I want to thank everybody who was a part of Buried Treasure: both the bloggers who re-posted their personal favorites and all those art lovers who continue to log on, link in, and leave comments.
The feedback I received so far has been so positive. The first group I heard from were blog readers who enjoyed both being introduced to new artists and seeing previously missed posts from their favorite bloggers. The second group I heard from were participating bloggers, many of whom found this process to be unexpectedly insightful and memorable. Many artists, including myself, said that the process of looking through their older posts helped them to recognize distinct changes in their artistic style, direction, and maturity. The third group I heard from were bloggers who had missed the original call for collaborative participants. They were not as happy. But to these people and to all others I say...
DIG DEEPER! I have decided to extend this collaboration for one more round. On Thursday July 23, there will be one more opportunity for you to re-post a favorite blog post as part of the Buried Treasure collaboration. Everybody is welcome to participate -- those who missed the first go round and those who have already re-posted but have just one more post they want to highlight. Please leave a comment on this post or email me by Tuesday July 21 if you would like to participate. Then on July 23, I will post a list of all participating artists and their links. Hope to see as many collaborators as possible!!
I think you now can say "Unearthed treasures". Such a super experience to meet and greet with so many talented artists and see so many different sides of their art life. Your collaboration is such a treasure unto itself and you continue to be so generous to all- definitely blogland's very own "treasured gift" - so unending thanks!
Hey, Seth!
I am so glad that you are doing this again! Count me in for round two. Also, I have a new blog home:
RM :)
I just began my dig and I do not want to leave. I have never loved art, being an artist, blogging and right-brained individuals more than I do at this moment. Thank you, Seth, for your genius in putting it out there and putting it together, and for all of us to participate, read, share, and learn. Excuse me now while I go back to digging and clicking. I'm in heaven.
Maybe I can be on time this time!
I am having so much fun digging around other blogs....I am even missing a concert with the hubby....Aerosmith and ZZ....oh well...at least I will be able to hear tomorrow. Thanks Seth for allowing me to play!
I've barely scratched the treasures surface (dang life and it's daily interuptions!) ... am finally back for some more hunting ... weee!
ps - count me back in, too!
I am so impressed with the activity that resulted from the original call Seth. I met more art bloggers and feel so pleased to have done so. I'm in for round two. The comment I read the most? How amazing YOU are Seth, to have brought artists together in this way. Sincere thanks Seth, for all you do for the blogging community. Way to go!
Count me in =)
absolutely ...again! what can be better than seconds
i have met a LOT of new people..
i am enjoying so much the meet and greet part
as well as the art that has gotten dug up...(i hope i was gramatically correct)
i am but half way through...it takes me awhile because i don't stop with the dug up post i dig deeper...ooohhh the treasures are even prettier!~
thank you seth
i would love to participate, seth! I so enjoyed visiting the first time around!
Have had so much fun with the first round I'll play again too. I am sooo going to need butt therapy after this one though!!! LOL
woohoo...I'll get my spade!
Thanks Seth, for a wonderful experience. I will be in next time too.
You can count me in again Seth. Thanks again for thinking of this. It has been an eye opener in many respects.
Count.Me.In. Despite the sore butt and time spent with my eye glued to the monitor instead of to my art work, I had way too much fun discovering TREASURE of the Eye-Candy variety!
You can count me in again, this has been great, and I'm not even close to having gone through the first round!
Thanks for doing this again-it was a brilliant idea!
I would love to participate again! It was great seeing my mental state from right before I jumped into changing jobs and getting married. I'm looking forward to looking into my blog and others again! :D
In for a penny, in for a pound! I look forward to participating again next week.
I can't believe I missed the first round! I've been a bit buried with art related work and this totally escaped me. I will definitely participate for this round. Truly inspirational!
I wanna play! ;)
It will be great fun to see everyone's fave!
hi Seth,
I don't keep up as well as I would like with all my feed-subscriptions and groups, so leaving this comment makes me a newcomer participant. I think this is a really great idea and am glad you're repeating it. I'll post my "buried treasure" later today. My blog address is:
Thanks for this opportunity for all of us to share, explore and learn!
Hi Seth. I am a new visitor and have to say, I am so impressed. You have so much influence! After being away awhile and working to catch up on everyone's blogs the last two days, I have seen your project in the works everywhere it seems! You have quite a following and I think I'd like to walk in the same direction. So, I'll repost, as much as it scares me, an old post on the 23rd. And just as importantly, I look forward to following your blog and brilliant ideas!
Oh wow! More of this . . . OK!!! I'm having so much fun with this already and I'd love to see more blogs. Even though I posted three treasures I did think of another one so hey why not-- I will dig deeper! Thanks for the extra helping of fun and inspiration. : )
Hey Seth,
I want to play this round! Going through the first was definitely addictive. So much talent out there & your bringing it all together is more than inspiring...it's a true gift to all of us.
I'll happily go again. I enjoyed the process of reflection, and I enjoyed recreating, but as I thought about it some more there were some things that I was sorry that I hadn't included, so I'd be happy to do it all again. Thank you.
This was such a great idea. I have really ejoyed looking at everybody else's buried treasure, there is so much wonderful stuff out there. Thanks everybody for sharing.
I'm in for the 2nd round! Here's a link to today's post- with a link to the "unearthed" post!!
I have enjoyed watching your previous collaborative projects very much and I'd like to take the plunge myself, and join in with this one... please?
It's really exciting, seeing so many talented artists' posts - can't wait! =)
Thanks for doing this! I'm in for another search through my blog. I'm having a great time visiting blogs that are new to me.
Oooo that's great Seth, please count me for for round two, I just happen to have another blog post in mind!
This has been a very nice way to visit lots of new blogs...thank you!
Oh, yes please Seth!
The first round was such a delight I wouldn't miss round two for anything!
Thanks for another chance. This time I will try for earlier in the day. - Jeanne
Seth, this is so much fun ! It was great discovering treasures new and old through this process. It was also wonderful to be discovered by some new readers too.
Count me in for round two - I already have a post in mind !
Thanks for all you do, Artist Man !
Would you please include me again in round 2? I'm psyched and all prepared... technically speaking.
I want to "unearth" one of my treasures. I love it that you are doing another round for those of us who missed the first round. Thank you Seth!
And, I loved visiting the blogs posted first round! Thanks all you inspiring artists!
I want to "unearth" one of my treasures. I love it that you are doing another round for those of us who missed the first round. Thank you Seth!
And, I loved visiting the blogs posted first round! Thanks all you inspiring artists!
Count me in for round two, also, please. Although I still haven't made it to all the original collaborators, I plan to do so before the end of the week. This will give me an added number of players' blogs to view and make friends with. I already have my post ready for Thursday.
I'd love to participate! Better late than never as they say.
What a sensational blog
iLOVE it!
I'm a newbie, only 2 months blogging, and not what you call an artiste per se..but i did enjoy the buried treasure posts of some of my already faves and made some new firends too! And I do have a poem I hope will qualify me to dig :) so count me in on Thursday!
Hi Seth, This is a great idea, and thanks ! Here is my blog page
We all appreciate this!
I'll be there, Seth!
Also, your article for Pasticcio 7 looks fab - as does your art. Thanks again for EVERYTHING.
Please add me to the growing list of those wanting to Dig Deeper. Thank you so much for the second chance.
What a fun project! I will be posting much buried treasure on July 23rd. http://www.collagecontessa.blogspot.com
count me in Seth!
yay Seth!
count me in for round 2
such fun!
xox - eb.
Dear Seth, I am just beginning to excavate the beauty of these artists and their words cloak me with new energies as I share the feast. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Missed out on round one but definitely ready for round two...Michelle at www.lostcoastpost.blogspot.com
Hi Seth, count me in :) it's an interesting time to look back - that will be 2 days before my one year anniversary of my journal blogging! thanks for the opportunity, Karin
once was enough for me but i'll be back to check out what happens anyway!! such fun ideas, seth!
Yes, count me in. I have found so many new blogs and wonderful people this last time. It was a lot of fun. I'm still doing the BT tour. Thanks for doing this for us, Seth.
Oh, well, here I am again! While my "disintegration project" is still hanging outside, I got a link again to this post of yours... I just wrote my #100 post and it would be fun going back on the 23rd, so count me in!!!
I am still diggin and reposting...I LOVE THIS!
Hi Seth
I missed the first round and would love to be in on the second chance. I enjoyed the browsing and meeting
such a creative and inspiring group of people.
Thanks Seth!
I'll give it another run.
Gosh Seth this is so popular and a wonderful idea! Just found it in time - my buried treasure can be found at
Thanks you are inspiring!
splendid notion, thank you..
here's one of mine unearthed from the compost pile...
[paste as one line...]
Wouldn't miss it. Count me in again.
This has been fun. I have barely scratched the surface of the blogs I'd like to take a look at. Time, where is the time?
But thanks for doing this, Seth. I have definitely found "treasures" in other people's work that are inspiring me.
Thanks for digging deeper. I've found some interesting blogs and bloggers out there by looking for hidden treasures. :)Bea
seth thanks for the reminder...it had slipped my mind...so I will post a buried treasure on my other blog "Table by a Window" it is a year long project ...blessings elk
I stop by at least 4 times a week to visit more links...The inspiration is phenomenal and I am SO sorry that I had no time for artistic inclination / exploration when I lived in NJ... Thank you for making this outreach and exploration possible! Gina
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