Wednesday, December 31, 2008

As Night Falls...

As night falls on 2008...

I remember the positives...

and the negatives...

the highs...

and the lows...

the moments of contemplation...

and moments of pain...

feeling calm...

and feeling alive...

climbing to new heights...

and being heard...

taking a chance...

and realizing the sky is the limit...

and throughout it all...

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and creative 2009. May every dream come true!


Barb Smith said...

I couldn't have said it better. A beautiful post that reflects the thoughts and sentiments of many of us.
Happy New Year!
Peace & Love,

Carmen said...

Happy New Year Seth! Wishing you all the best for 2009 and beyond!



Unknown said...

Wonderful. I love this!! Thanks for inspiration. Happy new year. Ax

lklight said...

Beautiful post Seth, happy new year.

ps pirro said...

Thanks for adding so much artfulness to the year. Your generosity and creativity have been a gift to all of us. Best to you in 2009.


MB Shaw said...

Great photos, beautifully done!
Happy happy in 2009! Wishing you many smiles and lots of great art (of course).

Val Foster said...

What a beautiful and visual anthology to real life, Seth. It says it all, and ends up with ART. How could it be otherwise?

Your art and your blog have been so inspiring to so many people. Thanks for the gift and for your generosity and good humor. We love you Seth.

Have a blessed and wonderful New Year.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year, Seth---bigger and better and even more creative in 2009!

Gwen said...

Beautiful photo tribute to the year, and well written, too!

Lynn Cohen said...

What a wonderful way to show us your year! Delightful to see.
Thanks and wishing you a happy new year as well.

I took you up on your advice and tried some sketches. I am not bragging about them just telling that I took that risk...;-) Thanks for your encourgement and inspiration.

Judy Wise said...

Excellent, well done!

Happy New Year Seth.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly put!! The year in pictures....

Here's to a fantastic 2009!!

Happy New Year Seth!!

moi said...

This is an awesome tribute to wrap up the year. Fantastic photography which is very well thought out. All the best to you Seth. I hope 2009 is a bountiful year filled with artful adventures.

Angela Wales Rockett said...

Cool post, Seth!

Happy New Year to you too!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Perfect post! Happy New Year Seth.

Chris said...

Happy Happy, to the Sethster! Great photos as usual, and what perspective! What are you doing? I'm probably sleeping by around 9. but it will be midnight your time!!

Thanks for a year of wisdom and beauty, and I look forward to another one!

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

happy new year!!

3rdEyeMuse said...


thank you & the very same back at you!

ArtPropelled said...

Happy New Year Seth! Thanks for all the inspiration. You're a star!

lynne h said...

beautiful, seth! happy new year!

Karin Bartimole said...

Happy New Year Seth - wonderful imagery to share as you look back at your year. Poetic and pure.
may your new year be one of wonder and wellness,

Judy said...

How very cool Seth.
That is not you clibming is it???
All the very best to you for 2009, see you kinda soon.

Kelly Jeanette Swift said...

Happy New Year! What a wonderful way to remember 2008. Hope you have a even better 2009, Seth. Much creativity and peace to you.

Kim Mailhot said...

What a beautiful and scenic tribute to the year we leave behind ! May the New Year treat you to even more of life's treasures and adventures!

Unknown said...

Beautifully presented! Happy New Year to you!!!

rivergardenstudio said...

I wish you a wonderful year of ART, happiness and adventure, Seth! What a great post, Roxanne

Shelly said...

Well said and great visuals.
All the best to you and your loved ones for 2009!!

Anonymous said...

wishing you the very best in this new and very hopeful year - and thank you ever so much for BEing a most wonderful hub...

at the center of wonderful things

xox - eb.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you, too, Seth! Such a good post, saying goodbye to 2008 and welcoming in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Great post. All the best for the new year!

Gaby Bee said...

A really perfect post!
Happy New Year! I hope all your wishes come true for you and your loved ones.
Gaby xo

Anonymous said...

Seth, You have a new reader, thank you so much for sharing! Julie

Anonymous said...

Such a clever and beautiful way to commemorate the end of the year.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful post, seth! happy 2009!

mansuetude said...

that top image is the Gold, the alchemist within you, always purifying. Thanks for doing what you do, and May all dreams come true, all good ones!

happy new year Seth!

Anonymous said...

oooh, fantastic photo remembrance of 2008!

Anonymous said...

Seth-That was breathtaking, ingenious, and very kind--just like YOU.

P.S. I'm w/Judy-WAS that you climbing? Nah, right?


P.S.S. To all who was so very loving and haven't heard from me as of yet-I'm still going through each pkg. and cataloging it all. I promise ea. and everyone will hear from me.