leave a comment on this post or email me if you would like to participate. Just try and let me know by Tuesday July 14. On July 16, I will post a list of all participating artists so that you can be sure to find all the Buried Treasure. Feel free to let your own readers know about this project by spotlighting it on a post prior to reveal day. Happy hunting!


Debrina said...

Sounds great! Count me in, Seth. (Ok, I'm first to leave a comment again...does this mean I'm a bonafide groupie finally?)

Anonymous said...

i don't believe you could come up with anything i WOULDN'T want to participate in. count me totally in, my friend. see you on the 16! :)

notmassproduced said...

yay! I think even I can manage that!

Brian K said...

This sounds awesome Seth! Count me in!

Rosemoo said...

I LOVE this idea! Hear hear! Count me in! :D

lyle said...

count us in. lyle and toni . its a disease isnt it!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Good idea Seth. I’m game.

Sarah said...

great idea Seth, looking forward to treasure hunting with you :)

MrCachet said...


I came here from Mary Green, whom I found through Marty Weil. Count me in!

Julie Prichard said...


Unknown said...

This sounds Great!!

3rdEyeMuse said...

mhmm ... I'll play. :)

magpie said...

awww, i thought i'd get to, y'know, like, BURY something!

count me in nonetheless.

Chris said...

I'm there, baby!

Kim Mailhot said...

Seth, you are brilliant ! It will be awesome to re-visit past wonderful posts and also to see what post are among the favorites of the artists themselves.
Please count me in on the fun !

Jeannine said...

Seth: Please count me in. Such a great idea! :)

sf said...

um, me too...

Anonymous said...

another great idea! but yikes...picking one. I'll start thinking and will pass along the word.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Shall have to think about this Seth - am not sure I have a favourite blog - interestingly I think the 16th July was the day of my first ever blog!

Diane said...

Seth! What a GrEAt idea =) I miss so many wonderful reads...I just don't have the time to visit all the blogs I'd like to each day. I want to be a part of this great plan of yours! Bravo, my friend!!

Gillian McMurray said...

I'm up for this one. The only problem is how I'm meant to decide.

Umā said...

Great idea, I'm in!

Anonova said...

This sounds like it's going to be so fun! I'd love to participate, and can't wait to see everyone's picks.

Nikki Lee Anne Ghilain said...

I am "digging" this Seth!

Priti Lisa said...

Seth, I want and need to do this! My blog is so new that I guess it won't be as hard as everything else so I am going to try. Thank you for the oppurtunity, Lisa

Jill said...

You can call yourself a blog junkie, but I'd say you're a little more of a "Blog Connoisseur!"
Love to participate in your latest treasure trove! You think of the most creative and clever collaborative projects for everyone to participate and share in with one another.

Kelly Jeanette Swift said...

Sure, count me in. I would love to do this.

femminismo said...

Yo! I'm in. - Jeanne

Poetic Artist said...

I think I can do this..I am going to say yes..

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

As usual you know how to get the juices flowing so I am in...I will put it up probably on the 14th because I will be visiting my 89 year old mother in law. Imagine and live in Peace, Mary helen Fernandez Stewart

Nettie Edwards said...

Great idea Seth. for a moment, i thought you were going to get us digging up our gardens!!!

Mick said...

Yes! I'll get the shovel from the shed and unearth something for this project.

Evangeline said...

My blog is so new, there won't be much digging required...but I know I will be here reading, so I'd like to play too. :)

Dale said...

you really do have such lovely ideas for collaborations and challenges. I'm in for this. Can't wait to see what everyone puts up!

Mary Green said...

ok - count me in

Jo Reimer said...

I'm in.

Erin Perry said...

Count me in - sounds like fun. I agree, there's so much wonderful stuff out there - it's easy to miss some of the best.
Erin in Morro Bay

Kerin said...

You continually amaze me with your wondrous ideas and here is yet another! This will be so fun to explore all the posts and I definitely want to be a part of it.

How funny it is that Alicia, Debrina and I all commented one after the other being as we're all friends.

Marilyn Grad said...

Absolutely brilliant.I love this idea!! I'm in too!!!

Unknown said...

Cool Idea. I'll do it. Also I was going to ask you some advice on NYC...our trip is coming up in 3 weeks. We want some good food, art, and local flavor. email me at and I'll reply with some things we are looking to do and see....that is if you have time. thanks Jeb

Lawendula said...

I'm in!
Wonderful idea! :)

Margaret said...

cool idea Seth! I'm in! M

ArtPropelled said...

You have the coolest ideas Seth. I'm in!

ELK said...

i would really enjoy participating on the 16th...thanks for the invitation Seth....elk

Unknown said...

sound delightful. count me in.

girlgonethreadwild said...

ok, THIS is easy! Count me in also Seth, thank you for a REASON to blog (heh).

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I hope you don't mind. I snagged your lovely "buried treasure" image for my "Silent Sunday" post tomorrow. You say it better than anyone, so I hope this directs people to your awesome blog for the dates and such.

You know I'll play. I am already thinking about what my favorite post was. Thanks again for coming up with a collaborative project that already seems to have many participants.

*jean* said...

how fun are you, mr. seth!!! i'm in! although i must admit, i'm with magpie, i thought i'd get to bury something (dang!)

Kim Palmer said...

Woohoo, more blog cruisin, I'm There!

Anonymous said...

You have the best colabs hands down! I get so many great blog references just reading your comments as well. Gina

Mary S. Hunt said...

i really find every one ELSE'S artwork a lot more interesting than my own
i am sure i can find something in the mix that might be intersting

jennifer lorton said...

What a great idea, please count me in. I'm also addicted to blogs, and I can't wait to see what everybody presents. Sounds fun.

Quill and Greyson said...

Hi Seth, I just heard about your blog from my Sister Jennifer Lorton. I think I'll take a look around here. I love your idea.

I blog as my cat (I know it sounds odd), can I join in too?

Elemeno P said...

Looking forward to it!

ArtPropelled said...

Seth, I hate to be dense but how do I repost?

Curio said...

What an inspired idea! It will provide a great opportunity to see other blogs that perhaps we haven>t come across. I'm in as well!

Bea said...

Absolutely, I'm playing. :)Bea

Lost Aussie said...

Yep, you can count me in too!

Lani Gerity said...

Yes please! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Seth, count me in!

Dawn Wilson said...

I want to play....
count me in

Marilyn Fenn said...

Count me in!

Don Madden said...

As if I could say no to you. No. No. Well, ok, maybe. Maybe. Sort of. All right, yes. YES! (my blog wrangler is muttering at me. you don't want to know what she's saying.)

spread your wings said...

i'd like to participate if I had a connection while out of town. heard about it through ELK.

Patti Edmon Artist said...

I've been a fan of your blog for quite a while - it's no buried treasure!
I wold like to participate, though, so I'll start digging! I see lots of friends in the column on the left - how fun.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic idea Seth. I'm in.

jaihn said...

I'd like to participate.
Thanks again for doing what you do, Seth. xxx

rivergardenstudio said...

Another great idea... count me in too! Roxanne

KV Creative Designs said...

Oh this sounds Fun!!! Count me in Please!!! Thank you!

Artful Blessings,

sue pieper said...

Hope I'm not too late, I'd love to join in on this. Now to go find some buried treasure on my blog!

WrightStuff said...

Yes please. Sounds like a great way to find some treasure!

deb said...

OK I think I can manage to relink to an old page... soooooo tired, is summer over yet??

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

I'm in with a grin:P Thanks Seth, I can't resists a collaborative call!

Kelly Snelling said...

sounds like a good plan. count me in, please.

~*~Magpie's Nest said...

another brilliant idea Seth!
picking just one or two will be a fun challenge :) I'm in!

John M. Mora said...

sure, pass me the shove.l

July 16 is soon....

New homes said...

Superb idea! I’m so excited to read the most treasured articles. I’ll keep I touch.

cash advance loans said...

Hey! This would be very thrilling article hunting. I can’t wait to read the best of all the best articles posted. thanks I’ll look forward of it.

Joanna said...

I'm too late to be counted in but I'm certainly going to
look forward to tomorrow morning with a pot of coffee on and be prepared to be inspired! Yeah!
Thank you Seth....

Diane said...

I'd love to be added to your list if you are still accepting entries . . . if not, I'll have to content myself with watching!

shayndel said...

Sounds fun.
I came here thru John's blog.
Am I too late? I will post something anyway for the fun of it.

Found in Japan

Ginny Gaskill said...

Seth, I am late as usual but I would like to play if possible.

Laura J. Wellner (author pseudonym Laura J. W. Ryan) said...

I'm a little late as well...but I did dig up a piece of treasure...there are too many to chose from!

MrCachet said...

Let the digging begin!

jennifer lorton said...

OK Seth, my buried treasure is posted. Thanks for the great idea. I can't wait to see what everyone has posted!

Deryn Mentock said...

Did it! Thank you, Seth, for such a great idea. I hope it's not too late for you to link me up!

A tired retired recluse @ said...

Awww, I wish I would have picked up on this before it was too late!! Grrrrrrrrrr..... I am enjoying the seeking tho!

Halle said...

I missed out on getting involved with your pprevious project but wasn't about to miss out on this one! Thanks for the cool idea.

Anonymous said...

Missed it :-( .. but will visit the blogs and have a peek everywhere.

Pearl Maple said...

Am enjoying your buried treasurers, while there are lots of blogs out there, find gems is a real treasure. Thanks for your recommendations.