Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Solstice Sunrise

Continuing my Solstice Series, these pieces all include found metal objects. Some are also made with found papers. I decided it was time to use more of my finds rather than just watch the piles grow and grow. Inspired by the Solstice, these pieces represent to me the beauty of winter, transitions from darkness to light, and the natural evolution of time. The first three posted are available for purchase in my Etsy shop. The last three were made to complete a blog project from one year ago and will be winding their way to three people, who I hope will be happily surprised.

Ingredients: watercolor paper, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, dye ink, calligraphy ink, dry transfer, altered paper, found paper, found metal objects, wire, eyelets. sizes range from 3 31/2" x 2 1/4" to 3 3/4" x 2 3/4". click images to enlarge.

All pieces sold. Thank you!


Barb Smith said...

Oh Seth, you know how much I adore this series...the found objects and the abundance of texture are just amazing. More fabulous art from you. Superb!
Peace & Love,

Erika Tysse said...

fantastic series of work! I find it so hard to work with many different objects - you assemble them perfectly.

Thanks for visiting my blog as well! I appreciate you taking the time and commenting. Means a lot!

Gillian McMurray said...

These compliment the first ones in the series so well. Beautiful. I'm sure the recipients of the last three will be more than happy with them.

notmassproduced said...

very rusty and wintery - love the use of your stash

Chris said...

HAHA! I got one!! yay!

more, please.

Angela Wales Rockett said...

These are so beautiful! If I had gotten here a bit earlier, I would have added one to my collection.

You've also inspired me to make some small collages again.

~*~Patty S said...

Love the silvery blues and grays you've captured so beautifully in these pieces Seth! I was just noticing those colors in the landscape today. Very inspiring on many levels, I like your idea too, of using what we already have close at hand.....

3rdEyeMuse said...

I am certain the recipients will be more than happily surprised (I'm thinking more like giddily thrilled) to receive their pieces.

lovely, lovely work.

mcdc3s said...

This is really a wonderful series.
I love them.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Years to you and yours. I've missed reading your blog. ~mcdc3s/Maralena

Judy said...

Wonderful series, he sirst oner eally does it for me, i think its the contrast.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pieces...the winter white.solstice light..

Merry MERRY and Happy HAPPY!

Dawn Wilson said...

What a wonderful time of year for creativity. I love the color and found items. Simply stated for this time of year.

ArtPropelled said...

Delicious! Really delicious! Found objects and texture....a feast for the eyes!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous Seth!

xox- eb.

Jen Crossley said...

Really Beautiful Seth I love the contrasts

cookievf said...

hey seth! thanks for stopping by! this series really jumps off the screen.. I always love that BIT of color and the way you magically infuse patina/texture/layers. I hope to own an original one day!
- vicki xo