Today marks the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, one of two times each year that the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator. Today the sun shines directly over the tropic of Capricorn. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year. For me it represents a sense of change and renewal. And I know that as the days slowly get longer, the sun will begin to linger and the darkness of night arrives later and later.
Wanting to celebrate the occasion, I have made five small artworks inspired by the solstice.

Ingredients: watercolor paper, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, dye ink, calligraphy ink, dry transfer, altered paper, found paper, found metal objects, wire, eyelets. sizes range from 3 3/4" x 2 1/2" to 4 1/4" x 3 3/4". click images to enlarge.
Available for purchase in
The Altered Page on Etsy.
All pieces sold. thank you!
I absolutely adore these!!!!!
These are gorgeous! I love art with found items and yours rock.
May your Solstice be beautiful and joyous!
Peace & Love,
Must... touch...
So wonderful, Seth. I love them.
These are absolutely adorable. Fabulous texture. I love to work with found objects also.
Gaby xo
I love these Seth. They are awesome. Especially love the found objects. And of course the textures.
And I see you've been doing well on ETSY. Congrats on that, I'm happy for your success there.
These are beautiful!! I sooooooo love your art!!
Powerful, elemental, haunting......
Seth - a lovely series to celebrate the solstice.
For me the winter is over now! Thanks for your Blog - I discovered it today
A beautiful series, apt to the season, I think.
The first and the last are my favourites. Love them!
WOW these are divinely them SO MUCH..
Happy Solstice to you too.
Wow Seth, these are absolutely wonderful, wish I had visited your Etsy shop before they all sold!
happy solstice, seth... these small solstice artworks are fabulous!
You're selling your art before your public sees it?:
"Okay, I'm visualizing a piece, want it?"
This is shocking: Telepathic Marketing with advanced sales! Call the Times!......(and a HUGE High Five for ETSY success).I KNEW that you were going to end up with Body Guards and a limo.
I like these a lot. Strong texture, great strength of color, and found objects with history. You have been busy in the studio!
Okay, I am really irritated.
I don't want to see another SOLD on one of your canvases when I get over here. Can you just let me know quietly, maybe comment on one of my posts from March or something, and tell me, 'by the way, Chris, once again, you've missed one of my original works.' Then I'll learn about it on the streets, like I always learn everything.
p.s. congrats! These are so good!
Hi Seth...these "Solstice" mini artworks are powerful and very symbolic!
I like the rusty additions...there is wisdom in a piece of aged, rusty metal! well, I think so anyway!
Happy Winter solstice too you...
No wonder they've all sold. They're stunning! These are my favorites of yours so far. Some of the texture even resembles lichens plus you've picked a great theme.
I especially like the second one - it really gets my mind working ... I can see a bit of a house shape, and I like the "regulated chaos" in all of these pieces.
A unique and wonderful take on the winter solstice!!!
Beautiful art Seth, I can see why they sold so quickly.
Enjoy your winter solstice while we celebrate summer
your Solstice series has moved me - the pieces are beautiful.
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