Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What Inspires

Pat from The Weaver of Grass is hosting Inspiration Wednesday today. Paticipants are posting about what is inspiring to them. According to Pat "your inspiration can be picture or painter, poem or poet, animal or bird, book or author, teacher, relative, friend, statesman, absolutely anything that "turns you on" artistically or otherwise." Click here to be taken to the list of participants. Yes!! More blogs to visit!!

For me, inspiration comes in many forms. From objects. From experiences. From memories. From concepts. From people. From places.

I can be inspired by...





The Sea

The Sky

Nature's Wonders



New York City







Other Artists and Bloggers


Karin Bartimole said...

Hi Seth, I find your photo representations of the things that inspire you to be extremely inspirational! Just beautiful - true poetry in imagery. Thanks - I am leaving inspired.

Unknown said...

Love this set of shots, particularly mystery and graffiti. That group of artists and bloggers look like a fun bunch to hang out with.

Priti Lisa said...

You and you blog inspire me, Seth. I love this collection especially color, hope and mystery. Thank you for sharing. Peace...Lisa

Curio said...

Sometimes when I look at what you present and the inspirational ideas you put forth I am in awe...This is one of those times!

Rosemoo said...

Lovely combo of ideas and photos Seth! Thanks for sharing more fun! :D

Gillian McMurray said...

What a great list of inspirations. I can certainly identify with a few of them.

Jenn Jilks said...

Brilliant post! Thanks for visiting mine!

Diane said...

Oh, my yes! Isn't it just the best life to live? One of constant inspirations???? God surely must love us to give us such a gift.
And, you Seth....are inspiring to me =) Thank you.
p.s. love all your pictures...but especially had to chuckle at the one at the end.

MrCachet said...

LOL. I knew nothing of Inspiration Wednesday - until now! I took one look at yours and especially your last - where's the guys? No men in that shot. All women. So many questions I have, and all you title it is 'other artists and bloggers'?

That ain't an Altered Page, Seth. If it's other artists and bloggers you should have included the TimeMachine.

steven said...

hey seth - this is a gorgeous posting and a cool way to respond to the weaver's mem!! i loved the pics for rust, mystery and tecture. they reminded me that beauty isn't always one kind of perfection. nice to meet you! steven

Caterina Giglio said...

Hi Seth! your pix are gorgeous and LOL over the antique gem you used to illustrate US! wonderful sense of humor!

MrCachet said...

And just because you're humorous, I linked to you on my post this AM.

E L K said...

what a wonder filled list of inspiration and beauty~ i enjoyed my visit today ...

Umā said...


Arija said...

Absolutely, it one sees, feels or hears, one is open for inspiration!

Unknown said...

Hello Seth,

Just visiting via Weaver. Your own bundle meme obviously inspired a lot of people too. Your selection here is very colourful and shows the huge range of things that can inspire, if we look.

Chris said...

I love this. Your photos, of course, are stunning. That green canyon, what is that? I will visit the link, because lately I have been butting up against only a million blogs per week, and I need more! More! MORE!!! Bwaaahahahahaaaa!!

you inspire me, but I won't tell her that. I mean, how many times do people have to hear that, really?

Jane Moxey said...

This was such a cool way to interpret Weaver's meme theme! Thanks for the wonderful photographs which I enjoyed looking at so much. An excellent reminder to keep one's one's eyes wide open and a camera handy.

Bea said...

Well, heck Seth after your wonderful post I'll just say, what he said and all his picture too. lol
Wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all those inspirations and each time I nodded my head and said, YUP! :)Bea

Golden West said...

A visual treat - thanks!

magpie said...

delightful post

Dianne said...

I love this collection of photos!!

the last one made me laugh

I love rust - it's a bit like nature's painter

so many wonderful images!!

3rdEyeMuse said...

beautiful bits of inspiration there, Seth ... and fantastic photo's to illustrate each. Thank you.

notmassproduced said...

i knew rust would be in there somewhere! a great list - so much to explore from those starting points

The Weaver of Grass said...

Yours is the only total photographic inspirations Seth - and it really does you justice. I love the photographs and I also love the words you have chosen to go with the illustrations. It is obvious from your art work that you are truly inspired.
Thank you so much for taking part and for providing us all with such an interesting read.

Lost Aussie said...

Great images for inspiration, thanks for sharing Seth!

Sara said...

Inspirational images! Nature's Wonders is my favourite.

Caroline Gill said...

A truly wonderful and inspirational collection. What a lot of lofty thoughts and images will filter through our subconscious minds as we prepare for the DisCo revelation! Glad you enjoyed 'my' poem...

Rachel Fox said...

Gorgeous choices and photos. Thanks for the views.

Lynn Cohen said...

wonderful photo display....

Anonymous said...

I am stuck in the office today...thank goodness for all this wonderful inspiration...

Linda and Michelle said...

I've just started following you, and today's pictures are fabulous! I am thinking of taking a word and small pieces of fabric and see what I can come up with. I look forward to more of your work.

Don Madden said...

YOU inspire me.

Kelly Jeanette Swift said...

Love the photos, Seth! You always have such nice ones. And it's cool to see where your inspirations come from.

deb said...

Rust & the sea, mystery, perfectly wonderful

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Talk about inspiration! Your photos are inspiring to me. I guess I'd have to put your blog first on my list of "what inspires" me. Truly wonderful representation of your thoughts.

Now that my bottom is permanently glued to this computer chair, I'll see you tomorrow and the 1st for my two disintegration projects. Can't do just one day, since you really inspired me with the disintegration collaboration.

azirca said...

Great post Seth.
I'm still getting through your posts full of links from the Buried Treasure and the Studio Tour, lots of inspiration and new blogs to explore.

viv said...

great photography seth, you never stop amazing me :)

Carmen said...

Breathtaking list and imagery.

steph said...

as always-i love your thought process:-)

Marilyn said...

What a marvelous post, Seth. You said it all and with pics!!! You are an inspiration to me.

BT said...

What a super post Seth, but what else would I expect from you. Fabulous photos and fantastic choices. I can't wait for Saturday!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

The simplicity shot just makes me pause and breathe. A fabulous post Seth. Do you have fun or what?!

Terry said...

Another incredible post - your images are breathtaking and I loved the way they unfolded as I scrolled down. By the end I felt like I was filled to the brim....

Anonymous said...

what a lovely post! i missed it because it was 105 that day and i had to hide in the one, tiny room we have with AC. :) so nice to catch up -- love all of your wonderful photos and inspirational representations.

rivergardenstudio said...

Very moving post, like a poem. I love the way each photograph glides into the next... like one idea growing from another. And how together they make up you. Roxanne

Flor Larios Art said...

Wow! I love the photos of Hope and Color!